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It took a few days for you to recover correctly, The wounds had turned to scars and some of them had vanished completely but the event that happened had left a painful memory burnt into your head, Completely unforgettable.

You knew you had to push past it though, Be strong for the others. You didn't want to worry Claudette more than you had. When she had found out what had happened she was in shock and made a fuss over you and Jake before ordering that you both would need plenty of rest and no wondering into the forest for a few days.

Today was a day just like any other, The same routine everyday. Wake up. Trials and find things to keep you sane. You would never get used to this.
Claudette had been keeping a close eye on you and Jake over the last few days. She had ordered for the both of you to remain in the Medical Tent.

"Claudette, I am fine!" Jake spoke softly towards Claudette who was fussing over him for the fifth time today. "You can stop checking on me. I am not going to break." He reassured her. Claudette shook her head. "Stop complaining and sit still."

"You two are like a married couple. Get a room." David chuckled as he entered the tent holding a bowl of soup. He placed it down on your bedside table and took a seat on the edge of your bed. Jake looked over at David and sent him a warning look and the two shared a knowing look.

You  picked up the bowl that David had left for them and stirred the spoon in a clockwise direction before digging in. "Soup for breakfast?" You spoke inbetween mouthful's. David shot you a apologetic look and shrugged. "That is all that was left. Sorry Y/n"

Jake glanced at Claudette who had moved across the tent and was examining her supplies. "I am running low, If I don't get a trial today I will have to go into the forest and collect some." She mumbled to herself. Jake stood from were he was seated and walked over to the dark skinned women and wrapped a arm around her shoulder. She automatically leaned into his touch and didn't seem to notice that David and Y/n had noticed the action.
"I don't want you going out on your own Claude." When he spoke his tone was softer than usual. A tone that he only used when speaking to Claudette.
Claudette shrugged. "I will take someone with me."
Jake looked thoughtful. "You should take Y/n, She knows the area now and has a habit of getting people out of trouble."

As the two of them smoke they failed to notice the fog that was swirling around Y/n and Claudette. The two had been chosen as if out of spite by the Entity to do a trial.

"Guess I won't be collecting those Herbs until after this trial." Claudette frowned and rubbed her temples. She had spawned right next you in which was a slight relief. "Would you be willing to help me out after we finish?"
When you looked up from working on a totem she was looking at you with a hopeful smile. How could you say no to that?
"Of course Claudette, You have helped me so much. It is the least I could do to return the favour." You paused and looked around. "Besides it will give me chance to learn your tricks."

Claudette nodded and relief washed over her features, She held out her med-kit. "Here, Take this. I don't really need it as I know how to self-care." You took the Med-Kit from her hand knowing that she wouldn't accept no for a answer. She patted you on the shoulder. "I am going to look around for a gen. Goodluck!"

You watched her walk away and almost felt lonely. You hated being out in th trials alone. Luckily for  you, You knew the map. Mount Ormand.
You had decided that your goal was to do the totems like you had seen Jeff do in a previous trial. You remembered him explaining that if a totem was lit it could be danger and could cost you the match.

Walking around the realm alone was unnerving but you knew that it had to be done. You could hear the crows chittering towards one another and keeping their beady dark eyes trained on you as you walked past careful not to disturb them. The only survivor that the birds seemed to like was Jake. You made a mental note to ask him why that was.
The only other sound was the crunching of the snow under your boots and a rumble of a completed gen in the distance.
You walked past a few rocks and glanced around, Your eyes falling on the skull, The Totem. "Finally." You mumbled to yourself.
You knelt down and began breaking it apart.

It only took a few seconds and it fell apart with a soft crunch. You quickly got to your feet and glanced around. Why was it so silent? You hadn't heard anyone get hooked yet.
You had a bad feeling about this match.

You pushed the feeling down and took a few deep breaths before walking towards the large house. You could see the generator from the distance and made a gentle jog towards it.
You noticed someone else on the generator as you allowed your fingers to run over the cold metal. "Hey-" You heard them speak and look up and made eye contact with you. "Oh, I thought you were Claudette. You are Y/n, Correct?" They spoke with a soft southern accent.
"Yeah that is me.." You paused and looked over at the Blonde. "You are Kate?" You guessed. You two hadn't really had time to meet and talk but you knew that she was one of the nicest survivors.
Kate nodded a large grin forming on her face. "Pleasure to meet ya!" She moved her gaze back to the generator and you both fell into a comfortable silence as you finished it. It popped loudly and Kate jumped back, Her hands covering her face to protect her from the sparks.
When she moved her hands away from her she looked guilty. "I am so sorry.." She mumbled and ran out of the building. You shook your head. You could understand the panic of blowing the generator but you would of still attempted to finish it before the killer arrived.
You sighed and began repairing it again.

You didn't realise that it was the last generator until you finished it and you could hear the exit gates powering up. You let out a small sigh of relief but it was soon short lived.

"Ive been looking for you." You heard a voice speak from behind you. You turned around expecting to see a killer but to your surprise it wasn't. You kinda wished that it was.
"Nea...What do you want?"
Nea looked almost happy to see you but you couldn't trust her as she led you over to a opened exit gate. "Helping a friend." She responded.

Across the map, Claudette and Kate had already opened the exit and had been forced out by the Killer. They had wanted to stay but had no choice but to leave. Claudette was not pleased when she got to camp to find that she had left you alone with Nea and the killer.

"I think that the others have left." You mumbled to Nea who reached up and touched the handle of the exit gate. You waited, and waited. "Uh Nea?"
You looked around nervously to see the killer heading in your direction. "You want me to open that?" You questioned her and she turned her head and grinned but didn't respond.

The bad feeling washed over you again as you turned to face Nea fully. "Open the gate Nea, Stop being like this." You spoke frantically as the killer came into view. It was Pyramid Head. He slowly walked over and you could of sworn that you saw his head tilt to the side in confusion. "Nea!"

He was close now, You wondered why he hadn't used his power and injured you both but he just kept walking. Nea fixed her eyes on yours and raised a brow. "I have a feeling that he might have NOED." When she spoke her tone held no traces of kindness. You looked from her to the killer and turned and tried to run towards the other gate but Nea grabbed your hand.

You pulled away from her and tried to push her away from the gate but it was no use. She was firmly blocking the way. You could hear Pyramid Heads heavy breathing under the strange mask and the large weapon that he dragged behind him.
Nea grinned and pulled the exit gate open and pushed you towards the killer as he aimed his weapon. It hit you square in the chest and you fell to the floor with a loud thud. You curse under your breath for even following Nea in the first place.
"Guess you should've got them Totems." Nea smirked and began running through the exit gate.

Pyramid Head raised his weapon and aimed. He was quite surprised to see that you hadn't left and as he had gotten close he soon came to the conclusion that you could not. He glanced between the two survivors and watched as one struggled against the other. He swung his weapon as he noticed Nea open the the gate. He watched as Nea pushed you towards his weapon and smirk and taunt you and not him.
He let you fall to the ground and instead of picking you up he lunged forward and hit Nea before she could get much further.

You glanced up from your place on the floor and watched Nea go down. Pyramid Head hoisted her over his shoulder and walked over to the hook that was near the door and threw her onto it. He turned slowly towards you and grabbed you. You didn't feel like wiggling at this point until you heard Nea yelling something.
"No, This is unfair- I should be the on getting out.!"
You opened your eyes to see that he had stopped at the exit and you began struggling against his grasp and soon you had jumped out. You turned to face him and muttered a quick thank you before running as fast as you could out of the gate leaving Nea behind.

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