Chapter 32: A Day Before Departure

Start from the beginning

"The monorail didn't go to Vaniville Town the last time we rode it during our journey. I'm guessing it must be a recent addition." Ash realized.

Serena nodded and smiled. "Yeah, honestly it makes things very convenient. It was a welcomed surprise when I came back from Hoenn."

Ash and Serena stopped talking and took the time to appreciate the silence and their company.

"I can't wait to see mom, Calem, and Altaria again. How about you Pikachu?" Serena asked the electric mouse Pokémon that occupied the seat to her left. Serena scratched her behind her ears, which the female Pikachu enjoyed a lot.

"Cha~" Pikachu cooed in agreement.

Serena noticed her boyfriend deep in thought. It seemed like he was concerned about something, so Serena decided to lean her head on his shoulder and ask him what's wrong.

"Ash, everything alright?"

"Pi?" Ash's Pikachu squeaked with concern for his trainer as well.

Ash shook a bit, clearly startled by Serena's sudden question. He took a glance at the honey-blonde girl beside him, resting on his shoulder. The two Pikachu were also looking at him with a mix of curiosity and concern. He smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking back... I haven't been to Vaniville Town before huh? Not even during my first journey here." Ash said as he scratched his cheek.

"I did invite you, Clemont, and Bonnie over to my house back during our journey... but it didn't really pan out, did it?" Serena said with realization.

"No, I guess not." Ash replied.

"I promise you, you'll love it. I bet it's similar to Pallet Town in a variety of ways." Serena reassured and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Ash simply smiled at her and then shifted his eyes to look outside through the window of the monorail.

About twenty minutes later, the monorail halted and finally reached Vaniville Station. Ash and Serena waited for a few moments before exiting because they knew that many other people would be leaving at the same time.

When the couple and their Pikachu left the Vaniville Monorail Station, Ash was in awe at the sight. Vaniville Town was beautiful and peaceful. It was a small, humble town and it reminded him a lot of Pallet Town.

"So you called your mom and told her we were coming today, right?" Ash asked Serena, as the couple was walking towards an area with some houses.

Serena looked up at Ash and gave him an adorable smile.

"Of course! When I called her, she said she will have a big lunch and dinner prepared for us today!" Serena announced excitedly.

Her answer caused Ash's eyes to shine and his mouth to slightly water, since food often caught his attention.

"Well, can't say no to that, can we?" Ash chuckled, with slight amusement.

Pikachu, who was on Ash's left shoulder, simply squeaked out happily. Small, thin sparks of electricity came out of his red cheeks sacks.

With Serena's guidance, Ash and Serena walked around the neighborhoods in Vaniville Town, slowly approaching Serena's family home. During their walk, Ash took the time to view the parts of Serena's hometown. They were stopped a couple of times when passersbys that were walking by happened to have recognized Ash as the Alola Region Champion. He signed a couple of autographs for the young children and aspiring trainers they encountered along the way.

"Good with kids aren't you, Ash?" Serena giggled, her head still leaning on his right shoulder. She appreciated how kind Ash would be to fans, despite not desiring the fame and constant fans. Though, Ash did enjoy the benefits of being a champion.

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