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Lev pov: Monday, 3rd of June

Uff. This day. It was completely different than I expected.

After school, I hurried to prepare everything, so I could spend more time with yaku. But then I realized we didn't have any Macadamia nuts nor nougat left. So I went to the net store to buy these and the other stuff on the groceries list.

I tried to hurry, but the next store is half an hour away from my home. I really hoped that yaku wouldn't mind. He had a spare key so he should come inside.

I remember me standing in front of the shelf with the food colouring, wondering if I should buy them to make rainbow cookies.

It was pride. On my way here I walked by and really wanted to join, but I was scared and didn't have the time. I would have to wait and come back somewhen else. This whole month there will be parades. The greatest on the 30th, a Sunday and the last day of this amazing month for equality.

Of course, I could've gone there Saturday or Sunday, but I had to study for a test we wrote Monday. But who cares. I have a whole month and it wasn't even a week since June started. And there would be a parade every single day, so I would definitely have the time to go there at least once. Maybe Yaku could join me.

But then I realized I haven't told Yaku. Back then I was scared of him being homophobic. Also, I had this big fat crush on him and I didn't know how to live without him nor with the thought that he hated me. But I don't think he is homophobic. We all learned about this in school and nobody Inuoka was queer as well. They were friends and talked all the time, so he wouldn't, would he? But maybe he would feel uncomfortable with the thought of a guy, which could have feelings for him, cuddling with him. 

As he told me he was gay, I was very happy. But before that, I really thought that he liked my sister. They were so close and they teased each other and Yaku blushed. I've never seen him blush before. Well, sometimes when we hung out he was all red and stuff, but I've never given it a second thought.

As I saw him with that cute little puppy look, I couldn't help but fall even more for him. I really hoped that one day he would look at me with that look on his face, but that would probably never happen. Also, I don't think I'll ever see this face again.

Just for that, I took a photo. He luckily didn't notice. If he did, I'd be dead by now. Looking at the picture or even thinking about it makes me blush like crazy.

I am in love with this man. I can't deny it anymore.

I was still smiling as my thoughts went back to the moment he looked at my sister with pleading eyes. The thing he wanted from my sister must mean a lot to him. Probably it was about his crush. The thought of that made me frown.

I wanted to be the one he likes, not someone else. But I knew that I couldn't decide who he loves and who not.

Still, Alisa obviously knew. Although I asked myself how she would know and why he would talk with HER about something like this. I would gladly talk to him about this. It would make me sad, but I would still prefer him talking to me about this and not my stupid sister. I'm his best friend, not her.


As he asked me to go to pride with him I was really happy. I've never been there before. In fact, I just came out.

He also told me that he never was to Pride before, so we would both go there together for the first time. The thought of that made me happy. He was going to Pride with me and not with his stupid crush.

lev pov: Tuesday, 4th of June

Today after practice we will go to pride together. I was so excited last night, I barely slept. But I don't care. I really like him, so why shouldn't I spend time with him and stay up late thinking about him?

As I reached the school, the first one to approach me was Shibayama. He knows everything about me. He isn't that close of a friend like yaku is, but I tell him all of my secrets, that have to do with yaku and my crush on him.

He was also the first person, that I talked to about me being pansexual.

As I told him about me and Yaku going to pride tomorrow he was happy for me. I told him about everything and he gave me hopes, that Yaku might like me back.

Still, I didn't want to confess. I'll probably wait until next week or even longer.

Friday is an anonymous confession "game". Everybody writes a text to their crush and sends it with the name of that person to some account. From there, everyone gets their text.

People just do it, because it's anonymous. Otherwise, they would never.

It's only at our school. It would be too big to handle otherwise. Our school still has about 500 students, so it needs a bit of talent to manage all of this. But luckily the president of the computer club does all this. Every year. And every time the first Friday of Pride. I still don't get why. Probably she's queer as well.

"So Lev, what are you going to do?" Yama asked. "Nothing. I'll wait until Monday. If I get a letter and it looks like he wrote it I'm going to confess. If not then not." I simply replied. I didn't want to get my heart broken.

We didn't talk as we walked to morning practice. I couldn't wait for this long school day to end, so I could finally go to pride with Yaku. 

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now