"What!" Looks like that got his attention.

"Come here!"

A grunt could be heard from behind the door before being slammed roughly open by a disgruntled Kokichi. "What?"

"Do you know how to tie a tie?" He picked up the tie and it lamely flopped back down against his chest.

"I can try," he shrugged, walking over to where Shuichi was laying. "You're going to have to sit up if you want me to."

Shuichi sat up and Kokichi began working with the tie, his thin fingers unknotting the mess Shuichi had made of it. Shuichi watched him silently, staring up at his concentrated face. His hair was falling into his face and he blew it away irritated.

"There, I did it." Kokichi patted Shuichi's chest and stood back so he could stand up. He caught a glimpse of the tie in the mirror as he stood. It was a bit messy but at least it was tied. He tucked it into his vest and moved quickly to the door grabbing his wallet and keys on the way.

Shuichi hoped he wasn't going to be too late, he stalled at the door making sure he had everything he needed. Then he remembered. "Oh no," he slapped his hand against his head.

"What?" Kokichi asked, finally joining him by the door.

"I forgot to call for a cab."

"I Know."

Shuichi raised his head confused. "What?"

"I figured you forgot so I called while you were showering. They should be waiting outside."

Shuichi felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and took a sigh of relief. That was oddly thoughtful of him. "Thank you Kokichi. Are you sure you're okay being here alone while I'm gone?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just go already your cologne is giving me asthma."

Shuichi blushed, he knew he had gone a bit overboard on the cologne. "Eh, sorry. Wait are you having someone come over? You mentioned it earlier, is it still happening?"

"I am." Kokichi crossed his arms and tilted his head. Shuichi got the impression he wasn't inclined to talk about it.

"Okay well I'm going now, see you later."

"Have fun on your date." Though the words were kind Shuichi felt like the tone held the opposite meaning. What he would give for a day where he understood the complex mind of Kokichi Ouma.

The car ride wasn't long, but with all the thoughts and worries swirling in his head, it felt like he had been in this car for an eternity. The black seats squeaked under him uncomfortably, and the driver smelled like cigarette smoke. Definitely wasn't the most pleasant of experiences.

He probably shouldn't think too much into it, but he can't help but feel bad about leaving Kokichi at home. He was acting differently before he left, colder, and put-off, yet that was still different from how he acted in the killing game. Shuichi however had to put those thoughts at the back of his mind, as the cab pulled up to the front of the restaurant.

He stood by the awning of the building where Kaede said she would meet him, looking around for a sign of her. His heart was beating fast and a part of him wished he could crawl right back into the cab and just go home. He didn't want to have to tell Kaede he didn't have feelings for her and thought of her as a friend, maybe he could make himself like her? In fact, he wasn't sure why he didn't already, she was kind, sweet, and pretty. Any sensible guy should like her.

"Shuichi!" His heart fluttered, he knew that voice, he turned his head to where it had come from and sure enough, it was her. Kaede was walking towards him arm raised high in a wave, smile bright enough to blind, and... pulling someone behind her by the wrist. Wait, what? Broken out of his Kaede daze, he realized she wasn't alone, and walking behind her was, Rantaro.

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