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yaku pov: Tuesday, 4th of June

I was already changed when I saw Lev and Shibayama walking into the gym. "Come on guys, we need to practice" I yelled through the gym, to get them to finally start.

Practice was pretty normal. Lev was a bit hyped, probably because he has never been to pride before. Same for me though.

After morning practice we gathered around to review our progress and to chat a bit. That was when Shibayama turned to me and asked: "hey yaku, lev told me you have a crush. Who is it?"

I was shocked. I thought Lev forgot. I really hope he did. But no. He remembered and told shibayama. Fuck.

"what? me? a crush on someone? Why would you think that" I asked, trying to get this conversation over. I didn't really expect a reply though. But Lev, how he replied and exposed me "because Alisa told me. She almost told me his name, but you interrupted her. I don't think it's nice that she knows but I don't".

Okay, I didn't tell him, because it was him. But how should I excuse it? Before I had the excuse, that I wasn't out, and now? I could say that he wouldn't keep it a secret. Yeah, that would work.  He just outed me to the team, so why should I trust him.


He. Just. Outed. Me. To. The. Whole. Team.

"Lev, you fucking snitch. Why the actual fuck would you do that. Why on earth would you, first of all, tell Shibayama. You know that Yama isn't good at keeping secrets. Second, why would you out me to the whole team? Weren't you that stupid closeted bitch, which couldn't fucking tell his best friend bout him being pansexual?" I yelled, chasing him through the gym.

"Eyy Yaku-san, you just outed me as well. And I didn't tell anyone, that you're gay" lev screamed running out of the gym.

"Well now you did, you stupid bitch. And of course, you outed me before. You said 'he' in reference to my crush!" I explained, while finally catching up with him and kicking him.

Fuck. I wanted to stop doing this. But I just can't help it.

Lev pov:

I was truly sorry for outing yaku. I didn't want to. But I just didn't think about it.

Also, everyone on the team is part of the lgbtqia+ community anyways. So why would anyone care? Like at all. And they didn't show any reaction after Shibayama came out. It took the others a bit to use 'Yama' instead of 'he/him' pronouns for Yama, but now we use it fluently. Sometimes it sounds kind of weird, but as long as Yama feels comfortable we don't care.


In class, I couldn't concentrate. I was thinking about Yaku and how I would go to pride with him today. Without noticing I doodled rainbows, two boys kissing, different pride flags, more rainbows, two girls holding hands, yaku, pride coloured balloons, a rainbow cupcake,...




I looked back at the sketch. I wasn't really thinking about what exactly I was drawing. I was deep in thoughts and I didn't need to concentrate to draw, because I did it a lot in my free time. I was pretty good. Mostly I drew queer couples and Yaku. I always paid attention to not draw him in school. I didn't want any of my classmates to know and tell him. Well, until now

I looked back at the sketches. There was a picture of Yaku with a rainbow on his cheek. The drawing was small but very detailed. It was surrounded by the other doodles. It was the centre of the page. It looked really good. I was proud of myself. The whole page looked good. But still. My eyes were on the sketch of Yaku.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now