"Shush," Shuichi joked, huffing out a laugh, but his face blushed nonetheless. "Do you want to go get new gaming stuff today? I know how important that is to you."


"Yeah, I mean we also need a tv too."

"Alright. I guess one good thing is that the games I had are still attached to my account. I'll probably have to order some things online, not sure how much we can find at a store."

"That's okay, do you want to get up now?"

Kokichi thought for a moment, a smirk appearing on his face. "Or we could stay in bed a bit longer. Maybe catch up on some things we've been missing out on since annoying people have been bothering us."

By annoying people, he means their friends and his mother. Kokichi was right, they hadn't been able to spend that much alone time with each other since they had become a couple. He knew what Kokichi was implying and he's definitely not going to decline. Shuichi's not sure if this was moving too fast, it all felt natural to him, but he can't compare his relationship to others or movies, because it hadn't been normal from the start.

The stereotypical relationship usually went, meet, date and kiss, more dates, officially become in a relationship, meet parents, date some more, love, sex, and if it got far enough, getting married and moving in together.

Theirs had gone, meet, killing game, dislike, thinking Kokichi died, finding out he didn't and that they lived together, becoming tired of disliking Kokichi, living together, liking Kokichi, unaware of sexual tension building, jerking off, sexuality crisis, repressing feelings, going on dates that were totally not dates, accidental adrenaline kiss, sexuality crisis again, confessing, being denied, dry humping, still being denied, panic-induced closet make-out session, reciprocation, officially in a relationship, date, stabbed by plate via Kokichi's mom. And now they're doing more of whatever this is.

"And besides your arms not working-"

"I can still move-"

"I can't let you walk around all day frustrated," Kokichi continued. "Why don't I help you out?" Kokichi dragged his hand down his chest, lower and lower and-

Shuichi sucked in a deep breath, his body no longer needing any covers because he was scorching hot. "I think I can agree with that," he choked out, breath still caught in his chest.

Kokichi gave him a shit-eating grin, before capturing his lips in a bruising kiss.


The rest of their week had been spent similarly. After 'lying around' for a little while they eventually got up and made their way to the store. Where they replaced everything that had been stolen, getting better items than the ones they had, and even picking up some lamps for the bedside tables.

The lamps were Shuichi's touch, he had seen them while pushing Kokichi on the back of the cart to the electronic section, and decided if they were going to be doing a lot more 'things' in the bedroom, they might actually like to see. He thought they were pretty lamps, Kokichi had fought for the oddly shaped striped lamps, but the ones Shuichi picked out, look so much nicer in their room. They were glass, with gold sparkles coating the inside, letting the light from the bulb shine through. Shuichi had gotten home and plugged them in immediately, and to celebrate the new lamps, they decided to test just how much they would be able to see each other in the dark... under the covers.

Kokichi was right when he said he would have to order stuff online, they were only able to find screens and computers. Luckily they had one-day shipping and by the next morning, Kokichi had received his package and began to set everything back up.

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