˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 6

Start from the beginning

"you don't have to keep checking on it-" techno huffed,

"well what if it burns again?" she frowned,

"you'd have to be really clumsy to burn it again..." he grinned. y/n sighed, resting her head on the table. "don't worry... if the foods really bad- we'll just drink the aftertaste away" he mumbled, y/n chuckled, nodding.

"if i put seasoning on it, will it taste better?" she mumbled, eyeing the cabinets.

"maybe- you just have to do the right ones" he grinned again.

"that's so complicated..." y/n sighed,

"we could just eat the bare minimum...raw potatoes and salted pork" he clicked his teeth, flashing y/n another cocky grin.

"hey- cant i get any food!?" moon shouted from the fireplace, resting atop a half burnt log-

"you don't need any-" techno grumbled,

"that doesn't mean i don't want any! you know- you guys should be praising me- i'm a great fire demon! instead i get left behind in these ashes- it burns me up!" he spat. techno and y/n chuckled from the kitchen, sharing a glance.


"techno?" y/n mumbled, shafting to face him. techno glanced over, taking another sip of whiskey. "i read in one of your books about spring... will spring ever come around here?" she tilted her head. the two had just finished eating, y/n's cooked meat not being that bad.

"no... not around here," he sighed, setting the glass down. y/n frowned, nodding

"what about... the ocean? is there an ocean around here... i've never seen an ocean" she mumbled, techno smiled

"i'll take you to see the ocean some day", y/n grinned, nodding. "and- i used to know a place, it was always spring"

"what was it like...?" she mumbled, inching closer. techno swallowed his tongue, looking down.

"do you want a drink?-" he sighed, standing up off the sofa.

"oh- i don't know... is it good?", techno grinned,

"here-" he mumbled, dipping his finger into the whiskey and stepping closer to y/n. "open..." he gently nudged her chin down with his glass, then placing his finger on her tongue. her breath hitched, relaxing her jaw for him- barely even noticing the burning liquid or the foul taste- only focusing on his eyes, and his touch. "good?" he smirked, maybe he was drunk- he'd never be so... forward. y/n blinked,

"it's... spicy" she whispered around his finger,

"yeah... but it's so comforting, isn't it" he mumbled, removing his finger and placing it on his own tongue- "it takes every edge off" he sighed, pouring the whiskey into another glass and handing it to y/n.

"thanks..." she whispered, breath almost taken away. techno nodded, downing the rest of his drink in one swift elegant motion, and pouring another. y/n sniffed the liquid, scrunching up her nose in response. techno chuckled.

"you must've never dranken harsh liquor before..." he took the glass from her, instead pouring wine into a crystal glass and handing it to her, "this is sweeter" he whispered, sitting back down next to her. y/n nodded, sipping the wine. "look-" he placed his hand on hers, pulling the glass upwards into the light, "see those sparkles?", small glistening dots peppered the glass, light peaking through. y/n nodded, smiling. "it's stardust... i made these myself" he held up his own glass, the same design flowing under the smooth whiskey, "for good luck" he clicked his teeth, downing the whiskey. y/n nodded,

"it's beautiful..." she admired the glass,

"yeah..." he sighed, watching her.

"moon must be asleep" she whispered, the fire in front of them quiet and steady.

"yeah, he's quite the personality, isn't he" techno mumbled, resting his arm behind y/n. "i forgot how feisty he can be-", y/n giggled, finishing her wine.

"tsk- you're a lightweight" he grinned, "i can smell it"

"you can smell it...?" y/n giggled, techno nodded.

"hybrid senses, i'm all amplified" he smirked,

"what else can you smell on me?" she turned her head to gaze up at him, he met her gaze.

"...i can smell everything" he bit his lip, "i can smell your heart pumping blood- hear it too- i can smell the hormones inside of you... and the fluttering in your stomach, i love the way you smell. you've drenched my house in it, and i love it" he shivered. his tongue slippery from the whiskey and the dewey gaze of y/n.

"well i'm glad i smell good" she mumbled, breathless and fluttering.

"i can smell the way your heartbeat just increased, and how your skin flushed" he whispered, leaning in ever so slightly- but close enough to feel her warm, sweet breath prickly against his skin. "and the way your scent lingers...marking me...but now-...but now- i can smell myself on you...i marked you" he sighed, words heavy, and feet floating off the ground.

"like an animal?" she whispered,

"exactly... like an animal- finding its mate..." he leaned his forehead against hers, whiskey slipping thoughts past his lips- his eyes felt heavy- lips parting. y/n smiled, backing her head away from him- and letting go of her gaze. techno sucked in air- regaining consciousness- and his feet hit the ground again.

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