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yaku pov: Monday, 3rd of June 

As we arrived in Lev's room the first thing I saw was a pride flag. I immediately recognized the pink, yellow and blue strikes.

"So it's true" I shouted pointing at the flag. "Oh fuck, I forgot I put that up there, but yeah it's true. I'm pan. This isn't the way I wanted to tell you but now you know" lev said looking scared.

I was happy. Now I knew that I had a chance with him. But I still wasn't hoping for anything. "Ehm Yaku-san, what do you think about it?" lev asked in a scared tone, bringing me back to reality. For him, it must have been awful waiting for my response. "Ah right. I don't care. Be what you want to be. Love who you want to love. Just don't kill people" I just said

"and by the way, I'm gay, just so you know. I actually was planning on telling you tomorrow. You know there's this parade because it's Pride month and all. We could go there together" I added, looking at the ground nervously. "o-oh, sure! and Yaku-san, I respect, support and love you no matter what" Lev said with a big grin on his face.

I was thankful that he did, but still, I was sad because he meant this platonically, but I couldn't help smiling up at him.

"do you want to watch another movie or should I go home?" I asked, not wanting to go. "Oh yeah, you should probably go it's already late you know. I can't wait until tomorrow" he replied smiling and frowning at the same time. I simply said, "yeah.., I really enjoyed today. we should hang out together more often". "Yeah we should ..and yaku-san, what did you mean by 'so it's true'?" lev asked, curious about y reaction to the pride flag in his room. "Oh, your sister told me. I talked to her about planning on telling you and she accidentally let it slip. I hope you don't mind" I casually responded to the question. "Okayy byee now, yaku-san", "good-bye lev, I see you tomorrow" I said walking out of the house.

The whole walk home and through the night I couldn't think of anything besides Lev. I now knew I had a chance with him. The first thing I did, as I arrived at home, was telling Inuoka about what happened. He said I should use the opportunity tomorrow to confess, but I already made out a plan on how to confess. It was pride month, so there was a parade every day and I could just tell him on the last day when there was a great parade. But if I wanted it to be the perfect confession I would have to plan out everything. And I had to start now.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now