Why is he bad?(P28)

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Isaiah's POV

"Kai's always had an attitude" Dana adds "yes he's adding more aggression then usual but it's not like his attitude is new or anything" she shrugs as she takes a bite of her food.

"I just wish they would talk it out" My lovely mate grumbles "I feel like that would help Kai a lot."

"Maybe it's hard for him to say in words" I say as I take Deans hand. "I mean maybe he's scared of how you guys will react to it." I smile softly at him. It is hard as mates because that's the opinion that matters the most in this world and you don't ever want to lose them in any way .

I don't know the whole story of them. Xander told me about how much Scarlet admired her brother. She made him seem like such an amazing guy that it was confusing when he met him. The man that he met was not the man that Scarlet had described.

"We need to find them" Dean speaks up, breaking me from my thoughts.

"We can't, they decided against it." Dana tells him. "It's just too dangerous."

"I just wish we could see if they were ok." Dean leans into me. "I hate sitting here and waiting. I feel so useless." I kiss his forehead and hug him. " then I don't even know who that vampire is. Why is he so bad?".

"Well you know how his son put him in there?" I ask, which he nods to "do you know the whole story?" He shakes his head. "Well Elder Gabriel , his son , was his mates kid. However he was raised by another woman, another vampire." Dean sits up to look at me.

"So what happened to his mate?" Dean asks. "Did she die?"

"She was murdered." Beta Nadine walks in "by her own mate." Dean's eyes widen as she sits down and gets more food. "People say that he caught her with another man but no one knows for sure."

"If that was true, why would he favor the kid? I mean it's obviously not the kids fault but usually that's how some parents react." Dana asks listening closely .

"Is that why he's in jail daddy?" Blaise asks. Shit I always forget that this kid listens to everything . " cause he killed his mate?" His eyes water up. I'm about to get up when my love goes first and reaches for him.

"Huh?" Sage looks up "what's wrong?" He looks back and forth , confused with why his  little brother is crying .

"We seriously need to watch what we say with our boy. He's too smart. Frode mumbles.

"You guys wanna dance ?" Marie asks. "We can go to my room and dance to some music!" Sage shouts yes and Blaise just nods but reaches for her. "We'll be back." She says and leads them away.

"Damn" Dana mumbles " I'm not really used to kids... so  what's the story behind his son?"

"Elder Gabriel was already getting trained to be an elder. His father was done with it. However he still had to wait for 50 more years. Some say he got tired of waiting." I explain . "Though .... In our pack we have a different story."

Dean moves in closer to me "a different story?" He tilts his head to the side a bit "why would you guys have another story?"

"Our mate is the cutest!" Yes he is. We're so lucky to have him, and lucky he accepted us.

"My father was friends with Elder Gabriel." I begin "which was odd in the way that I never got a bad vibe from him. They were extremely close despite having completely different interests." Elder Gabriel wasn't a creep. He wasn't actually a bad guy. My father behaved when he was here. He acted completely different  and the elder treated me so kindly. Their relationship still doesn't make sense to me. But I was glad they had one. When he would visit I could breathe again.

-13 years ago-

"Where's my lovely boy?" I giggle as I hide under the bed. She can't crouch at the moment because she fell down the stairs the other day. My mommy is so clumsy. "Oh no." She sighs. "He must've left me for his mate." She fake cries. "Oh this mother of his is so heartbroken" I giggle again. I'm about to crawl out when I hear the door get swung opened and his scent appears. I stiffen up and retreat back under the bed.

"Imani." He stands at the door way. "Take that ridiculous outfit off. You know the damn rules." He's about to walk out when my mother stops him.

"That's only when I need to go out." He stops and shuts the door, then turns around. "Don't!" She shouts then a I hear something ripping. "No!" Then a slap. I feel the bed on top of me move and quickly crawl out. He looks down at me and snarls. "Don't you dare." She gets up again and limps in front of me.

"Hmf" he turns around and starts to head out "Elder Gabriel will be here. I expect the both of you to be at least presentable." I listen as his steps get quieter.

My mom limps back to the bed and lays back looking at the ceiling. I run to the door and shut it before I lay next to her . "Mommy?" She hums "are you ok?" I look at her face and see that her lip is bleeding "mommy! You're hurt!" I'm about to jump up when she grabs my hand.

"My sweet boy. It's nothing but a cut." I'm about to say something when she raises her hand to shush me "go take a shower, I'll get your outfit ready." I nod and jump off the bed before pecking her cheek.

As I head to the bathroom I look back and see her Beautiful dress all ripped "mommy, wasn't that Bibi's kanga ?" She sighs and nods as she gets up. I'm sorry ." I whisper and go take a shower.

We head down once we are dressed and head to the dining room. There I see my father sitting with Elder Gabriel , smiling like I've never seen before. Elder Gabriel turns to us and gets up "Luna Imani!" He looks at her crutches "oh dear what happened".

"You know me Elder. Clumsy" she shrugs. Elder goes in and kisses my mother on the cheek.

"Here let me help." He says as he pulls a chair out for her. I watch as my father glares at my mother. "There you go Luna" he looks at me "come here son." I smile and run to his arms. Uncle Gabe is the best! "You've gotten so big!"

"Uncle Gabe you say that every week!" I giggle as he sits down with me on his lap.

"I guess wolves grow faster then us vampires" he chuckles and looks at my dad "isn't that right Cael?" My dad nods with a smile. "Your father and I  met when he was still a pup, now look at this old man." He laughs missing up my fathers hair.

I tense up, expecting my father to get mad but he just smiles at Uncle Gabe. "I may be old but I still got it" he huffs which Uncle Gabe laughs to . "Alright bring out the food." All the helpers come out at the command and set the food on the table. I love when Uncle comes. I get to eat as much as I want and plus I don't have to see meanie Richie. My big brother.

"So as I was saying" uncle begins to talk as I begin to take a bit of this tasty chicken. "The other elders are starting to look for the child. Especially that witch. Then Ryan's son disappeared with his sister. He was our last chance in finding the kid and now he's gone."

"Wouldn't Hennessy be able to?" My father asks. Isn't that a drink? "I thought she was the most powerful" he chuckles and takes a drink. "I mean she's the reason your father is still-".

"Watch it" uncle snaps. Then smiles down at me. "That has nothing to do with her. Ever since that criminal almost escaped she's been despicable. Must've ruined her pride."

"Soooo when are you going to tell me what really happened?" My father asks, changing the subject.

Uncle sighs.

Sorry! I finally got some ideas!
I had to reread everything !
To help me come up with some ideas,
I finally have an idea with where I'm going now!

Thank you guys for being so patient!

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