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Lev pov: Friday, 28th of June

Today, Yaku picked me up again. As soon as I saw him, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. We didn't let go for about five minutes. I think he missed me as well. On our way to school, we chatted about all the things we couldn't tell each other in the past few days. It was refreshing talking to him again. Still, I couldn't overhear that he wasn't saying anything about what happened between him and Inuoka. Every time I asked him something about it, he just gave a vague answer. Was it because he confessed or because he didn't and didn't want me to know. I didn't know.

After our first break ended, I started thinking about how they behaved. Nothing changed. They seemed a bit distant but not as much as it would be after a rejection. So maybe Yaku didn't confess to him because he likes me and not Inuoka. But maybe Yaku just chickened out? He isn't the type to but who wouldn't with their crush. Maybe Inuoka already knew and they didn't want to rub it in. Or Inuoka rejected him and everything between them stayed the same.

I wanted to ask him but he wouldn't tell me anyway. I just had to wait some more. But now I just had to enjoy the days with Yaku and I could think about everything else as soon as this week ended.

In the breaks, Yaku and I hugged way more than we usually did and Kuroo said something about us showing too much PDA. He couldn't talk though. He and Kenma showed more PDA every day than Yaku and I ever did. Kai said otherwise but who cared?

After the school day ended, Yaku and I went home. Yaku told me that he had planned everything for the next three days so I just went with it.

When we arrived, Yaku immediately went to my room and changed into some comfortable oversized clothes, he stole from me. For me, they were too short but for him, they were way too big. He looked cute though so I didn't mind. "Come on, change as well", he said after he changed. "Sure", I just replied and quickly changed as well. The next thing I knew was him pulling me into the bathroom. What did he want to do?

It turned out that he wanted to do some sort of spa-night with me. "Which one do you want", he asked. He held two packages in his hands. One was bigger than his face while the other was a small packaging. I didn't know what those were but I didn't care. "I want to have the short one", I therefore replied. "Oh, okay. Do you have a specific reason for this?", Yaku asked. He knew that I didn't know what those things were so I obviously had to have a reason to pick one. "I don't know, it looked more appealing. Besides, I like short things", I said. I mumbled the last part under my breath though. I didn't want Yaku to hear that. "Sure but what was the last thing, I couldn't hear it", Yaku answered. "Ah, nothing", I replied. "Okay. Well, this one is a peel-off mask, I think and you have to put it on with a brush or something like this. I don't know, to be honest. I'll just apply it to your face. But before I do that, you have to wash your face with warm water", Yaku said. "Sure", I replied and went to wash my face.

After that, I sat on the edge of the bathtub. It was pretty big so I didn't have problems with my balance. Shortly after that, Yaku sat on my lap, facing me, and started applying the mask. I immediately got reminded of the previous Saturday or was it Sunday, I didn't know.

I was watching him while he continued applying the mask. I liked this concentrated expression on his face. It made him look cute.

Without me realizing it, my gaze went to his lips and stayed there for half a minute, until I finally snapped back. I was blushing crazy. Luckily, Yaku had already applied most of the mask, so you couldn't see it.

Before I knew it, Yaku finished and went to the mirror to apply his own mask. I was still sitting on the bathtub. I was frozen.

After about 15 minutes, Yaku went back to me and sat in my lab again. Now he was removing my mask. This time I was more focused on his cute expression while doing so. And of course, I started blushing. I tried to stop but how do you stop blushing? I just hoped he didn't realize.

"Did I pull it off too fast? Probably. Sorry for doing that", Yaku said after he finished. He was looking at me judgingly. "What happened", I asked, confused. "Your face is really red. You somehow didn't tolerate this mask or something like this", Yaku answered. So he saw it. I was lucky I didn't have to think of some excuse. "ah okay. Let's just forget about it. Do you want to watch a movie", I changed the topic. I didn't want to talk longer about it and eventually make him realize the actual reason. "Sure, let's go", he answered.

We decided to get some ice-cream from the fridge and after that, we went to my room where we wanted to watch 'Call me by your name'. I've always wanted to watch that film but I never had the motivation to do so. I was glad that I could experience so many things for the first time together with Yaku.

While watching, we, of course, cuddled. It was comfortable feeling him next to me. And it gave me some sort of thing to hold on to. I needed him with me.

Half into the film, I saw that Yaku dozed off. He normally didn't fall asleep during films but I honestly. I no longer paid attention to the film but the boy in front of me. I was admiring his features and playing with his hair. It was really soft and I wished I could stay like this forever. That's why I turned off the film and continued doing what I was doing. 

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now