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You had healed up quite quickly and had been moved back to your own tent. Quentin was also feeling better and was now able to sleep in his own tent. Claudette keeping a eye on him at all time.
You sat in your tent waiting to see who would be called into a trial. You hoped it would be you, You had been getting constant remarks from Nea and Ace. You knew that it wouldn't stop and the only break you got was from going into a trial.
David sat at the camp with Dwight. He ran a hand though his short hair. "Any idea who is going in that Trial?" He turned his gaze to the leader and awaited a response. Dwight shifted his glasse. "I think, Yui, and Kate at the moment. I am not sure of the other two."
"Must be Nancy and Y/n" David nodded towards Kate and Yui. Who was standing with Nancy. Y/n turned up shortly after. David sighed in relief. The girls would look after you. He was just thankful that Nea wasn't in the trial.
You stood beside the blonde women with the guitar and listen to her speak to Yui. They  had a plan. Nancy was fiddling with her jacket. "So, Take Y/n and do the generators. Nancy and I can run the killer pretty well and can swap out, Heal and repeat. No biggie." Yui nodded as Kate plotted the plan. "Got it. What if it fails?" She muttered and Nancy rolled her eyes.
"The plan won't fail." Nancy stated firmly and crossed her arms across her chest. She was pretty confident in her and the team. "As long as Y/n doesn't mess it up." She turned in your direction and looked you over before turning her gaze back to Kate. Yui glanced at you and then at Kate. She shook her head and wrapped a arm around you. "You will do great." She winked and grabbed your hand as the darkness took the four of you.
You arrived at a map called the Groaning storehouse. Kate had took off with Nancy right behind her ready to find the killer and give them one hell of a match. Yui stayed with you and once they had left she pointed out a generator in one of the buildings near the stairs. "We gotta stick together for this to work okay?" She whispered in your ear leaning on your shoulder. You nodded in response and gave her a small smile.
Yui was badass, She took shit from nobody and never let anyone hurt others. She also could run the killers but Kate had spoken to her before Nancy and you had arrived. Kate had seen Nancy conversing with Nea and she had a bad feeling so she opted on Yui pairing with you and being around. Yui had heard about the fight between you and Nea and disliked the other women more than she did before. The two never really got along after a incident that had happened between the two. Yui had found out about something about Nea and she was forced to be silent. Nea was going to have to be careful if Yui was deciding to be your friend.
Yui knelt beside the generator and adjusted some of the handles. "I hate to ask this but- What is Nea's problem with you?" She didn't look at you as she asked and was working on the generator at a fast pace. A toolbox at her feet. You shook your head and took up working on the opposite side of the generator. "We just don't agree on a few things. No big deal." Yui stopped working for a second as she looked at you. She opened her toolbox with a thoughtful look. "No big deal huh? She beat the crap out of you..If she ever does that again let me know."
You wouldn't want to meet Yui in a dark alley way on a street. She was tough. Nea on the other hand was just a rebelious human being. No threat..Right? Yui stood up as the generator was repaired and took your hand once more and led you to another. She clearly knew her way around the map. She pointed out another generator and you two got to work.
"You know, I know her secret." Yui spoke softly as she forced the wires to meet. You glanced up at her with wide eyes and she grinned as she noticed you. "Oh yeah, If she does come for you. Tell her I will be waiting.."
It was all so menacing yet nice to hear. Yui was willinging to stand up for you and she had only known you for a few moments. You had finished the generator when a piercing scream filled the air. Yui didn't even tense up. She just led you right to another generator as if her friends weren't being killed. "I have a feeling that Nancy is going to ruin the plan for Kate. I can't allow that. Stay here okay? When you finish this gen go into the opposite building, In the boiler room. Okay?" She didn't give you chance to respond as she ran off into the streets.
You stayed at the generator and finished it. You could feel a presence of someone watching you and when you turned you saw Ghostface watching you. You fled into the building that Yui had stated to go to but he was following you. You ran up the stairs and hid in a room.
He leaned on the wall, Twirling his knife as he looked at you through his mask. "We meet again. You look well... I- Stop looking so worried. I came here to talk .." You could hear the grin underneath his mask as he spoke. "The girls are fighting. Literally. Never seen something like it. I get why though. Nancy sold out Kate. I am going to kill her obviously. Ruins the fun."
