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Cheryl glanced over at Quentin. "Do you think they noticed the coffee?" She whispered in his ear. Quentin blinked sleeply and shook his head. "Nah, We are stealthy...Like Ninja's." Cheryl laughed and slung her arm around her friend. "You've been hanging around with Steve haven't you?"
You had woken up to see Cheryl and Quentin mumbing something about Coffee and ninja's. You rubbed your eyes and looked around at your surroundings. "uH- What is happening?"  Cheryl noticed you first and nudged Quentin.She gave her a smile and knelt down to your level. "Hey, My name is Cheryl and this is my friend Quentin. I don't believe we have met in person yet."
Quentin grabbed your arm and helped you to your feet. "Let's get you back to the main camp. You seem tired." You chuckled and nodded. You were exhausted from your previous trial and wondered how Jake had even managed to have energy to even go to a walk. Upon thinking about Jake you began to worry if Claudette had  managed to help him out.
"Have you seen yourself Quentin" Cheryl spoke up from somewhere near you. You could hear some glass clinking together and turned your head to see Cheryl now holding a bunch of half full coffee jars. You decided not to question it. Quentin ignored Cheryl's comment and began walking towards a large tent that you hadn't noticed earlier. Quentin noticed you looking at it and cleared his throat. "Dwight set up a new tent. We call it the leader tent because he spend most of his time in it. I think it is for any complaints or suggestions or just a general warmer place to chill in."
The three of you neared the cabin and Meg appeared out of the tent. "Hey Y/n, Hey Quentin, Cheryl." She nodded in their direction as she walked past. She stopped walking and turned back to you. "I heard what happened to Jake. He was lucky to have you around." She smiled and patted you on the shoulder and then jogged off. You sighed and ran a hand though your messy hair. Cheryl had vanished into the medic tent on the opposite side of you.
Quentin walked further into the camp until the two of you came across your tent. "Jake wanted me and Cheryl to make sure you got to your tent." He explained as he gestured towards your tent and smiled. He rubbed his eyes and pointed to his own. "I am heading off to catch some 'zs'"
After Quentin left you felt a strange sense of loneliness. You couldn't help but find him adorable. You shook your head and ducked into your tent and flopped down onto the camping cot. You had fallen asleep twice today and you were no longer tired anymore. You let a sigh escape your parted lips as you sat back up and glanced around.
Across in the opposite tent to you was Jake. Claudette had helped him get safely to his tent and then left him be. Dwight had visited him already and was now back with some food for him. "I took your bag of logs to the campfire. I appriciate you collecting them for us. Things have been tough around here lately." Jake nodded in his direction as Dwight handed him the canned beans and a fork. "That's all I had left in the box that Claudette had set out I think Ace gambled some food earlier on when we were not paying attention."
Upon hearing this Jake shook his head angrily. "He hasn't been acting much like a team player lately. Can you have a word with him?" Jake didn't want to cause anything but he had noticed how lately Ace had been causing trouble and acting out of impulse. "I will try but there is no gaurentee that he will listen to me. He doesn't see me as a leader Jake."
The two fell into a silence and Jake began digging into the food that Dwight had kindly brought him. There was slight movement outside the tent and Dwight opened the flap to reveal you. You had gotten bored of sitting around in your tent and decided to come check on your new friend Jake. "Hey, Mind if I come in?"
Dwight moved over slightly making more room as you shyly shuffled in. You took a seat on a beanbag that was in the corner. Jake's tent was decorated in a cosy way. He had a actual bed in the middle of the tent and two green beanbags. A wooden desk had been set up in the far corner with paper that looked like blueprints. "I came to see how you were.." You spoke softly towards Jake as Dwight sat down on the other beanbag.
"I am fine, Claude gave me some painkillers and told me to rest. Uh- I have your bandanna. I will get it washed and cleaned up for you before I give it back to you. Thank you for your help. I really am thankful that you didn't just leave me out there."
Dwight shivered and rubbed his arm. "I would dread to think what would of happened if Trapper came back for his trap and found you. The killers are not known for their mercy." He glanced at you and gave you a small smile before turning his gaze to the desk that stood in the corner of the tent. "How are those blueprints looking by the way?"
Jake chuckled. "Well, So far they are coming along just fine but at a slow and steady pace. I have been thrown into more trials than I can count this time around. I will work on some more tonight before I rest. My leg will be healed up by morning so I will have more chance at being put in another trial."
