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3rd pov: Saturday, 8th of June

As soon as Inuoka got the text from Yaku, he knew that something happened. He was expecting this so he quickly cancelled his plans with Shibayama and went to the park, Yaku told the latter to meet him.

At the time Inuoka arrived, Yaku was already sitting on a bench in the shadow of a tree. Inuoka quickly sat next to him. Out of intuition, Inuoka hugged the smaller, which leaned into the touch.

They sat there for quite some time until Inuoka finally spoke up: "Okay so, what happened?".  Yaku told him everything that happened in a monotone voice. Yaku started sobbing at one point but due to Inuoka comforting him, he didn't cry harder.

Inuoka was more positive than Alisa. He still tried to motivate Yaku, unsuccessfully. Yaku had decided that he wouldn't confess unless he got a letter that sounded like Lev or it turned out that Lev didn't like Shibayama.

They talked a bit more before they decided to get some ice-cream. Yaku originally wanted to take lemon, like he always did but somehow he wasn't feeling like it today. It reminded him too much of Lev and he really didn't want to think about Lev now. It would probably lead to him crying again. And that is exactly what he was trying not to. He didn't want to burden his friend more than he did already, Yaku thought.

After some thinking, he decided to try out something new. He always wanted to but never actually did try it out. So today was the day.

It was actually way more delicious than he thought it would be. He wasn't quite sure whether lemon or this flavour was better. He really liked both of them. They tasted completely different but somehow the same. Well, at least they tasted as good as each other. From now on he would always have a hard time deciding whether he wanted lemon or hazelnut ice cream.

Inuoka, who never saw Yaku eating any other sort of ice-cream than lemon, was very surprised when Yaku told the vendor that he would like to have some hazelnut flavoured ice. It was good, yes, but he never saw Yaku order any other ice-cream. Maybe we all change somehow.

Inuoka ordered watermelon ice-cream. It was by far his favourite ice-cream flavour. Most places didn't cell this sort of ice-cream, this one did. Therefore, it was his absolute favourite place to go when eating ice-cream.

They talked about everything but Lev. They both knew that it was a sensible topic for Yaku and also for Inuoka because he got reminded that someone else might like his crush and that his crush might like this person back.

Still, they decided on making a list of the reasons why Lev could like Yaku and why he would like Shibayama. It was some sort of pro and con list of whether Yaku should confess or not. Even though they both had already picked their side, they stayed rational and wrote down everything they knew.

Although the majority was pointing towards Lev does like Yaku, he didn't want to confess. For Yaku, there were too many things on the other side, which all normally indicate something like a Crush. Yaku didn't want to ruin this friendship. Also, he was convinced that there was a platonic explanation for everything. He was right, most of the things could be meant platonically and could indicate a very strong friendship and a brother-like manor. That that wasn't the case at all, he would find out sooner or later.

They decided to continue the list because they didn't have everything noted down. Yaku because he wanted to drop the topic and Inuoka because he wanted Yaku to confess. Both didn't know that this conversation was pointless, meaning that neither of them really got to decide about this whole confession drama.

reasons why Lev could like Yaku:

- they cuddle and have a very touchy relationship

- they once held hands

- this thing where Lev lifted Yaku (2 times)

- Lev plays with Yalus hair all the time

- they watch the sunset together, regularly

- they walk to school and back home together

- they spent almost all of their time together

- Lev often stares at Yaku and sometimes even blushes

- once Lev stared at Yaku while changing and then turned around and blushed   

- he seems to dislike Inuoka → maybe bc he's jealous

- they are very close

- Lev never told Yaku who his Crush is

- Lev talks a lot about Yaku at home

- Lev has Yaku saved with a heart

- they often text or talk until late in the night

- they tell each other almost everything

- they always call the other if somethings wrong

- Lev always mocks Yaku

- they were together at pride

- they share their ice-cream → indirect kiss

- they have matching bracelets and pins

- Lev always wants to treat Yaku something

- they slept in the same bed

- Lev didn't mind to be mistaken for a couple

- Lev never said that he doesn't like Yaku

- Lev always wants to help Yaku

- Lev remembers almost everything Yaku told him

- Lev talks with Yaku about things he isn't interested in and that he not really knows about a lot

- they have their own 'traditions'

- they spend almost every vacation like spring break together

- Lev is supportive in everything Yaku does

Reasons why Lev could like Shibayama:

- they are very close

- they call several times every day

- they always meet in the first break

- they meet pretty often after school

- they call each other by their first name

- Lev drew a picture of Yama kissing someone

- Ley sometimes texts Yama while Yaku is over and even called Yama while Yaku was still sleeping over

- they meet almost as much as Lev and Yaku meet

- they are kinda touchy in their relationship

- Lev has Yama saved with hearts as well

- Yama knows things about Lev, which Lev didn't tell Yaku

-Lev once ditched Yaku to hang out with Yama

- Lev often blushes while talking to Yama

- Yama knew about Lev's sexuality way before Yaku did

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now