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You opened your eyes to see the campsite in front of you. David was beside you. He had waited for you to be killed. "Hey. How are you feeling?" You gave David a small smile. 'Considering things..I am pretty good." 
David shook his head at you and sighed. "Why would you care if the killer was punished?" He questioned. You opened your mouth to respond but Nea walked over with Ace trailing behind.
"What the heck was that? We could've all got out and speaking of which we didn't see you all match?!" She started angrily yelling in your direction. You rolled your eyes which only added fuel to the fire as she pushed you.
Now, You are not a violent person but David is. He tensed up slightly when he saw Nea shove you. You stumbled into David you steadied you. "So what if you didn't see me all trial? David can vouch for me. I did the first generator.. Then chilled. I knew your plan today with Ace. If I or David had been hooked you would leave us for dead." You shrugged and crossed your ars across your chest.

Ace stepped forward and stood beside Nea. He rested his hand on her shoulder. "Teamwork has gotten us killed many more times than we could count." Nea nodded in agreement. "Yeah, At least we didn't let the killer kill us. Working with the killer? You are worse than us."
"I didn't work with the killer. I just felt sorta bad that we genrushed and he had no kills. It isn't like I went around the map and pointed you all out."
"She has a good point." David agreed with you and waved his hand to inform Dwight about the tension. Dwight noticed and stopped what he was doing and jogged over. "Problem?" He mumbled to his friend. David pointed to Nea and Ace. "These two are still not working as a team."

You sighed. "Look, We have more important things to worry about. Dwight, How is Quentin?" You decided that it would be best to try change the subject. Dwight gave you a small smile as if in relief. He did not want a fight to break out. David would win and cause some injuries in the process. "He is actually awake. Would you like to come see him?"
Nea rolled her eyes. "Tell him to get some sleep. He is going to fuck up trials and waste the beds in the medical tent for peopl who really need it!"
You tensed and before you could stop yourself your hand delivered a slap to Nea's cheek. She was stunned for a moment before launching herself at you.
"Don't you dare talk about Quentin like that. You selfish bitch!" You said, Your voice not raising an inch. David went to grab Nea from getting to you but Ace stepped in front of him. "Let the idiot get what she deserves."
Dwight fiddled with his tie and moved backwards. It was to late. Nea had stepped over the line and now he would have to figure away to stop this from getting out of hand. " Guys, Stop! This is not the time." He said with worry laced in his voice. "Please?"
Nea kicked you in the shin causing you to stumbled backwards and land onto the floor. You never fought unless it was needed. You hadn't even meant  to slap her.No. You would only block her attacks and not engage. Nea  didn't hold back when aiming for you and managed to detect your block and moved past it. She hit you in the stomach causing a groan from you.

David looked past Ace's shoulder and saw what was happening. "I am not letting Nea injure them!" He yelled and his fist connected into Ace jaw. He was knocked onto the ground. David stepped over him and he grabbed Nea who had succeeded in injuring you and causing you to bleed. He threw her off of you and she stumbled backwards only to have Meg step in.

Meg had been across the camp when she heard some commotion. She glanced into the camp and jogged over. She noticed someone on the floor being pummelled and realised who it was. You and Meg ere not that close but she respected you and knew you were good at being a team player. She watched in horror as David came over to your aid and threw Nea off of you. Meg grabbed Nea in a strong grasp to stop her from attacking anyone else. She could feel the nervousness coming from her leader as he flashed her a thankful glance.

"That is enough.. Nea. You are in big trouble. You continued the fight even when Y/n was not fighting back. I will deal with you and Ace later. Get out of here." Dwight was angry. Meg had never seen him looked so pissed but it was understandable. Y/n was injured and hadn't put up a fight. "I will go get Claudette." Meg said and let go of Nea.
Nea glared at the back of Meg's head as the redhead departed from the scene. She grabbed Ace up from the floor and the two  walked of in a haste.
Claudette followed Meg behind as she was filled in of the events that had unfolded. "So, You are telling me..That they didn't fight all?" Meg nodded. "I am guessing they didn't want to hurt anyone.." She shrugged. "They are pretty banged up."
Meg wasn't wrong. You couldn't feel your face as the adrenaline had kicked in. You could feel the blood leaking from your nose and from other areas of your body. You glanced up as a shadow loomed over you. David looked down at you with a concerned look. You could hear a loud ringing in your left ear and your sight was blurred
"Claudette, Hurry- I don't think she is okay. Nea really went to town." David mumbled. Claudette appeared in your line of sight and she knelt down and began speaking to you. Everything was so muffled.
You shut your eyes and felt your body go numb. "Wake up, No open your eyes., Y/n..Y/n..Shit."