"Blueprints?" You questioned causing Jake to look over at you. He nodded and paused. "Yeah, I had a idea for building some cabins after Nea mentioned something about killers having them. I am writing them up, planning and collecting different items. I am hoping that the entity will accept the blueprints and get the idea and build them each time I burn one to it " He shrugged. "If it doesn't then I will have to figure something else out. Dwight and Ash have already offered to help build some of the cabins and I am sure some of the others would be more than willing to help out."
You nodded. "That does sound like a great idea. Does the Entity favour the killers over us?" You question and leaned back in the beanbag and nearly fell out. Jake chuckled at your antics and shrugged. "No idea, I think it just wants to make our lives a misery." He sighed and set the now empty can of beans on the table beside him and he flopped down onto his bed and shut his eyes. Dwight stood up and gestured for you to follow him out of the tent. You tripped when you stood up and fell onto him. Dwight yelped slightly and caught you and the pair of your stumbled out of the tent together with a laugh. "Come to the campfire and I will get you some food, Okay?"
You didn't really get to chance to respond as a now flustered Dwight was heading straight towards the fire.You hurrid to catch up with him and fell in step beside him. "You don't havr to do this you know." He shrugged at you in response. "You told me to remind you to eat after a trial and I never got chance because you had left with Jake. You will eat something." His tone changed into a more demanding tone. You quickly nodded and looked at your feet as you walked.
The two of you reached the fire and Dwight took a seat and pointed to a can of beans. He grabbed a fork and shoved it into your hand. At the fire was a man you hadn't spoken to. In fact you hadn't really spoken to anyone but no one really seemed to mind. They would meet you in trial. The guy beside Dwight looked to be around the age of a teenager. He grabbed the can of beans and tore of the lid before handing them over to you. "They have been on the fire for some time so they will still be warm." He said softly and he gave you a grin. You took a seat opposite him as you took the can from his hand and gave him a smile in return. "Thank you..Uh-" You paused as you realised you had no idea what to call him."
"Steve, Steve Harrington." He answered for you as his grin grew wider. He ran a hand though is brown hair that you had to admit looked really great. "Is Jake doing alright now?" He questioned turning to Dwight. You zoned out as you focused on eating the beans. You got halfway through when you realised that both Dwight and Steve were both looking at you. "Urm..What?" You timidly asked them. Steve let out a small laugh. "Nothing- Dwight just asked if you were okay.. I told him you seemed deep in thought. Anything interesting happening in that brain of yours?"

You shook your head in response and placed the can down. Dwight took the fork out and placed it in a small pot with some other dirty looking dishes. Steve chuckled some more and wiped his hands on his jeans. He looked over your shoulder as he noticed someone approaching the fire. "Oh- Hey Nancy. You noticed his voice changed slightly as he spoke to her.
Steve sighed as Nancy walked over and he almost debated leaving and going to his tent or maybe to find Quentin and hang out with him but he didn't want to seem rude. He pushed his hand though his hair causing it to get even messier than it was prior Nancy coming over. He remembered when him and Nancy first arrived. The two had arrived together after he went looking for her. He had found out from her boyfriend that she had gone looking for clues about her dead friend Barbara. He had tried to ignore the nagging feeling in his gut but it was no good and he found himself driving to the lab that she had gone into. That is when they both appeared in the entity's realm. She was constantly reminding him that he shouldn't of gone after her and that it wasn't his job no more since they broke up some time ago and she had gotten with Jonathan. He and Jonathan had never got along but he would do anything to be back in Hawkins with some of his friends. Anything would be better than running for his life every day. He couldn't always complain though. He had met some good people in the realm. Some like Quentin who never slept and Cheryl who always looked out for him when they had a trial together. He had made a statement that the teens should stick together but even the adults were decent and could be relied on.
"Hey Steve, I didn't realise you were here. I see you have met the new survivor." Nancy spoke up breaking Steve out of his thoughts. He rolled his eyes in her direction. "She has a name you know." Nancy payed no attention to Steve's snarky comment and shoved him as she sat down beside him. "Hey Dwight." She smiled sweetly and waved at him.
That is how you found out about Nancy and Steve's previous relationship and how it wasn't Steve's fault it ended . You actually started to feel bad for the guy has he finally had enough of Nancy's annoying comments and left the fire. You stood up after a few moments and said your goodbyes to Dwight and nodded at Nancy and walked in the direction Steve had left in.

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