Chapter 12 - Thinking

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(Pico's POV)

Pico eyes faintly widened as he looked at the two now in a.. lovely, healthy relationship. He had to walk in at the 'perfect' moment and hear every single word they said to each other. Even the kiss! What fucking luck.

The redhead bit the inside of his bottom lip and clenched his fist a tad. He turned around and sprinted off, hearing the sound of his feet hitting the concrete ground. Pico wanted to cry but just couldn't, it was like he ran out of tears. Crying over the blue haired male everyday, how pathetic.

He slammed the front door shut, crumbling down to his knees moments afterwards. His breathing quivered roughly as he tried calming down. His chances were gone with absolutely no hope to get them back.

Pico wanted to be with Bee but he didn't have a chance. Bee and Girlfriend just got together. "W..Why did I even- think I would get a c-chance.." He mumbled to himself, bringing his hands up to his face in distress.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Pico flinched at the sudden ringing coming from his phone. He quickly took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID.


He immediately knew who it was and sighed a bit. He accepted the call and brought his phone up to his ears. "What do you want?" He mumbled with a sigh. "Pico! You actually picked up?" Nene's voice made him flinch even if he was expecting it. "Darnell and I wanted to ask if you wanted to just hang out! You always look so fucking angry so we want you to at least smile!" She hummed. Pico could feel her smile from the phone as he rolled his eyes playfully. "Kay, what are we gonna do?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Let me ask Darnell!" Nene said with a small rustle coming from the line seconds afterwards. There were muffled voices before Nene's voice got louder which meant she was talking to Pico again. "Probably to some McDonalds and then gonna fuck around at the mall! So ya coming?" She laughed a bit. Pico thought for a bit and hummed in agreement. "Fuck yeah. What ti-.." "Like 20 minutes! Meet us at the Mcdonald's like a block away or some shit." He was cut off by Nene making him snicker, "Fuckin' fine, see you dipshits there."

Pico heard the sound of the call hanging up. He had a whole 20 minutes to think. Think about what happened at the park, think about what he was going to wear, think about what was going to happen at Mcdonald's. It was a lot of thinking. He got up and dusted himself off with a faint grumble, "This is going to be a.. long night." Pico mumbled, stumbling over to his bedroom.

He pushed the door open, stammering inside. Pico sighed and rested his hands on his cheeks, feeling how warm his face was. "Huh.. Warm." He mumbled with a faint sigh. "Well, I should get ready.. I'll probably get there early."

Pico looked at himself in the mirror, he was wearing some average black shirt with a worn out pine colored jacket, black jeans, and boots. His hair was the usual but a little more flattened down since he was too lazy to actually fix it. He looks like shit, but good shit, ya know? "Not gonna lie, I look wack." Pico bluntly said to himself in the mirror, his eyes wandering up and down himself. "But I also look hot as fuck." He complimented himself with a small snort, rolling his eyes.

There was a small flash of a figure behind him making Pico flinch in discomfort. He grumbled as he saw who it was, even if it was just a flash. "Fuckin' bitch.." He mumbled, stuffing his hands in the pockets of the jacket. The redhead sighed and decided to let his mind wander for a couple seconds before he left. "I.. I wonder what Bee would think about how I looked?.." He accidentally mumbled out, his face faintly warming up into a barely visible scarlet.

Once he realized what he said, Pico shook his head and quickly clicked his tongue. "What the fuck." He fumbled out, sighing in discomfort. Biting the inside of his cheek, Pico thought for a couple seconds. He looked around his room and saw his phone, he grabbed the device. Staring at the screen, the redhead quickly opened the phone and went over to his messages.

I love you

"i go vroom broom and jump in the back of a car hEhAw oh shit there goes the horse" - aphro_dite201

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