Asshole (P3)

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Dean's POV.
Meeting with Alpha.

We sit patiently in Arrio's office. He excused himself from my mate-"he's not my mate." Remus grumbles, I mean he excused himself from The alpha saying he had a meeting. Which he does but not till later.

The door opens and we both turn around as Arrio walks in "So did you get any tea by spending a whole tour with him or did you just waste your time away with that bastard." Kai asks glaring at him.

"Yes cuore amore" he takes a seat and sighs "so they're engaged."

"Already knew that." Kai signals him to continue. "But for how long?"

"Three years." Arrio glances at me as I tense up.

"Three years!?" Remus growls.

"Also he has two sons." He adds. I feel my air leave me as we stay silent. Not even Kai says a word for awhile.

"Just wait." Remus chuckles. Remus is like my anchor. While I'm the sensitive one, he takes everything and handles it with pride. He doesn't cry like I do.

"What do you mean he has kids!?" Kai scares me as he screams out of nowhere, slamming his fists on the table "With someone who's not his mate!?" He looks at me and shakes his head before looking back at Arrio.

"He waited." Arrio shrugs sheepishly.

"Waited!? How old are his kids then?" I look up at Arrio who glances at me again before turning away. Kai has definitely changed my best friend .

"Three. They are seven months apart." He answers.

"Three!?" Both Remus and Kai growl. "That means he had kids when he was twenty! Which means he only waited three years for his mate! That was only three years Santos!" Oh yeah Kai's really mad. "Besides who cares how long you have to wait. A werewolf knows that they have a mate so they should save themselves for them"

"Facts" Remus agrees.

I sigh and look at Kai "It's just how it is" even though I don't agree.

"Well it shouldn't be! There should be a law that says you can't sleep with anyone who's not your mate! No matter your age!" He turns to look at Arrio with a glare. Oh shit I forgot that Kai wasn't Arrio's first. Of course he would be extremely defensive about this.

"It's ok Kai" I stand up and pat his back. He shakes his head.

"No it's not." He glowers "That asshole hurt our Dean!" He walks around the table "Arrio cut our ties with him! I don't want to be connected to some cheater like him!"

"Kai we can't do that just because he's a, and I quote 'an asshole' ". Arrio sighs .

"Why not!?" Kai shouts and walks back to me "us ukes need to stick together because if we don't all of you semes will just walk all over us!"

"Kai what are you talking about now?" Arrio chuckles as he shakes his head.

"Ugh!" Kai pulls me towards the doors

"Kai where are you going?" Arrio stands up as he glares at our United hands.

"Away from you Seme!" He pulls me out and slams the door in Arrio's face "the nerve." Kai mutters as he continues to pull me to the direction of the theater room.

As we walk into the theater he mumbles things to himself about how disrespectful and pathetic and all these mean things about werewolves not waiting for their mates.

"Luna is too kind to us." Remus says.

"Yes he's a great Luna." I smile as I take a seat.

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