Dwight watched as Claudette examined you. She was in a hurry. It didn't take long for her and she stood up. "We gotta move her to the tent. Least Quentin will have some company."
"He still hasn't left?" Dwight asked and Claudette shook her head. "No way, Not until I say so." This caused Dwight to laugh. "Right, Makes sense"

He watched as David carried you towards the tent and set you down on the bed beside Quentin. The new arrivals caused Quentin to stir from his nap. Steve was still seated by his side but was in a deep sleep. Quentin shuffled slightly to get a better look. "What the hell happened to her?"
David ran a hand though his hair and glanced at the teenager looking at him with wide eyes. "Nea." He responded with a angry tone. "Bitch decided to attack her and Ace tried to stop me from helping."
Quentin gasped loudly causing the browned hair boy beside him wake up. "Wha- Quentin..?"  Steve rubbed his eyes with a concerned look. Quentin glanced over and nodded his head. "I am fine Stevie, It is Y/n who isn't."

Claudette began looking you over in better lighting and grabbed some banadges. She wrapped them carefully around your torso and some on your arm before leaning over to grab some other items. "Nea really wanted to do some damage. Her nose is broken but won't take long to heal here in the realm" Claudette stated with a soft sigh as she cracked it back into place. She was thankful that Y/n was passed out cold, The pain would've been unbearable.
-Time skip-
You woke up some time in the night, A aching pain all over your body. You had witnesses a weird dream but none other than the Dream demon. You gathered that he was annoying you because you were in the same room of Quentin. It wasn't anything nasty just confusing stuff that made no sense.
You wrapped the blanket that was laid neatly on top of a chair around your cold body. You shivered. It was weirdly cold in the tent.. You glanced around, You noticed that Quentin was also awake and shivering. He noticed you and climbed out of the sleeping bag he was seated in and came to take a seat beside you.
"Freezing tonight, I think the entity is mad. It doesn't like conflict in between camps....I guess it heard about Nea and is punishing us all.. Or maybe just you and I happen to be near you." He spoke with a grin earning a shove from you. You  noticed that Steve wasn't around. "No Steve? I was beginning to think you were joined at the hip." Quentin blushed lightly which was noticable in the dim lighting of the lamp on the bedside table you share.
"He was ordered to his own tent. Claudette said that I was fine and will be out tomorrow. She wanted to keep me a extra night. I am supposed to be sleeping but the cold air woke me." He shrugged not seeming bothered that he was awake. "I noticed Freddy was in your dreams." This caught you of guard as you gave him a strange look. He grinned at you. "You told him to piss of bothering me in your sleep... I wish I had seen his face."  He giggled which you noticed was a adorable sound coming from him.

You two talked until you fell asleep. Claudette woke you up and you noticed that Quentin had fallen asleep on your shoulder. You gently shook him and he groggily rubbed his eyes. Steve was the first person to arrive in the camp alongside Claudette. David was the other. The two basically wrestled each other to get inside. Quentin nudged you. "I think someone has a soft spot for you" He winked and pointed to David. You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arm around his shoulder. "I could say the same about Steve."
Claudette laughed beside you causing the boys to stop wrestling each other and become curious. "What's so funny?" They both spoke at the same time. Not one of you responded. Quentin unravelled himself from you and walked over to Steve and gave him a 'bro' hug. Steve's face  could light up a room as he hugged his best friend back. "Don't ever scare me like that again okay?" He said as he and Quentin left together.
"That was adorable- Can I check your wounds?" Claudette blocked your view of them as she lifted up your shirt a fraction and nodded in appovel. "Looking good, You will be fine. The entity said no trial for you today. I feel sorry for whoever gets in the same trial as Nea and Ace." She sighed and hugged you gently which surprised  you. "Be careful- I think she has it out for you"

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