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3rd pov: Sunday, 16th of June

"How long do you guys plan on playing?" Yaku asked. He was already tired. Normally, he would go to sleep at about 10 pm so his body wasn't used to being awake at this time. "I don't know. Maybe until the first person blacks out" Teshiro answered. It all took longer than they expected. "That was the plan after all" Shibayama agreed.

"mhm. Kenma, I dare you to let Kuroo braid your hair" Yaku said. He knew that Kenma wouldn't do this. And he knew that Kenma was a light-weight. And he knew that Kenma was already somehow drunk and would black-out in a couple of minutes. The earlier Kenma would blackout, the fewer secrets of him could be exposed.

"hell no" Kenma said, taking a shot. He had his dignity. As a sort of revenge, he asked Lev the next question. This would have to pick truth due to him picking truth the two rounds before. "Lev, one question. Does your Crush, by any chance, play as libero in our team?" Kenma asked. He knew that Yaku was insecure about whether Lev liked Shibayama or him. And they both played as libero, Yaku being the official one.

What Kenma didn't acknowledge was that this statement would make four people gulp and Lev stiffen and very flustered. "I should neither confirm nor deny this statement." the tall middle blocker responded, fidgeting with his hands nervously. Yaku, of course, saw it and took it as a yes.

Lev took a shot and wrapped his arms around the small libero on his lap and buried his face in the latter's neck. "gosh, I'm already half drunk. Kai. What is your sexuality?" he mumbled.

"I'm bi-curious" Kai answered. "cool" "yeah, I don't really know haha" Kai said, chuckling slightly.

Teshiro was next. He picked truth. "What's your thought of Polyamory" Kai said. He wanted to know what the team thought about it. He personally was completely fine with it as long as nobody lied. He himself thought about him being polyamorous for a long time now and wanted to hear other's thoughts about it. He still needed time figuring it out.

"I don't know, I have never thought about that because I'll never be in a relationship but I think that it is pretty cool and as long as you talk to each other and are honest it's completely fine" Teshiro answered. "'kay"

"Fukunaga, you've been kind of quiet. What do you take?" Teshiro resumed the game before the silence got awkward.

"I'll take truth", the addressed answered. "what is your biggest insecurity" Teshiro asked, making Fukunaga take a shot. Fukunaga didn't want to talk about it so he quickly continued "Inuoka, who is your Crush?" After Inuok took a shot he said: "Do I look like I would do that hah. Anyway, Kuroo, who would you like to kiss in this room, who isn't Kenma?"

"Nobody, duh. I'm in a happy relationship with the love of my life" Kuroo answered, pulling Kenma closer to him. "Who would you most likely kiss?" Inuoka continued, getting a flat "Nobody, therefore I drink" as a response. Kuroo didn't want any misunderstandings and he only loved his boyfriend.

"Yaku, would you like to tell us about your type" Kuroo said. He wanted the smaller libero to finally confess but he knew that Yaku would take his time. "no, I actually want to drink some more alcohol", this answered, smiling sarcastically.

"Why are you guys all drinking. This isn't really the purpose of the game" Shibayama now answered, bickering like Yama always did.

"If you think it is so easy then tell us what you wrote in the confession letter" Yaku said, knowing that the latter wouldn't do it. As expected he got "I'd rather die right now" as an answer.

"hah, told you it's not that easy. I think it is over soon though. We all had at least 6 shots and there are some lightweights among us" Yaku said. He knew that he would blackout as soon as he took another shot.

"I had only three, I don't know what's up with y'all" Teshiro answered. "Shut up, will you" Lev said. He was the one who drank the most alcohol. "jeez, don't be so whiny" Teshiro said, secretly admiring how Lev didn't blackout already.

"This is boring as fuck, I think I'll just sleep, to be honest" Kenma said, burying his face in Kuroos chest.

"Sure but let me make my dare first", Yamamoto said. He wanted some drama first.

"Yell out the first word that comes to your mind", Shibayama said, obviously referring to this one video. Recognizing the smaller intention, Yamamoto completed the meme "Daddy, I mean David"

"Sorry, I had to bring this. It was just too funny. I really like this meme or whatever it is haha" Yamamoto said. He wanted the others to know that it was a joke, just in case they didn't know.

"It is indeed very funny but let's bring this to an end already", Kenma said. He was tired and just wanted to sleep. "Sure Kenma, what do you choose", Yamamoto said. Kenma picked truth. "Tell us about your kinks", Yamamoto said. He was already bored of the game and wanted to end it already or at least bring some spice into it.

"Why would you want to know this?" Kuroo, the protecting boyfriend he was, exclaimed. "It's fine Kuroo, I'll just take a shot" Kenma calmed him, taking a shot afterwards.

"Yaku, truth or dare?" Kenma said, grinning mischievously. He wanted Yaku to blackout before he did or at least see the shorter getting angry.

"Dare, I guess" Yaku responded. He knew that Kenma would tell him to confess to Lev if he picked truth so he had to pick dare to at least have a chance not to take the drink. "Cool. Spin the bottle one more time and play the pocky game with them, we don't want to waste them, do we?"Kenma said. He knew that Yaku would either drink or get really, really embarrassed because of who he would pick. It was exactly what Kenma wanted right now. Besides them being pretty good friends, they enjoyed teasing each other and that was exactly what Kenma was doing right now.

Yaku wanted to take a shot but he knew that he would blackout if he took one more shot. So he decided to go with it "Okay. But if it's someone who is in a relationship or one of the ace people in here, I won't". He hoped for it to turn on one of these people so he could just drop it. "You'll just spin the bottle again" Kenma simply replied, earning a groan from Yaku. "Fine. But only because I don't want to blackout right now" Yaku agreed. "Obviously" Kenma replied.

Lev on the other hand just hoped that Yaku spun exactly 360° so it would point at the both of them so the lowbrow would have to kiss him but he knew that the chances were pretty slim. They were 10 people, 9 places with 4 people with whom Yaku wouldn't play the game with. That means the chances were 1:5, 20%. It was better than Lev hoped but it was still possible for Yaku to spin on a different person.

Yaku spun the bottle and it landed on Kuroo so he spun again.

"Hah. It's me, so I don't have to kiss anyone and just eat the pocky myself" Yaku exclaimed, a victorious grin on his lips. He somehow forgot that he sat in the lab of Lev. "ehm, Yaku. Did you forget that you sit on my lap? Therefore, the bottle pointed at me" Lev said, making Yaku's smile drop. "Fuck" the blonde exclaimed.

"Do it already." Fukunaga said. He knew that they both liked each other and wanted the sexual tension between them to finally end. "urgh, fine" the Libero agreed.

Yaku took a chocolate-flavoured pocky-stick from the pile of sweets and turned around on Lev's lap so they sat closer. Lev pulled Yaku closer to him and slowly put the other end of the pocky stick into his mouth. They slowly began to nibble on their end, their mouths getting closer and closer. Before they knew it, their mouths were pressed against each other, neither of them trying to break the kiss.

They were so caught up in the moment that the boys didn't realize when Kenma blacked out. They only acknowledged it as Kai cleared his throat and pointed at the unconscious Kenma next to them. Both quickly let go, blushing madly. The next second, Yaku blacked out as well, or was he sleeping? Lev didn't care and just carried him to their mattresses, which were next to each other, and laid the younger down. After that, he fell next to the latter and snuggled into him.

Only if they would remember all of this the next morning.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now