Truth or Dare

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(Cheryl's POV)
Earlier today when me and Toni had sex she called me mommy which is soo hot. Anyway it was now 1:08 in the afternoon so me and Toni went back downstairs to the gang. When we got downstairs we asked if we could play truth or dare and they all agreed. We sat in a circle. "Ok who's going first guys" I asked. Toni put up her hand. This was dirty edition so I should've guessed she would go. Anyway she picked her card and she read it aloud. "For the rest of the game pick a good and when your partner feeds you something you have to say 'thank you Daddy'" she read aloud. She started blushing which I didn't know was possible because she rarely does it. But anyway Veronica screamed " I HAVE CUPCAKES IN THE FRIDGE". She ran to get them and gave them to me. I fed it to Toni and she said " thank you daddy" I blushed at what she called me. Next it was my turn I picked Dare and my card read "Choose someone to give a lap dance to". I picked To I duh. I played body party by Ciara. When I signaled for Veronica to play it she hit play i straddled Toni and started to sway my hips back and forth and side to side. I flipped my hair to the other side of my face and got up. I walked around Toni until I stopped and sat down on her lap and started to grind into her until the song was over. When it ended I sat back down in my seat everyone was shocked with wide eyes. I looked over to Toni and she looked very flushed. Her face was red, her leg was bouncing up and down like a butterfly wing. Anyway now it was Veronica's turn she picked dare "pick someone front the group and lick their ear" she leaned over to Betty and licked her ear making Betty moan out 'Daddy'. She opened her eyes and was blushing as to why she did that. I just smirked to myself and made a mental note to high five her later. Veronica looked very red. Anyway everyone had at least one turn each then it was Toni's Turn again. She picked dare again so I decided I would pick truth on my turn. Anyway she read her card aloud "Whisper something dirty in your partners ears 2 each and if you don't have a partner pick someone from the group" Toni leaned into my ear and whispered in to my right ear " When we go upstairs I'm gonna make you cum so many times that my voice alone will make your cum" and "I'm gonna stick my tongue  so far up your pussy that you'll feel me in your stomach". She then leaned into my left ear and whispered " Mommy you eat me so good fffuuuuuucckkkk" she fake moaned in my ear and "Baby don't stop keep going it feels so good " . When she sat back down my face was red and I was pretty sure I came in my pants. We finished the game and me and Toni went upstairs. She had went to the bathroom so I picked out some lingerie I had packed up and put it on. You can find out later what happens next😉

Sorry for the short chapter but next chapter is just smut and just Toni's POV then we'll be back to normal but yeah byeee😁😁

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