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Yaku pov: Friday, 7th

Today the Confession Game officially started. I had my text finished for over a week now. Sometimes I added some things, but I concentrated on things he does, that I like and not things we did together. If I did that, he would probably find out. I also wrote it in a completely different style, than I normally do. I had to think about whether to bring in, that he is pan, but I decided to do it. I wrote something like: 'By the way, I saw you wearing this pan-button. I kind of assume you're pansexual. I just wanted to say that I accept and support you, although this should be normal. Anyway, it gives me some sort of hope that you might like me back as well :)'. It was kind of weird writing that, but I didn't know how to express it in another way.

As I received the email with the link to turn the text in I was scared. Could I possibly do this? I could just not do it. But this would be the only opportunity to confess anonymously for the next year. And I clearly didn't want to wait until then. I hesitated but finally put the like into the document.

Now the only thing left for me to do is waiting. I hoped for anyone to write me a text. I obviously hoped for it to be Lev, but I just had to wait and hope to be lucky.

Today everyone was talking about the game in school. I hoped that the others didn't talk about this. I didn't want to let anything slip that could help Lev recognize that the text was from me. He would receive it Monday anyway.

Luckily we all avoided the topic when we talked. Yama constantly complained about the heat and Lev talked about the new Riverdale season and how he was watching it because of old loyalty towards the show or something. Inuoka always told him to not watch it and to watch She-ra instead. I told them that we should definitely watch some Anime like 'Your name', 'A whisker away' and 'Spirited away' at the next sleepover.

"Noooo, we watch Anime all the time. We watched them all at least 5 times already. Can we please watch something else" Lev complained. It was true. I really liked those movies. But I don't really watch other stuff, so I don't know what we could watch. A series would take too long, so it had to be a film. "Yeah, that's true but I don't know what else to watch. Although I heard, that 'Circle' should be really good. It has to do something with a social experiment or something. we could watch that. I think you would enjoy it" I said looking at Lev.

Our conversation drifted away from the others, who were talking about how someone named Bow should've ended up with some Captain. I really didn't know what they were talking about.

He quickly agreed and we discussed some other movies we could watch. We finally decided on:

1. 'Circle'

2. 'The host' - a really good film. I've already watched it one or two times but I was happy to watch it again.

3. 'Tall girl' - not just because it was about a relationship between someone tall and someone short.

That would take us about 5 ½ hours.  If we wanted to watch all of those movies or at least two of them I would have to stay the night. I had some stuff at Lev's house because I often slept there, so it wouldn't be a problem. I would just have to ask Lev and inform my parents.

"Lev, you know that we can't finish all of this in one evening. I would have to stay at your house" I said. I wanted to sleep there, but I also didn't want to tell him this. This was the perfect excuse. "o-of course Yaku. I just have to ask my mother, but I would really like it" Lev said while pulling out his phone.

Yaku pov: Friday, 7th

I was reading the texts from behind Lev's shoulder.

I was curious. I hoped that Alisa didn't let anything slip.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now