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Lev pov: Thursday, 6th of June

After I woke up, I automatically called Shibayama, who picked up immediately. I told Yama about everything that happened. Yama made my hopes go up again. I really hoped Yama was right, because I was scared, that this all was platonic. Hugging is pretty normal for friends.


I picked Yaku up like usual. We hugged as we greeted and walked to school together talking about all possible stuff. As we parted we hugged again, before hurrying to class.

The lessons were harder than usual, due to the increasing temperature. Everybody was looking towards the 21st. We would go to an outside swimming pool. I looked forward to this day. I would see a shirtless Yaku all day long. He was pretty muscular but still had this soft aura. I couldn't really explain, Yaku was just genuinely my type.


Everything was like yesterday. I thought about Yaku all the time, I was jealous of Inuoka and I wanted to die because of the increasing heat. It was even hotter than Yesterday.

Shibayama complained about this as we met after the first period. Yama really hated the heat.

In the second break, I looked for Yaku. He was in the Cafeteria with Inuoka. Today they didn't hug. It made me feel better, pathetic but okay.

As I approached them Yaku was smiling brightly. It made my chest flatter and brought a smile up to my face.

We talked a lot and after some time Shibayama joined. Yama was still annoyed and exhausted. Yama really didn't like the warm temperatures and the summer in general. 

When the bell rang I hugged Yaku before he was leaving with Inuoka. It became a habit of us to always hug when we greeted and parted. I really liked this habit.

In the lunch break, I and Yaku shared a cookie, because all the others were sold out and Yaku really wanted some of mine. In exchange, he gave me some of his popsicle.

At Practice, I helped Kuroo set up the nets. Today we would practice with two. Inuoka and Yaku quickly came after I already joined Kuroo and did the other one. The jealousy was there again. I hated it.

Practice got even more exhausting, the heat was incredible. Therefore Yaku and I decided to only practice an hour more. Yesterday we clearly overworked ourselves.

As we finished we were both exhausted and craved water. Sadly both of our water bottles were empty. So I suggested going to some sort of Café. We could eat some sort of light dinner there. Due to the temperatures, we couldn't eat anything else.

Yaku quickly agreed and we made our way to some sort of ice-café. We both ordered a cone of ice-cream. Yaku had some lemon ice-cream, while I had mango. It was one of my favourites with chocolate. But I knew that Yaku didn't like chocolate and that mango was also one of his favourites. So I had the hope to share with him. I really craved these indirect kisses.

Luckily for me, Yaku really wanted to try the mango ice-cream at this place and was willing to share his lemon one with me "Here take some of mine, it isn't fair if I just take some of yours and you don't get some of mine. Don't get too used to this though".

We talked while eating the ice and ordered some cake and cold drinks as well. Suddenly it was 8 pm.

On our way back home we came by a park with a lake. Yaku pulled me towards it and we sat down at a bench in front of the lake. I was confused at first because the sun was about to go down, so it would be dark. Then I realized that Yaku probably wanted to watch the sunset again.

Like Yesterday I pulled him onto my Lap and hugged him. We sat in comfortable silence, while he snuggled his head into my shoulder. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

After the sun had set, we made our way back home. I dropped him off and we hugged.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now