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Previously: Ghostface didn't get to hear his response because he heard a twig snap. He first thought that the Trickster had come back but he spotted the figure. "Frank?"
You pried open your eyes and shuffled in the uncomfortable position you were seating in. Your head pounded against your skull causing great discomfort and every small movement seemed 10x harder than it should of been. You had no idea how long you had been out for as you glanced around at your surroundings.
Jake was still sat beside you and when he noticed your movements he looked relived. He placed a finger to his lips in a gesture for you to remain as silent as you could manage. You were confused at first until you heard voices speaking.

"Frank?" Danny spoke with a wave of unease washing over him. He had no idea what the oldest member of The Legion was going to think. "What are you doing here?"
Frank strode over in a quick manner and tilted his head slightly as he peered behind Ghostface. "You never arrived at my cabin so I came out looking for you." Frank responded in a bored tone.
Danny nodded and moved to block his friends view of you and Jake. "Was we supposed to hang out today? It seems it slipped my mind." You could practically hear the smirk in his tone.
Frank crossed his arms across his chest and tapped his foot. "Yes, That was today. I guess you had fun without me." He tried to step past Danny but he was forcefully stopped by the other masked killer.
"What the hell is your problem dude?" Frank snapped slightly and used more power in his shove. "What are you hiding?" He growled and managed to force Ghostface out of the way.

Frank's eyes landed on you and his breathing hitched in his throat. He remembered his trial that he had against you. How you acted as if you didn't really care. He wasn't supposed to take a liking to a survivor but you seemed chill. He promised the next time he saw you that he would kill you first to prove to Julie that he wasn't weak for feeling how he did in that trial.
He moved his gaze back to Danny who had quickly recovered from the shove and was now at your side. "Danny, This doesn't look like something you would do." He squatted down and placed a hand  under your chin and moved your face to the side as his eyes scanned your body. "They look half dead. I know you. You know the rules. Tell me what is going on."

You coughed slightly as you struggled to keep your eyes open, Frank was closer than you would of liked. You felt someone grab your hand and squeeze it reassuringly. It took a moment to realise that it was Jake.
You opened your mouth and when you spoke your voice was raspy and shaky, It  had only dawned on you that your makeshift bandana had been torn off. "This wasn't Ghostfaces fault" You paused before finishing your sentence as you could feel Frank's eyes staring at you through his mask. "H-he told me that he came here to get some peace of mind or some bullshit like that but when he got here.." You let out a shuddering breath and fell silent.

Frank waited but was pleasantly surprised when Jake decided to take over. "The Trickster was in the basement of the house. I came out exploring and mapping the realms as I usually do. I kept out of everyones way and didn't want any trouble but the moment that he- The moment that he set eyes on me.." Jake trailed off.

"Frank, I didn't do this. The new killer did this. He was basically torturing Jake. Y/n went down to save him but got the end of the stick." Danny shrugged and looked down at the young teenage killer. Frank only nodded and pushed himself to his feet. He tapped his leg thoughtfully. "What exactly are you going to do with them?"

Ghostface shrugged. "I was hoping to take them back to their camp, Drop them near the borderline and hopefully they can make it across." He looked down at you. "I think Jake will be able to walk but I am not sure about Y/n."
Frank chuckled darkly. "You are starting to sound like you care for the girl." He hummed and carefully put his hand on his mask. "I look like a survivor without the mask, They won't make me out in the dark if I stay out of the way but I can get her over that borderline and make sure that Jake gets her to safety."

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