Chapter 15 - Tired

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(Pico's POV)

Pico quietly woke up, his eyes fluttering open and staring up at the ceiling. It was one of those popcorn ceilings. He cringed a tad and sat up, raising his arms in the air to stretch. His eyes wandered around the room, noticing a passed out Darnell and Nene probably out like a light too but.. drowned in pillows.

Darnell was loudly snoring with a satisfied and sinister smirk on his face as he slept. Pico blink and snorted, carefully getting up from the ground. Wait why were they on the ground? He looked at the bed and noticed how it was untouched. "Pf.. we're so stupid." The redhead mumbled to himself.

He continued to look around his room and noticed Darnell's speakers. Oh did he forget to mention that the two have this weekly band thing they do, where Darnell plays drums, Nene plays bass maybe vocals sometimes and Pico does the main vocals. It's kinda dumb but it's fun at like 2 am to piss off neighbors.

He got a small idea as his eyes were glued to the speakers. Pico reached over and grabbed his phone, quickly going on youtube. He connected his phone to the speaker and started to look for what to play. "Here it is pf.." A smirk appeared on his face as he pressed on the video.

Monsters Inc. Theme (EAR RAPE)

The song began to loudly play in the speakers making Pico wince and bring his hands up to his ear to cover them, breaking out into laughter. He saw as Darnell woke up in a panic, sitting up quickly and looking around to see what the hell was going on. He looked at Pico and yelled at him? Pico didn't know, he couldn't hear it.

Pico quickly stopped the song and the room faded into silence as the two sighed in relief. A small snicker escaped the redhead's lips as he looked at Darnell. "Fuck you." Darnell said with a scowl, grabbing the blanket and bringing it up to his face, covering himself.

He broke out into a wheeze and wrapped his arms around his stomach, "Fuck you too and take me on a fucking first date, asshole." He joked trying to contain his laughter. Darnell groaned in annoyance but then chuckled. Pico took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, looking over to where Nene was.

She still looked like she was out like a light, "What the fuck-" Pico muttered, raising an eyebrow. "sHES DEAD! THE WICKED WITCH IS D-" Before Darnell could finish that sentence, Nene sat up and threw a pillow at him. "SHUT UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP." She yelled and them collapsed back into the sea of pillows.

Pico crumbled to the floor, laughing his ass off. He couldn't even breathe for a couple seconds. Once he regained his composure, Pico chuckled and got back up. "Kay, dudes. I'm gonna dip and go back home, i'm tired as shit. Also get in bed, your backs are gonna looks like a fucking bendy straw with your scoliosis or something." He said rolling his eyes,

He heard a muffled hum from Nene and a small little "Okay dadddd.." from Darnell. Pico rolled his eyes again and left Darnell's room. He sighed and cracked a smile, "This was fun." Pico muttered before leaving Darnell's house tiredly.

Entering his apartment, Pico immediately went to his bedroom and collapsed on his bed. Hearing loud creaks come from the mattress, he huffed out in exhaustion. Pico shuffled around on the bed, finding himself laying on his back and looking up at the ceiling again. He sighed and took out his phone, his head filling with boredom.

The redhead took his phone out of his pocket and turned it on. He felt a small knot grow in his stomach. Pressing on the messages app, he went to the first messages that were there. His eyes landed on the 'I love you' message..

I love you
read: 11:28 pm

Pico clicked his tongue in disappointment. "What the fuck did I expect.." His tone was sour and hurt. He felt like some 8 year old pouting over not being able to get some candy they saw at the grocery store. Pico grumbled and put his phone down, shuffling to hide his face in his pillow. He wrapped his arms around the pillow, hugging it tightly.

"Why do I even get my hopes up sometimes." He mumbled to himself, nuzzling his face in the pillow. Pico felt tears build up in his eyes but he tried his best to keep them in. "This is.. so stupid."

He moved his head, having his left cheek rest on the pillow as he reached his hand over to grab his phone. Pico gripped the sides of the device and brought it closer to him. He quickly typed out a message and pressed send.

lol jkjk
i would never say that to you LMAO
who do you think i am sheesh 🥶

(836 words)

my man panicked 😳
please i missed th r e e classes today and didn't even realize- I EVEN MISSED LUNCH WDGEH
i might pass away if they find out 😔🤚/hj

owowowwowwowowoowwowow" - Aphrodite 2021

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