Chapter 6 - Seeing Them

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!!⚠️TW Hallucinations and signs of an abusive relationship in Pico's POV⚠️!!

(Boyfriend's POV)

"You don't remember dating me?.."

Pico's words sent a shiver down Boyfriend's spine. "Wh.." He breathed out and felt like he was just punched in the gut. The other's expression didn't help, it looked broken and confused. Boyfriend took a step back and tried to steady his breath. "What are-.. What are you talking about?!.." The bluenette shouted, panic rushing through his body. Pico looked distraught and hurt but tried his best to hide it. Boyfriend opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He didn't know what to feel, it was all so sudden and new. So much adrenaline was pumping through his body, he felt like he was about to throw up. There was silence between the two, like they were both trying to collect their words and actually say something.

"S-So you.. Don't." Pico said with a bitter tone of voice. Boyfriend's breathing got heavier as he looked at the other. "NO I FUCKING DON'T." Boyfriend yelled out, as tears began to spark his eyes. He noticed Pico flinch and almost break this 'tough guy' character he puts on. The bluenette immediately regretted yelling at him, why did he even yell? He doesn't know.. It was probably from the sudden emotions that began to overwhelm him. "Pico.." He muttered out, reaching his hand over to rest his hand on the ginger's shoulder. Before he could even reach him, Pico scoffed and pushed past him, making Boyfriend fall onto the ground. The sudden action of being pushed and falling made his hat fall off his head and almost made the back of it hit one of the bathroom sinks. "PICO WAIT!" Boyfriend exclaimed in a panic, his heart wrenching and the guilt beginning to catch up to him. He hesitated getting up and running after the other but he told himself not to.

Boyfriend huffed, his heart beat not being able to slow down. He raised his hand up and grabbed the bathroom sink, using it to help himself get up. He dusted himself off and glanced up, his eyes landed on the bathroom mirror. The bluenette looked at himself, his hair was all disheveled, the burning tears coursing down his cheeks, and Pico's sweater all rumbled. He felt weird about himself. Everything that just happened to flood back in his mind making that same overwhelming feeling build up in his body.

What am I supposed to remember?

What did I forget?

Why can't I remember?

The same three questions rang through his clouded mind. It made him uncomfortable. He let out a shaky sigh as his body trembled. Boyfriend wiped away his tears, turning his head away from the mirror. Seeing his hat on the ground, Boyfriend bit the inside of his lip feeling another wave of guilt wash over his body and goosebumps begin to crawl on his arms. He grabbed the hat and gripped onto the brim of it. His eyes wandered back onto the mirror, beginning to run his fingers through hair to slightly comb the mess then put on his hat.

Boyfriend took a deep breath and looked at himself, He looked.. good enough. Still messy but it was good enough for no one to notice something happened to him. He walked out of the bathroom and decided to go on with his day, he still had the rest of the school day ahead of him. Nothing between him and Pico will change, their friendship will stay the same, right? He thought for a bit while walking to the cafeteria.

Maybe he just didn't want to remember.

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