Telling the truth

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(Toni's POV)
I woke up in a room with bright white lights. Then I remembered yesterday's events. Cher stirred in her sleep as her eyes fluttered open. I rubbed her back "hey beautiful sleep well?" She said in her raspy voice. "Yeah of course I did" I said quietly. She sat up hearing my voice get lower "Hey you can talk to me are you ok?" She asked putting her hand on my thigh and rubbing it in a comforting way. I sat up and she put a worried look on her face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "I-I wanted to tell you the real reason I took those pills" I said while looking down. She stayed quiet. I looked at her to see her staring blankly at the ground she must be traumatized. "Babe?" I called out trying to get her attention but she was still staring into a void. I shook her a few times and then she snapped out of it. She shook her head and blinked her eyes twice "huh?" She said not knowing what was going on. I put my hand on her arm "Bae are you alright?" I asked kinda concerned because it was like she blacked out with her eyes open. She just nodded not being able to speak. "Can I ask you something?" She questioned not looking at me or in my direction. She was staring holes in the ground again. "Yeah anything" I replied looking at her every once in a while. "Uhm w-why were you so mad that I uhm that I threw th-that party?" She asked. This question was expected I didn't know if I was quite ready to answer it though. On the other hand I owe it to her seeing as I could've died and hearing what she was saying while I was in that "coma" she needed me. I just didn't feel like she did. I felt like she didn't care at all. I sighed and grabbed her hands "ok Ive never  told anyone about this unless you count fangs and sweetpea. I didn't even tell them they found out." She gave me a very confused look which made sense. "When I was 13 I came out to my parents. My mom first then my Dad. Everything went so well with my mom but my dad...." I trailed off letting a tear fall from my face. She squeezed my hand to encourage me to continue "my dad didn't like the idea of his perfect little princess dating girls and being such a "dyke" as he put it. So he tried to prove i didn't like girls and that I was straight, that my sexuality was a phase by doing something similar to what happened with nick st clair." By now my eyes were tearful and so were hers. "Baby why didn't you tell me?" She asked rubbing my thigh again. I shrugged not even knowing why I didn't tell her about it. Maybe I was scared. Maybe I was embarrassed that I let it happen. " we don't have to talk about this anymore ok?" She said pulling me into her embrace. I sobbed into her neck feeling all the emotions from that day come back and fill my body. She rubbed my back "shh it ok he isn't here to hurt you anymore remember I'm here and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to you under my watch alright princessa?" She said letting my cry on her. I nodded as much as I could feeling weak from all the crying. We laid back down with her spooning me and just whispering sweet little things in my ear like 'you're so brave' or 'you're so beautiful you know?' It was the best thing ever. I can't wait to marry this girl.

My guy I'm writing this at 3AM like bitch take yo ass to sleep tf Buh yes this chapter is short and what? Riiiii stfu 😂😂😂😂😂😂🙄🖕🏽

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