Whats wrong?

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(Cheryl's POV)
I woke up feeling my heart heavy, I don't know why but it did. I didn't feel like getting out of bed but since I had school I went in some sweats and my hoodie. I had on a pair of sneakers with my hair in a messy bun and a Nike head band on my head. I walked around school as if it was the end of the world and I was tired.It was now lunch time and as always I sat with the gang when I sat down everyone was looking at me crazy. "Damn Cher what's wrong with you" Kevin asked. I gave him a side glare and said "fuck off Kev". He put his hands up in defeat. Then Toni sat down with us "damn Cher why do you look like that you look hot but why" she said sitting next to me. "I don't even know princess I had the instinct to dress like this" I sighed. She put her hand on my thigh, I looked at her and saw her biting her lip and crossing her legs together really tightly. "Princess your playing with fire right now" I glared at her. She just kept rubbing my inner thigh causing me to blush which is something that I rarely do now. I moaned when her hand touched my sex. Everyone heard the sound and looked at us. "Are you guys really about to fuck in front of us" Jughead asked. "I mean that's up to her" I shrugged. They looked at her with pouts "nope sorry we can do this when we get home" she whispered in my ear and then biting it. I moaned and dug my nails into her thighs making it bleed a little. I took my thumb and rubbed it across the nail marks. When I was done there was blood on my thumb so I took my thumb, raised it to my mouth, and sucked on it. As I did this I felt Toni's eyes on me but when I looked back at her she had her eyes closed and her legs crossed. I smirked at the effect I had on her and took my thumb out of my mouth. She still had her eyes closed tightly and everyone was staring at her "what the fuck is wrong with her" Veronica asked. I just shrugged not knowing what else to say. "Does she need help or something" Betty asked looking oddly confused. I shook my head no and smiled at my tiny TT.
(Toni's POV)
Jesus I never knew that I could get so turned on by this girl putting her thumb in her mouth and sucking on it. I opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me like I was crazy except for Cheryl who was smirking at me. I leaned to her ear to whisper "I'm so gonna get you back for this so watch your back". When I leaned back I saw that she was looking at me with that charming ass smirk. Oh god here we go. It was now time to leave school and Cheryl was nowhere to be seen so I went on home without her. I drove to thistle house, I saw her car. I walked into the house and saw her slides all over the floor. I got kinda scared because I heard the water running, I ran upstairs to see Cheryl on the floor in her bra and panties soaking wet, I rushed to her side she looked unconscious but her eyes were still opened "Babe what the hell happened" I asked . She just groaned and laid on her side. I walked out of the room and grabbed a towel. I dried her off and changed her clothes "Babe what happened?" I asked trying to get an answer from her. She didn't answer she just stared blankly at the wall. I sighed and rubbed her back she then started to sob into me. "Baby what happened?" She sat there quietly for a few minutes, then answered "I-I don't even know  I was about to get in the shower and th-then I.." she trailed off. She didn't have to finish her sentence I knew what she did "Babe you didn't please tell me you didn't" I said letting a few tears stream down my face. She nodded and kept sobbing into my neck. "Baby you said you wouldn't do this again" I wasn't trying to say anything but I don't want her to do this to herself. I sighed and got up, I went downstairs to get some food for her to eat my poor baby, I'd decided I should call Jason. I grabbed my phone and looked for Jason's number . The phone rang for a few seconds when her picked up "hey Jason so something happened with your sister and she might need help she's just not herself right now I think you should come see her" I hung up and made her food. I heard the door slam and I assumed it was Jason which it was. He's rushed over to his sister "hey sis what's the matter" . "Jay Jay I'm sorry I was scared and I though you and TT would leave me forever I'm sorry" she said in a hurry. "Babe Babe I told you this I'm here forever" I reassured her. She nodded and with that we fell asleep cuddled up to each other.

So this chapter made 0 sense but I guess here

A Choni love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon