Lie Discovered, You Had No Right

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Kimmom looked into Earth's terrified eyes, kimmom knows that Kao has the right to know about his daughter, worried but knowing that Earth must tell the truth in Kao, without wasting time left the office, as soon as he left, Kao shouted with so much anger.

Kao: WHY?! Why did you do that?! Why did you separate me from my daughter ?! EARTH ...

Earth is increasingly feeling Kao squeezing his two forearms tightly, scared but not showing.

Earth: because you don't deserve it ... You don't deserve to be my daughter's father ... My daughter didn't deserve to have a womanizing father and traitor like you... a father who just used me and then threw me away at the first opportunity he had ....


Kao hearing this tightened Earth's forearms, he said angrily.

Kao: you judged me for something I didn't do ... You separated me for five years from my daughter EARTH ...This does not justify the years that you separated me from my daughter.... Even though I am what you think I am, you had no right to separate me from her... Kao screamed full of anger... SHE IS MY DAUGHTER EARTH ...

Kao pushed Earth hard, Earth almost fell but held on to the door, Kao turned his back on Earth, full of anger, hurt at Earth for doing this to him, grabbed his head with both hands, he did not know if he was happy or sad or angry for knowing this truth, Earth saw Kao confused.

Kao turned and looked at Earth he said full of anger and hurt by Earth.

Kao: I want to see her! I want to tell her that I am her father ...

Earth upon hearing this, furious, not wanting Kao to talk to Maya who is her father.

Earth: you have no right over her... You won't say anything about you ... I don't want you around my daughter, she's just my daughter ... She ...


Kao gripped Earth's wrist tightly, full of anger, pulled Earth, brought his face close to Earth's face.

Kao: here who has no right to say a single word is you ... You have separated me from her for five years, I will not allow you to separate me from her again ... She is my daughter, if you don't let me see her I will be forced to go far to be able to have mine right on her.

Earth what he feared was said in Kao's last words, worried and desperate.

Earth: YOU WON'T TAKE MY DAUGHTER FROM ME ... You don't have this right ...Earth started beating Kao's chest with his other hand on his chest ... You won't take her away from me, she my daughter is not yours ..

Kao let go of Earth's other hand, grabbed his waist from behind, pulled Earth and grabbed the hand that was hitting him, silenced him.

with the strong pull that Kao gave Earth made Earth put the hand that Kao released on his chest, and his lips close to his, his nose touched Kao's nose, Earth felt the strong perfume coming from Kao's body, looked at Kao's lips and then in his eyes. Earth for a few seconds completely fell in the desire to want to kiss the lips that were so close to theirs, but thinking about almost losing his daughter, he immediately left these thoughts and started trying to push Kao, with the small space that was between them.

Earth: let me go ... let me go .. Let go, I told you ... Humnm

Kao despite feeling angry and being very angry with Earth, he was also very happy to know that he has a daughter with the man he loves so much, to know that that beautiful princess was the result of their love, just made him very happy, feeling Earth's delicate scent, Kao looked at Earth's lips, started to stroke his nose on Earth's nose, closed his eyes and said.

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang