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You appeared back at camp to find Dwight waiting for you. He was standing with Claudette who nudged him when you and your teammates had arrived. Dwight's eyes lit up when he saw you and he rushed over. "How did it go? Did you get caught?"  Ace was beside you when Dwight began bombarding you with questions and he pushed Dwight backwards gently. "Lay off her dude. Y/n did surprisingly well. I of course did all the work but Y/n did not get seen or hooked once."

The words of Ace caught you of guard and you could feel all the nervousness  subsiding and instead being replaced with a new emotion. Anger and annoyance. David and Jake appeared out of a dark mist one after the other. You turned to face Ace before Dwight could respond. "You may of ran the killer around the map but I overheard what you tried to do to David. I also know that if Jake hadn't stepped in and taken over the chase your would most likely be hanging on a hook with a very happy Ghostface!"
Ace blinked slightly before crossing his arms across his chest. "Oh yeah? Well at least I was able to run the killer and not  hide." Ace retorted with a annoyed look passing his face. He was no longer being nice. "Hey not cool man, Y/n did generators with me and Jake." David spoke up from behind you. Jake nodded in agreement. "It is only her second trial. Leave her alone."
Dwight decidedto step in before the argument got out of hand. "Alright- I am glad that you all  got out. I presume that is how it went?" You nodded and ignored Ace who was glaring at you now. David pushed past Ace and patted Dwight on the shoulder. "Only I got hooked in the beginning part. Ace got me off the hook whilst Jake and Y/n got a generator going. All in all it was good teamwork apart from a little incident" When David spoke the last part he shot a look towards Ace.

You looked over at Dwight. "Maybe I should've done more." Dwight shook his head and took your arm and pulled you away from Ace "No, From what I heard you did really good. Ignore Ace. He always gets defensive." Dwight patted you on the shoulder and led you over to Claudette who was now seated at the campfire. She glanced up from prodding at the ashes. "Hey! How was trial? I have been trying to get this fire to work. Is Jake back yet, I might need his help."

Dwight sat down beside Claudette and pointed towards Ace, Dvavid and Jake. David was talking to Ace and it seemed pretty intense. "Jake! Claude need you." Dwight yelled across the camp causing a few other survivors to glance up from whatever they were doing. Jake heard the shout and side stepped past Ace and David. He shook his head and seemed relived to be away from them. "What's up Claudette?" He gave her a smile but it didn't quite reach his eyes. The trial had worn him out. He always struggled to win against stealth killers. Jake was actually glad that you had arrived when you did. He had enjoyed your company and found that he had more confidence when helping out someone who needed it. Claudette pointed to the dull fire that was barely giving of any light. "I have been given the job on making this work as no one else felt up to it. You are the one who is really good at this stuff.. Would you care to help a girl out?" She grinned at him. You couldn't help but giggle as you took a seat  on the other side of her. She noticed and gave you a playful wink.
As the day went on you noticed how certain people did certain things around camp. Everyone seemed pretty chilled out. Everyone respected one another and all had a sense of friendship or family with each other. You felt included by Dwight. He made sure that you were never left out of anything. Everything still felt strange but you were finally starting to get used to what would be happening.
"Y/n, I think you did a amazing in the trial earlier. You were a good team player. I hope what Ace said didn't upset you." You turned to see Jake running up behind you. You smiled at his comment. You had been pretty decent at doing the generators even if you still felt bad about David being hooked. "Thank you Jake! I tried my best and it is all still strange to me." Jake nodded in agreement. He stopped running and appeared in front of you with a grin. You noticed that he was holding a large pouch.  Jake noticed you looking and shifted it in his arms. "I am heading out for a walk though the woods, Taking a break from the camp..I take this bag with me to collect wood for the fire. Wanna join me?"
You looked back toward the main part of the camp and nodded at Jake. "I doubt anyone will miss me so sure. Might as well." Jakes grin got wider as the two of you began walking. He led you to a pathway that led into a thick wooden area. "Dwight will notice. He has taken a liking to you. He is the leader but I have never seen him care about someone as much as you. Maybe it is because you are new." You brushed of his comment and peered into the dark forest. Jake fell silent beside you, You could see him glancing at the ground and examining different types of wood.
"I am just heading over there." Jake pointed as he placed a bunch of sticks into his bag. You followed his pointed finger and saw that he was going to be heading off the path. "Don't go to far away from this spot okay. If I don't return go get Dwight." He laughed slightly but his eyes held a serious spark. You nodded to let him know that you had heard him and you watched as he carefully stepped offf the path and headed into a more thicker part of the woods. You decided to take a seat against a tree and wait for him to come back.
You didn't know how long you had been sat at the tree for but you had closed your eyes and had soon drifted into a uncomfortable sleep. When you opened your eyes it took you some time to realise that you were still in the woods. You glanced around and scrambled to your feet. Your eyes searching for Jake. Had he left you? Had he gotten hurt?  "Jake? Are you around here?" You called out but the only response you got was the echo. You let out a shaky breath and began walking into the forest in the direction had gone in. You could just make out the dried muddy footprints that his shoes had left behind. "Jake?" You said in a slight hushed voice. The broken branches cracked underneath your feet as you began pushing your way though the trees.
After walking for some time you began to lose hope. You didn't want to go any further in case you lost your sense of direction. Nightfall was starting to fall and the forest was becoming much darker and more spookier. The trees creaked around you as the wind whistled in your ear. You turned your head slightly and saw some movement. Acting fast you ducked behind a thicker tree and peered out. The figure was hunched over and seemed to be tugging at something on the floor. Upon further examination you noticed Jakes pouch near them. You felt your heart beating in your chest as you forced yourself to walk over. You carefully made your way though the trees and stopped a short distance to check if it was Jake.

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