You freeze for a moment but quickly follow the boy's lead.   

   This is going to be a long night, You think, placing your hand over your racing heart. 


   You huff, dramatically falling to the ground after surviving the car ride with Oikawa. 

   "I lived," You say to yourself, overjoyed to be on solid ground. 

   Oikawa rolls his eyes at you, looking to the side. "Come on, Shorty-chan, It wasn't that bad," The boy defends. 

   You snap your head in his direction, looking at him with distressed eyes. "Not that bad? Oikawa, you almost hit an elderly woman in a wheelchair, and she was on the damn sidewalk!" You yell, terrified of ever having to ride with him again. 

   Oikawa jumps, taking a defensive position. "WE AGREED NOT TO TALK ABOUT THAT!" He shouts. 

   "YOU AGREED NOT TO TALK ABOUT THAT!" You snap back, hopping up from the ground and onto your feet. 

   "S-SHUT UP! AT LEAST I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!"Oikawa yells. Though, he's right. Unlike Oikawa, you didn't pass your test. 

   Your eyes narrow, causing Oikawa to immediately regret his words. "If you find any value in this life, you don't wanna go there," You warn, angry that Oikawa got his license and you didn't. 

   Oikawa breaks out in a cold sweat, slowly shaking his head in fear.   

   You sigh, dusting yourself off and beginning to walk up the long flight of stairs that lead to the shrine. "Let's just go," You say, walking slowly so the boy can catch up. 

   Oikawa runs to your side, being sure to keep a decent amount of distance between you. 

   Bystanders watch your interaction with scared looks. Some of them even turn around and walk in the opposite direction of the shrine.  

   When the two of you get to the top, you make your way to the shrine, admiring the decorations. All of the lights and ribbons have you mesmerized. You watch with glowing eyes as people walk by in beautiful kimonos. 

   Because of how divided your attention is, you gradually drift away from Oikawa. He notices this and pinches the end of your shirt, pulling you closer to him.  

   You look up at the boy with a surprised expression. 

   "I don't want us to get separated," The boy explains, giving you a warm smile. 

   A light blush covers your cheeks as your heart rate speeds up. "O-Ok," You stutter, looking at the ground. 

   Once the two of you arrive at the shrine, you make your wishes.   

   You press your hands together, wishing for the one thing you've longed for after meeting Oikawa. Oikawa does the same. 

   Opening your eyes a the same time, you turn to each other. 

   "What'd you wish for?" Oikawa asks with a grinning, eager to hear your answer.  

   You think for a moment, a small smile appearing on your face. "You know, it's only fair that you tell me your's first," You state, placing your hands behind your back. 

   A light shade of pink graces the boy's features. He pauses for a moment before answering. "O-On second thought, you don't have to tell me," Oikawa nervously chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. 

   "That's what I thought," You huff, walking off in the direction of the good luck charms. Oikawa quickly follows, not wanting to get separated. 

Why Me || T. OikawaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя