Chapter 4

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Scott POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping, I swing my arm around trying to smack the snooze button but only come in contact with a cold metal surface. I slowly open my eyes, my head feeling like its splitting in half and my mouth dry as anything, I sit up and take in my surroundings and notice I am in a metal box lift with a few metals cylinders dotted around and Minho, Lydia and Gally all sitting up also.

I quickly remember what had happened and breathed a sigh of relief that on the other side of this journey was Stiles. I notice the lift speed up and it started shaking as we seemed to be nearing the top, I started thinking that either we were not going to stop or we were going to be thrown into the area, the beeping got louder the closer we got before it suddenly stopped and a green light flashed before the doors above opened blasting in the sunlight.

I hear someone laughing as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness coming in and a very familiar voice spoke, "Day one Greenies, rise and shine." Stiles laughs and holds out a hand to help me out of the box.

I gratefully accept it just happy to be back with him again, once I was on solid ground again I took in my surroundings before turning around to help Lydia out of the box while Stiles helped Minho and Gally out.

"You have come up quite late in the day so we need to get you guys settled in straightaway. There are only three rules in Glade and while here I expect you to follow them no matter what. 1) Never harm another Glader, 2) Never go beyond them doors unless you are advised to 3) Do your part we don't have time for laziness." Stiles said as he headed away from the box once we had all got out, we all quickly followed close behind him slightly confused.

"Over there is the Homestead, Med tent, Runners cabin, Council Hall and Food Shack. Bedtime is as soon as the doors close and we rise once the first light comes over the walls. Any questions or comments save them as we don't have time to answer them now, you will each be assigned tasks in the morning. Now its dinner time." Stiles finishes sharply before heading to the food shack.

I was so confused as to why he was acting this way towards us, he was acting like he had no idea who we were but if he didn't why did he laugh when he saw us. I was dragged back to the box by Minho, Gally and Lydia to help unpack the supplies we had arrived with, once we were done I heard a scrapping sound and looked to see the doors all around me closing sealing us in.

Stiles came walking over as soon as the doors closed fully and motioned for us to follow him to the Homestead not talking this time as we walked. Once we arrive there I saw rows of hammocks hanging up, some with blankets and make shift pillows on them, I notice the one that Stiles had obviously been occupying during his time here so I settled down in the one next to him.

I noticed the others had settled in the hammocks around us, I looked to Stiles and saw he was already fast asleep so I was able to have a proper look at him for the first time since arriving. He was thinner than we last saw him, he had a mini scruffy beard appearing, he looked quite pale, he had a bandage that was stained red wrapped around his head and arm and I noticed he had also gained new cuts on his face which I am sure will scar. I close my eyes hoping that tomorrow will be better and we can sat working on how to get out of here.

Stiles POV

I had a good dream last night for the first time in ages, I dreamt that Minho, Gally, Scott and Lydia had arrived and I was no longer alone. I didn't want to open my eyes to the Glade this morning as I didn't want the fresh wave of disappointment to hit me.

I got out of my hammock keeping my eyes on the ground and head towards the food shack for breakfast but once I sat down I notice something different, the table was laid out for five people and then I realise there was more food in the shack then there had been yesterday.

I dive out of my seat and start running back to the Homestead, tears blurring my vision as I run. As I got closer I skidded to a stop as I saw them all stood waiting for me just outside the cover of the Homestead.

"Scott, Lydia, Gally, Minho is that really you? Is this real, are you really here?" I ask my voice quivering slightly trying to contain my emotions.

"Yeah Stiles its really us, look ten fingers." Scott answers me while showing me his hands and after counting them twice I run forward and embrace him in a hug never wanting to let go.

"You do not realise how happy I am to see all of you, even if it is in this living nightmare." I state giving tight hugs to Minho and Gally before turning towards Lydia who seemed to be very red in the face.

"Stiles Stilinski, what happened to see you in few minutes? You promised me that when you got out the hospital that I would not lose you again." She shouts at me and dives forward to embrace me in a tight hug.

After a few moments we broke apart but I didn't let go of her hand needing to ground myself with my anchor that this was really happening.

"Now if I am not mistaken this looks like the same layout as when we were first here but obviously it can't be the same that place was destroyed and in a different location." Minho states as he had a full look around.

"Minho, its the same Maze and Glade. Everything is here the same minus the Grievers, the changing Maze and the destruction that was caused. But there are a few decoration additions shall we say." I advise as I take them to the Runner's hut to show them the Maze Map.

Once we get to the Runner's room, I stand back as I watch Minho and Gally examine the new notes I had made and adjustments as Lydia and Scott stare with mouths open at the vast size of it.

"You said some decoration changes like what?" Gally enquires pointing towards the marks I had left to show the changes.

"Well instead of just Property of W.I.C.K.E.D been stamped everywhere there is also What the hell is a Stiles? What three things can not long be forgotten? Chuck, Alison, Newt, Aiden and Mischief." I advise stuttering over the names and my nickname.

"Mischief? What's so important about the word Mischief?" Minho asks out of curiosity.

"It was the nickname my Mum gave me as I couldn't say my actual name properly and this was the closest I could get. Enough of that we have work to do, Minho would you like to go for a run?" I ask throwing a runners pack in his direction with a mischievous grin.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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