Chapter 9 - Longing

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(Pico's POV)

The redhead's eyes opened slowly as he began to drift back to reality. He grumbled under his breath as a small yawn escaped his lips. Pico stared up at his ceiling as a headache rang through his head making him already uncomfortable. He listened to the loud music muffled by the wall from the apartment next to him. It was some shitty pop music he hated. "God.. Why can't they shut the fuck up-.." He rested his hands on the mattress and used them to lift himself up. "Mh.. What time-.. is it?" His words fumbled out of his mouth as he sleepily reached over for his phone. Grabbing the device, he brought it towards him and turned it on. "3 am, huh.." Pico sighed and noticed a notification on the homescreen.

Missed call from Bee 💙

"Wha.." He muttered out slightly in shock and confusion. Pico shook his head, "It was probably a misclick or something." He reassured himself with a small scoff. He pressed on the notification thinking it would take him to the phone app.

Ring.. Ring..

Pico panicked and paused. "W-Wait shit!-.." He aggressively ended the call with his body tensing up. He sighed in relief, "Holy fuck.. I hope that didn't actually call him." He mumbled, staring at the call screen. Pico's eyes landed on the voicemail icon and decided to press it. "Huh.. Nobody sends me voicemails." He admitted with a faint chuckle.

He pressed on the voicemail without reading the name, waiting for it to play.

"I'm sorry.."

The voice made a shiver run through Pico's spine, "B..Bee?.." He was in slight disbelief, not expecting that at all. It took him a couple seconds to actually react, but he turned off his phone and sighed. "He's sorry..?" Pico didn't know how to react. He collapsed back on his bed with a huff of air escaping him as he hit his pillows.

His eyes drooped closed as he began to think. He thought back to their old relationship.

Ringing erupted in the room making Pico grumble awake. His platinum eyes glanced around the room as it was adjusting to the faint sunlight shining from the window. Pico grabbed his phone off the bedside table and sighed, checking the caller ID.

Sunshine <3

He cracked a small grin as he answered the call. It took a couple seconds before the other responded, "Morning!" Boyfriend shouted with high energy even if it was around 8 am. "Good mornin'.." Pico mumbled with his usual tired tone. "I'm surprised you're awake, hon." Boyfriend said with a teasing tone, a small chuckle escaping him afterwards. Pico scoffed in a positive sort of way and rolled his eyes, "Uh huh, your loud ass phone call woke me up.." He said in this playfully grumpy tone. The other gasped and laughed a bit, "Oops,, sorry!"

The two spent the next two hours on a call just talking about nonsense that came out of their mouths. "Hey Pico, can I come over in like an hour or two?" Boyfriend suddenly asked, with a small harmonious hum. Pico perked up, "Oh sure, I don't really have anything to do anyways.." He responded with a small shrug. Boyfriend chuckled, "Kay! I'll be there after I go shopping with Miku! She wanted to buy some accessories and some other stuff for her next performance in Tokyo in a couple days." The other explained, Pico imagined them fidgeting with their shirt as they spoke which was one of the things Boyfriend did.

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