You sat down on a worned chair as he spoke. He pointed to a totem. "You should do that." He stopped twirling his knife and stepped closer. He looked you over and grabbed your chin. "I heard you helped Frank out.. You going to do the same for me?"
"Get away from them!"
Ghostface turned around quickly as Yui walked in. He sighed and moved backwards with his hands raised. "Calm down princess. The only person I will be hurting today is Nancy."
"No need." Yui panted and wiped her bloodied hands on her bikers jacket. "I helped out." Ghostface walked over to Yui and looked her over before vaulting out the window and heading to find his target.
Yui watched in the doorway as you broke the dull totem. Just to be on the safe side. You turned to her and saw the bruises forming on her face and the scratches on her arms. "What did you do?" She only grinned and went down the stairs and began repairing the generator. "No one hurts Kate."
You had completed the generator just as the last one roared to life across the map. The gens covered the sound of a screaming Nancy Wheeler. You had heard her. "You get the doors. I will go find Kate."
You had begun to walk to the gate but Nancy's hook was right near it. Ghostface was standing near her twirling his knife and didn't look bothered about moving away. He was going to camp her. Why did he care if she had ratted out one of her own? He was a killer.
"Y/n..Come on. Help me  out here." You heard Nancy's soft voice as she winced in pain. You had to help. You sighed and grabbed her and unhooked her. Ghostface  lunged forwards but Nancy grabbed you in a tight grip and pushed you into the knife and ran. You felt the knife go deep inside you. You had saved her and she had used you as bait to save herself. You grabbed onto Ghostface as you fell to the ground. He had pulled back as quickly as he could but it was to late.
You understood why he had warned you about the totem. He was trying to tell you what would happen.
You fell to the floor with a thud as he yanked the knife out of your stomach. The blood was pooling out of the wound. You could hear someone screaming in the distance. Yui.
Yui had found Kate and the pair headed to the were Yui had told you to go. She watched as you unhooked Nancy and watched in horror as Nancy pushed you in the way and ran. Kate gripped her arm tightly as they watched you fall to the ground.
"That bitch!" Kate mumbled and rushed over to aid you. Ghostface had left you upon seeing  your friends. He had muttered something about killing her. Nancy Wheeler was a dead man walking.
Kate began healing you with the help of Yui and soon you wre all better but you could still feel as if the knife was inside you. Kate raced to the exit door and pulled it open and the three of you escaped.
Ghostface felt sick. Normally he would be enjoying the kill but he had grown fond of you. Frank had rushed from his match and told him how nice you had been and how he wouldn't be punished. He liked you. He watched as you grabbed Nancy off the hook but had acted to fast in wanting the kill. He hadn't expected Nancy to push you onto his knife. He watched as you fell to the ground, almost dragging him with him. His blood was boiling as he saw Nancy opening the final exit gate. He grabbed her and threw her onto the hook. "I hope this hurt..." He stated and walked away as she died.
You arrived at the camp. You made a beeline for your tent but Yui's hand grabbed you and halted you. "Y/n..Why did you save her?" You shook your head. "I am a good team player. I regret it now." Yui let go of you and you turned but another thing stopped you.
"Y/n..How was the trial?"
Your whole body tense as you turned to see Nea with a gleam in her eye. She looked smug as if she was waiting for something. You grinned at her causing her smile to drop.
"Nancy died and painful death."
David, Steve and Quentin had heard you come back from your trial and had rushed over just in time to hear you speak those words. Quentin leaned on Steve. "Why does she sound so happy?"
You had heard him and laughed. Yui and Kate exchanged worried glances. "Quinn..Let me tell you. Steve was lucky that he got out when he did! That girl is crazy but not by her doing..Nea set her up to do it." You spoke softly and stepped towards Nea.
Nea rolled her eyes and met your gaze. "You let her die?"
Yui wrapped a arm around your shoulder. "Oh no, I did..So did Kate..But Y/n? No. She couldn't leave on of her own to die. She unhooked her only for Nancy to use her as a human shield."
Steve's jaw clenched, Quentins eyes dropped to the floor as he thought about it and David was in shock. Nea laughed. "What's the big deal."
Everyone was listening in now as Yui explained what had happened. You had been forced to take a hit and nearly died but Ghostface was only after one person.
David listened carefully so that he could report all this back to Dwight. He watched closely as people shifted uncomfortably. Nobody would want Nancy on their team for awhile. He watched as you stepped away from the crowd and turned and walked into the forest. Steve noticed and patted his shoulder. "Give them time."

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