Chapter 14 - Hesitation

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(Boyfriend's POV)

Hey! Did you get home safe?

Yeah, how about you?

I did! Thank you for asking and i'm glad you got home safe :)

No problem!

Boyfriend smiled seeing the past couple messages, reading back on them a bit. He was about to type something out but then ping and a notification popped up.

🧡 Pico 🧡
I love you

His eyes faintly widened as he stared at the message before it disappeared from the screen. He was at a loss of words, he felt a lump grow in his throat. Boyfriend's phone turning off was what brought him back to reality. He cleared his throat, trying to reassure himself he was just.. dreaming? imagining things? He didn't.. know.

Boyfriend bit the inside of his lip as his heart race. He turned on his phone and slowly typed in his password. Once his screen faded back into the messages with Girlfriend, Boyfriend felt a knot in his stomach.

He shook his head and turned off his phone again, these emotions were exhausting. He didn't know what to do. Everything was confusing and tiring, he just wanted to live a normal life, be happy, have a girlfriend, pursue a career in doing the thing he loved most, music! Maybe even get married in the future. But the moment he met Pico, it was like his world turned upside down.

Boyfriend couldn't blame the other, he was only blaming himself. He felt himself choke on his tears which brought himself back to reality. The blue haired male brought his hands up to his face to wipe them away, trying to whisper to himself that everything was going to be okay.

He doesn't really remember the last time he's cried so much but.. he doesn't really remember much. Why can't he remember? He can't remember the reason why he left Miku and the rest of his family. He can't remember anything about dating Pico..? He can't remember almost anything in the past.

The blue haired male gently slapped his face to just snap the thoughts out of his head. He let out a shaky sigh as the tears continued to roll down his pale face. Boyfriend picked up his phone and turned it back on, unlocking it. He tapped on the messages app and pressed the messages with Pico.

It took him a couple seconds to even bring himself to say anything. His eyes stayed glued on the message. He didn't even know how to react, it was all happening to suddenly. Boyfriend opened his mouth to maybe say something to himself but no words came out. Seeing Pico's contact, something clicked in his brain.

Boyfriend slightly cringed at his thought but finally decided to go through with it. He walked over to his closet and saw a olive green sweater on one of the clothing hangers. It looks a bit ragged but still decent. Grabbing the sweater, Boyfriend felt the cloth, feeling his hands sink in it.

He paused before bringing the sweater up to his face and smelling it. It smelled metallic like and had hints of cologne in it. Boyfriend processed what he did and panicked, moving the sweater away from his face. His face warmed up as he stared at the sweater with wide eyes and flushed face.

He sighed and slowly put on the sweater, feeling the fabric rub against his skin. It was soft and cozy, filling Boyfriend with warmth. He wrapped his arms around his torso and his just hugged himself, feeling the comfort.

After standing there just hugging himself, Boyfriend reminded himself what he was going to do. He went back to his phone and looked at the messages. He typed something out quickly and sent it, turning it off afterwards.

I love you
not delivered

(669 words) hah nice


"quack quack i'm a turtle" - Aphrodite 2021

Your Sweater | Pico x BoyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora