Drunken up. [32 part 2]

Start bij het begin

Edalyn panicked, drawing a spell circle, a yellow bubble like thing flipping over, being a makeshift bowl, moving over in front of Camilla. The human grabbed on to it, heaved, and threw up. "Lily, don't you dare throw up as well-"

The indigo haired witch was one of those people who threw up or gagged if someone did the same, which was bad enough to be honest. Luz came back in, offering Lilith the bowl, the witch regurgitating in to it. "Ew..It- It's warm.." Luz mumbled.

Lilith took the bowl from her, throwi- ng up one more time, groaning quietly as she lifted her head up. "Oh Titan.." She mumbled, gagging.

"There there..It'll be okay.." Luz reas- sured. "Why don't you go take a shower?"

Lilith gagged again, nodding slowly, Camilla throwing up, the witch regu- rgitating once more. Eda held Camilla's hair up, the human so close to- "Ew- Uhm- It's okay human- Keep throwing up til you feel comfortable-" Eda mumbled, summoning a hair tie.

She put Camilla's hair up in a bun, the human sighing heavily. "That feels so much better.." Camilla heaved. "Ugh.. Just when I thought I could drink a little bit of wine.."

"Was that all you drank?" Edalyn pried.

Luz went downstairs with Lilith, the two women being left alone in the room. "Some alcohol.."

"Camilla you're a nurse. You have to be sober if you're going to work, you couldn't even handle wine."

"I know I know..!" Camilla huffed.

"You hit Luz..She has horrible past experiences with alcoholic parents or guardians. If you want to take care of her..You have to be sober.."

Camilla hesitated, "I hit her..?"

"You slapped her and punched me! You hit hard! Really hard!" Edalyn exclaimed. "You should really try boxing y'know, you'd knock out people left and right."

"That's not something to be proud of!"

"I'd be stinkin' proud of it!"

"You're an idiot Mrs.Clawthorne." Camilla muttered.

"Ah-Ah-Ah. Ms. I ain't no ladies man." Eda sassed. "Single all the way. Also it's just Edalyn human."

"How'd you even get here?"

"Portal. Opens every two weeks to a month. Depending on how long you leave it open." Eda shrugged.

Camilla gently pushed the floating bubble away, the yellow casing closing up, poofing away with it's contents. "Where is it?"

"The portal? In the basement."

"We have a basement..?"


"Who broke a hole behind the fridge!?" Luz exclaimed from downstairs.

"You broke in to my home?" Camilla hissed, looking back at Edalyn.

"Woah woah- It was there to begin with-"

"There was no hole in the kitchen when we moved in! Edalyn Clawthorne I will bury you myself if you don't FIX MY WALL!"




Camilla grabbed the witch from her collar, pulling her down. "Fix. The. Wall."

"Later later-"


"Yes ma'am- Right away ma'am-"

Camilla let her go, the witch quickly leaving, going downstairs, pulling Luz back a bit. "Please don't become like your human guardian-"

Luz looked up at her step-mom, a bit ticked off. "Momma. You broke a wall behind the thing I possibly treasure most in this house because I'm the only one that can cook!" Luz exclaimed. "Rodents will come in and eat Prince's cheese!"

The back door opened quickly, Prince rushing in, getting ready to bite. "Who's going to take my cheese!?" He barked. "I'll eat them! I'll eat my cheese before they do!"

"Man he really likes cheese-" Both older witches blurted out.

"My cheese." He snarled, going over to Luz. "Is my cheese in danger?"

"If momma doesn't fix the wall, yes, it's in terrible danger." Luz explained, making it sound more dramatic then it should.

Prince let out a whine, then a snarl, looking up at Eda. "Fix the wall witch! Protect my cheese!"

"Hey come on- I just saved your mom- How did you even get here!?"

"I dug a hole in the backyard under the gate! Fix the hole behind the food chamber!"

"What does a witch have to do to get respected around here?!" Eda shouted.

"Earn the dang respect! Fix the hole!!" Prince barked.

Eda snapped, the hole being fixed, the witch doing jazz hands. "There. Happy?"

Prince huffed, walking past her, and going to his room. Mattias, Rose, and Nero followed in to the home, going to the shared bedroom of both pets. 'Ding Dong!' Luz glared at her mother, going towards the door, unlocking it and opening it, peeking out. "Kris.."

To be continued.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu