Part 10 - Angry Young Man

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Bai Cao arrives at the match hall with Chang An and goes to all his members, all of them are very happy because they win the match.

Those people decide to go to the restaurant to celebrate their victory,
So Bai Cao tells to Ting Yi to walk with them but she refuses but no one listens to her and they all take her with them

In restaurant

Everyone reaches the restaurant and celebrating the joy of their victory and at the same time Fang Ting Hao comes to the same restaurant with his friend (Yang Xiao Ruo) Because they have a little mind is upset that's why he come there.

Everyone reaches the restaurant and celebrating the joy of their victory and at the same time Fang Ting Hao comes to the same restaurant with his friend (Yang Xiao Ruo) Because they have a little mind is upset that's why he come there

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On the other side Chang'an gives a treat to all the students because Wu Xuida and Xiao Ying work hard to win this match.

Wu Xuida: Coach, we have a surprise for you.

Chang An: Surprise!! which Surprise!

Xiao Ying: Coach, you only wait 2 minutes we come quickly.

After saying this, they both leave from there and after a while they come back in a trolley with a very beautiful cake.

After saying this, they both leave from there and after a while they come back in a trolley with a very beautiful cake

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And all the Sang Bai Hall members are the ones who order a cake to say thank you to Chang'an..

all members of Song Bai Hall Bai Cao, Ting Yi and Chang An are celebrating when something falls in Bai Cao's dress.

Xiao Ying - Bai Cao your dress has deteriorated, you quickly go to the washroom and clean it.

Bai Cao goes from there and as soon as she gets out of the washroom After a while, she starts going to everyone that only then does her eye go to Ting Hao.

Bai Cao - Senior Ting Hao is here, and who is this girl with him???

On other side -

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