The next day (26)

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Dean's POV

"Dean" I grumble as I hear my name "deaney" I raise my hand to smack whatever is trying to wake me up. "Deaneyeeeeyyy" I open my eyes at the familiar voice. We stare in each other's eyes.

"What?" I ask confused with him being here.

His smile becomes wider as he says "Don't you remember your own mother!?" He jumps on me and starts to tickle me. "Hahaha come on boys . Let's kill Sydney Prescott!"

"No! Stop!" I laugh as I try to stop him "Kai please!" He does a maniacal laugh as he continues "no Sage! Blaise! Ahhhhh!" The three of them giggle as they continue their assault.

"Say uncle bitch!" Kai shouts at me.

"Kaitie!" I hear Dana yell "there are kids!" The three of them stop tickling me as they look at each other. The door is then swung opened revealing a darkened eye Isaiah. I jump out of bed and rush to him.

"You ok?" I ask, looking him over. My eyes widen as I cover my mouth. I run to the bathroom "hold on!" I yell and shut the door. Quickly I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth. Freaking Kai distracted me. I didn't fix my hair , didn't brush my teeth . So embarrassing.

Once I'm done with everything I walk out the bathroom. "You ok baby?" Isaiah asks and comes to hug me. "For a second there I thought you had morning sickness." He winks at me . I hear a loud gasp and look at Kai.

"Dean Kaiser." He shakes his head "you promised!"  

"No! He's lying!" I shout glaring at Isaiah "he wishes" I mutter, looking away and crossing my arms.

"Who wishes what?" Arrio walks in our room and closes it behind him. He smiles at Kai and kisses him. He turns to me "ok now that our sleeping beauty  is awake. Let's talk about last night." Isaiah wraps his arms around my waist muttering about how I'm only his sleeping beauty, causing me to blush.

" yes about last night " I sit down with Isaiah clinging onto me "So what did I miss?" I ask.

"Sooo basically Kai almost started a war." Arrio answers, earning a smack from Kai "what it's true! It would've happened if Elder King wasn't there!" He defends himself as he rubs his arm where he was smacked.

"Wait. Backup." I standup "What exactly happened?"


"Soooo basically Kai almost started a war?" I ask . "Ow!" I rub my shoulder and look at Kai with pouty lips. A big hand covers my face while another one pulls me into My mates chest.

"Only I'm allowed to see that cute face" he growls into my ear which sends chills down my spine. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly.

"Ok that's cute" Kai mumbles before sighing "ok first of all, it was That golem who was asking for a war, I just let him know that I was ready for it. Secondly it's his fault that everyone hates his green ugly ass! Saying that he should watch his back was a nice thing to say to a piece of green puke like him!" He yells all of this as he walks around the room.

"It's all about the tone Kai" Arrio tells him. Kai stops and slowly turns to look at him. Arrio looks at him and continúes "you've been having this-"

"Attitude problem." Kai cuts him off "yeah I remember you saying that we were going to talk about it earlier" I feel like Isaiah and I should leave and these two to themselves. Even though this is Isaiah's room.

"That's not what I was going to say but if you wanna talk about that we should go to the guest room that Beta Nadine prepared for us." He reaches for Kai's hand who takes a step back. "Kai" Arrio calls to him in a low voice.

Kai has his head hanging "attitude problem" he mumbles. A sniffle is heard right before a whine escapes Kai's mouth. Arrio steps forward to reach for him again. Kai jumps back and slaps Arrio's hand away. He looks up with red eyes "an attitude problem ?"

"Kai. Please. Let me take your hand. You need my touch" Arrio begs. I'm about to jump in when I feel my mate take my hand. He signals us to leave. I nod and follow him out. I slowly close the door behind me and take one last look. Kai is still backing away as he stares Arri down.

I let out a sigh and follow Isaiah. "Let's go look for our boys." he says, making my heart feel so warm. "Dana said they were heading for breakfast , right?"

"Right" I nod with a grin. "I wonder if they're done by now"

"Most likely not. Those boys can eat for ages" he chuckles.

"Well they are still growing pups." I add . He stops and bends down to kiss me. "What was that for?"

"It's my thank you. Thank you for accepting them. I'm so thankful for having such a kind mate. Not many accept pups that aren't there's. Especially males. So thank you." He pecks my lips again.

"They're my pups now. I will be there as if they were my own because truly I feel like they are." I kiss him for a second . "Thank you for not rejecting me."

"Oh Dean." He smiles and hugs me.

"Um. Can you guys do this in your room." We hear Marie . "It's kinda cringe to see outside the dining room."

"Sorry we were kinda kicked out of our own room" Isaiah shrugs and pulls me into the dining room. There's Dana helping the pups build a tower with their waffles.

Isaiah pulls a chair out for me to sit next to him. "Sooo" we turn to look at Dana as she adds more syrup to their tower. "Where are the other two? Are they fighting again?" She asks.

"Is this a regular thing?" Isaiah asks .

"Mmm well it's gotten worse since they took Scarlet. They would just bicker and hug it out but now Kai stops Arrio from touching him until he's done with saying his side. Which isn't exactly good." I explain to my mate.

"There's a side of Kai that comes out once in awhile" Dana adds "it's been coming out more often now."

"A side?" Isaiah asks "like multiple personalities?"

"Mm" Dana thinks for a bit before she answers "I guess just two." My mates eyes widen at this and asks if it's always been like that.

"No" I shake my head. "Well not since I've known him." I look towards Dana "what about you?" She shakes her head.

"Well how long has it been happening." He asks. "How exactly is this other personality?"

"Its hard to explain to be honest." I sigh "we have our theories but we're not certain."

"Does it have to do with his guardian?" He asks.

"We.." Dana pauses " we can't say for sure. Kai won't talk bout any of that. So we don't know how he really feels. He talks about him as someone he looks up to but I don't think that's how he really feels."

"Then there's Arri who won't say what he thinks is going on. Arri is another issue. I think Arri is scared to know the truth and has just been arguing about things that aren't even worth arguing about." I look down as  Blaise jumps unto my lap. Patting his head, I continue "like the whole 'attitude problem', that he was talking about".

"Kai's always had attitude" Dana interjects "yes he's adding more aggression then usual but it's not like his attitude is new or anything"

"I just wish they would talk it out" I grumble "I feel like that would help Kai a lot."

"Maybe it's hard for him to say in words" Isaiah says taking my hand.  "I mean maybe he's scared of how you guys will react to it."

I guess he's right there. I know Arrio doesn't get why he still cares for Ezekiel. I know Dana is very dry about it . I'm not sure I'm even allowed to help him, we started knowing each other at the end of Ezekiel's life and I'm not his mate. The only one who Can really understand him is Scarlet.

"We need to find them soon."


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