Chapter 26

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A/N - new character introduced here belong to me! - also long chapter time!!

Stiles POV continued

"Stiles Stilinski! On your knees right now, you are under arrest!!" The lead officer states coming towards me with his gun drawn, I don't recognise who this is so I lift my hands up into the air but I refuse to get on my knees.

"I am not getting on my knees! Do you care to state what I am under arrest for? Also can you lower your weapon, I am unarmed as you can clearly see." I state twirling around with my arms raised to prove my gun is currently not on me.

"Excuse me! Can you please tell me why are arresting my fiancée during our wedding?" Lydia shouts as they move further forward with their guns still drawn aimed directly at my face.

"The warrant states for Murder and Federal Treason against the United States, hang on this states this warrant is for Thomas Stilinski not Stiles Stilinski." Rafael reads the paper that had been handed over to him when he had spoken to the lead person.

"Ah yes, sorry about that here is the one for Stiles Stilinski! Also Thomas Stilinski you are also under arrest." The agent advises as he places handcuffs on me while another places them on Thomas at the same time.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you do say may be used in evidence. Do you understand, traitor." The agent snarls into my ear as he jerks the cuffs tighter making me jolt my injured ribs causing me to gasp out in pain.

"I have only one thing to say to you! You can kiss your career goodbye for ruining my wedding." I state through gritted teeth trying to hide the pain I am currently in from Lydia and everyone else.

"Agent McCall, is there a base local to here that we can question these two before they are transported back to D.C?" The Agent asks Rafael who I just nod at trying to get him to say the Sheriff station

"The Sheriff station is around a five minute drive from here, I am sure the Sheriff would be happy to accommodate as it is both of his Sons that you have just arrested." Rafael states looking towards Dad who seems to be in a state of shock as I look to him and nod my head.

"Uh yes, you can use the holding cells and interview rooms. Please allow me to escort you." Dad states before heading towards his cruiser with Parrish and Rafael closely following behind him.

I am dragged away from the Alter and placed roughly into the back of one of the SUV's before an Agent gets in next to me. I can't believe they didn't wait until after the ceremony to do this, in front of the entire congregation and now they want to humiliate me further by dragging me into my own Dad's station.

As we arrive I gradually get out of the SUV not wanting to pull my ribs any more then they had already been, I walk through the doors and notice the Deputies standing up in shock to see me arriving in handcuffs followed by Thomas in cuffs also.

"I can take them from here for you and get them booked in with the Desk Sergeant." Parrish advises and I am thankful when the Agent agrees and me and Thomas followed him silently.

As soon as we have rounded the corner to get booked in, Parrish thankfully loosenes the cuffs on both of us. I know the questions that must be running through his mind currently as both our close friend and a Deputy.

"Stiles, what is going on? Please tell me, I am sure there is some way we can try and help you." He states looking at me directly in the face before we can reach the desk.

"Don't worry Parrish, we have got this covered. Just do us one favour, in case it goes wrong look after Dad for us." I state before heading towards the custody desk noticing he shocked look on the Desk Sergeants face as we approach.

"Parrish, what is going on here? I thought Stiles was getting married currently, why has he been arrested?" Mary the Desk Sergeant asks while Parrish hands over the paperwork of the warrant.

"FBI arrested the pair under Murder and Federal Treason against the United States of America, they are been held here before been interviewed and transported back to Washington." Parrish advises as Mary looks at the pair of us in shock before shaking her head.

"Stiles, I need to ask you some questions to look after you well here. Are you injured at all?" Mary asks from the custody desk after taking a few moments to compose herself, as she tries not to look at me as she normally does.

"Yeah, I have broken ribs on both sides of my chest that are currently bandaged, bruising around my neck and shoulder along with a few cuts and bruises on my face, neck and body. Parrish, can you use a wipe on my neck and face and you will see what I am talking about?" I admit as Parrish uses a wet wipe to remove the Make up I had applied before we arrived at the wedding.

"I will get Melissa to pop in and check your wounds over fully before they can interview you. Are these in relation to the charges been brought against you?" Parrish asks as he looks closely at the visible marks in horror.

"You could say they are related in some way." I advise not wanting to give any details away before I am placed into the cell. I watch as Thomas goes through the same process including having his Make up wiped off, revealing the wounds he had sustained before he is placed in the cell next to mine as Parrish leaves the room.

Parrish POV

After placing Stiles and Thomas in their cells, I advised Mary I would go ask Scott to call Melissa if she hadn't already arrived to come check them both over. I walk back towards the Ball Pen area directly opposite the Sheriff's office and notice a large group has gathered since I was last there.

"Parrish, what's wrong?" Sheriff asks when I walk over to the gathered group and I don't know what to say.

"Scott, is your Mum here or on her way at all?" I ask ignoring the Sheriff question while I try and think of how to answer it and to process what I had just witnessed.

"She just popped to get a change of clothes for Lydia and will be coming here. Why?" Scott advises looking confused as to why I need to see his Mum of all people.

"Can you get her to bring her Medical kit with her please, I need her to check over Stiles and Thomas before they can be interviewed." I advise trying hard to not make eye contact with anyone especially with Sheriff.

"Let's take this inside my office before you advise us of anything else, Parrish." Sheriff advises before directing everyone inside. Once everyone is seated I finally explain about the injuries I have just witnessed appearing on Stiles and Thomas, I also explain how they both were wearing Make up to hide it from us all at the wedding.

Silence falls over the room once I had finished explaining what I had found out and saw, the silence was quickly broken by an unfamiliar woman's voice shouting outside the office door. I open the door to reveal a woman in a suit and tight bun standing like she was about to knock on the door.

"Agent Rafael McCall, would you care to advise me why you didn't contact me to let me know about Stiles the moment this happened. Instead I have to find out by an alert flashing up on my computer to show he had been booked in for Murder and Treason!!" The woman states furiously marching in and pointing her finger at Rafael who seems to want to hide away.

"I am sorry but who are you and how do you know my son?" Sheriff states towards the newcomer quite firmly.

"Sheriff, Deputy and everyone else let me introduce you to Abigail Clarke, she is Stiles's handler at Interpol." Rafael answers and that is not the answer I was expecting to come out of his mouth. 

Thank you for reading - ooooh the plot thickens!!! - new chapter will be up soon!!!!

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