
Another wave of wolf howls shook the castle, and more figures pounced outward. From their intimidating qi auras, they were half-blood and full-blood werewolves.

“Die, Huaxianese!”

An old but hulking werewolf pounced as his roars shook the earth. He dashed at an incredible speed and brandished his claws toward a cultivator from the Agency.

The sharp claws were about to pierce through his chest. It would draw blood in the very next second.

However, at that time, someone from the back grunted, and a bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket was fired at the werewolf.

The old werewolf wailed in agony, then flew backward and landed on the ground.

Everyone fell silent at that instant.

The werewolves stood frozen on the spot.

The werewolf that had just been defeated was one of their strongest, and his power should be equal to the strongest of the Taoist masters. How was he defeated in one attack?

Who could have fired that lightning bolt?

Their eyes turned to look toward the back row of the Huaxia forces.

When they saw clearly who it was, their faces turned pale and they trembled violently in fear.

A figure walked toward the werewolves. His body was straight and he looked young. Most strange of all, his face could not be seen clearly.

“Dragon! It’s the Dragon of Huaxia!”

Someone managed to overcome the fear using all his strength and yelled out. His face was already extremely contorted.

Chapter 532: Attack of the Warlocks

“That’s really the Dragon?”

“Oh my god! Why is he here?”

The people were wailing and screaming. Confusion and despair soon spread through the werewolf forces.

They were not elites, and they stood no chance against the Dragon of Huaxia.

The werewolves were sorrowful. “Huaxinese!” They roared, “You have killed so many of our people. Is that not enough? Must you eliminate every last one of us?”

Tang Hao replied coldly, “It’s too late to regret what you did to us. All of you deserve to die!”

He waved his hand, and the Taoist masters replied with a loud “Kill!”

They charged forward with high spirits.

The opponents stood no chance.

It was a one-sided battle that ended in about ten minutes.

Corpses of werewolves and debris littered the entrance of the ancient castle.

Tang Hao stood at the archway with an emblem of a wolf head that marked the castle entrance. He smirked coldly, then lifted his hand and threw a jade talisman that blew the wolf head into bits.

“Damn, that felt good!’ The Taoist masters were still excited as they walked toward Tang Hao.

“You can’t believe how brazen those whelps used to be! They’ve been causing so much trouble in Huaxia. Now that we’ve wiped out six of their clans, let’s see if the others dare to step into Huaxia,” Taoist Master Qian Ji said.

“Alright, let’s go to Farlance and kick those bloodlings’ *sses!”

Taoist Master Qian Ji shouted and led the people into the tour buses, which headed toward Farlance.

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