Chapter 5 - Remember?

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(Pico's POV)

Pico scrunched up his face and scoffed, his eyes glued on his desk. He wanted to run out the classroom and.. cry? It was all stupid, he was stupid. He stayed in his seat, picking at his nails with an annoyed grumble.

"Do you need me to take you to the nurse?"

He overheard Girlfriend say to Bee in a panicked tone. Pico rolled his eyes, annoyance filling his body, He hated this feeling, it was aggravating. Why was he jealous? Was he fucking jealous of Girlfriend or Bee? No.. He wouldn't be jealous of Bee, thats stupid. Pico grunted and glanced at them, Bee was blushing while Girlfriend continued to talk to him. He paused for a couple seconds before perking up, "Hey! Keep the flirting in the fucking bedroom, love birds!" He joked, his tone being a lot more aggressive than he intended. Pico looked at the two's flustered and embarrassed expressions when he said that.

It hurt.. saying that hurt him. Why did it hurt so much? Why did he say that? His heart felt like it was being ripped apart. He forced out a snicker then he turned away, staring down the ground. After a couple seconds, Pico glanced up at the clock and noticed there were still a good 7 minutes left before class started.. These beginning 5 minutes felt like forever already. The classroom was filled with silence with the occasional burst of laughter from friend groups around the bunched up room. Pico was uncomfortable not wanting to even be inside the classroom after whatever just happened.

"Hey Pico!" He heard someone shout across the classroom, he turned his head to where the voice came from. His eyes landed on Nene with Darnell next to her, a grin appeared on his face as he stood up and walked towards them. "Yo dumbasses!" He said, making Darnell roar with laughter. "Shut ther fuck up!" Darnell said snarkily with more laughter following right after.


The bell finally ran making Pico quickly stand up and grab his bag, rushing out of the classroom. He.. He never did that. He was always the last one or nowadays coming out of the classroom with Bee. Instead of running straight to the cafeteria like most of the kids, Pico ran straight into the bathroom, crashing his body in the door to push it open. A small grunt escaped his lips in discomfort from colliding with the door but it opened and he ran inside. Pico stepped inside being hit with the smell of school bathrooms, a putrid amount of some sort of cleaning product and of course, shit.

Pico almost collapsed on the ground, his legs felt weak. He just wanted to pass out, why was he feeling this way? Did that interaction between Bee and Girlfriend really set him off this much? He glanced up from the dirty and poorly cleaned bathroom floor, his eyes landing on the bathroom mirror. Pico looked at himself, his slightly messy hair from running and bumping into students, glossy eyes with tears running down his faintly freckled face. He looked horrible.

The ginger pulled down his shirt sleeves and used them to aggressively wipe away his tears, feeling a burn on his skin as the fabric rubbed against his sensitive skin. He was lucky nobody decided to go inside the bathrooms during lunch time. It was the time people could spend with friends and talk to them, why would anyone go inside the bathrooms.


(Boyfriend's POV)

Boyfriend walked out of the classroom with a sigh, a knot in his stomach. Normally, Pico would be walking with him to lunch but the other was nowhere to be seen. He gripped onto his backpack straps while hearing the echo of his shoes hitting the ground in the empty hallway. The blue haired male wasn't going to the cafeteria, he instead was going to the bathroom. Of course to do his business and he didn't want to hear the roaring conversations in the loud cafeteria.

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