Chapter 7

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Welcome to Chapter 7 - sorry for the delay in updating I am still currently rewriting and this took longer then the others as wasn't completely happy with it - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!

Scott POV

We have just made it to the waiting Berg when I hear the first explosion ring out, I knew from the plan that there would be one explosion with them still inside before they would come up via the ground to surface lift, which Thomas had shown me where it was located. Although I knew this was meant to happen, it still concerned me greatly as they were putting themselves more at risk been inside during the explosion.

I give it a few moments as agreed before heading over with the Sheriff to where the lift would appear bringing Stiles and Thomas to safety. As we wait I try to concentrate down the lift shaft trying to listen for them to arrive. After a few moments, I finally hear coughing and mumbling coming from near the lift entrance below us but the next thing I hear makes no sense to me.

"Do me a favour will you, will you tell everyone that I love them and that I am sorry but I will always be there with them!" Stiles asks Thomas confusing me as to why he was speaking like this for when they were at the lift about to leave, yet why does it sound like he is saying goodbye.

No answer came from Thomas until the lift dings and I hear the doors slide open and Thomas answers Stiles's request.

"You tell them yourself when you see them. It's my turn now." Thomas states as a faint bang is heard in the lift and the sound of the doors closing once again was quickly joined by panic breathing.

"Scott what's happening?" Sheriff asks noticing the tears I feel starting to slide down my face as I listen to what's happening below.

"Stiles asked Thomas to tell everyone that he loved them and that he will always be there for us. It sound like he was saying goodbye but then the lift arrived and Thomas told him to tell us himself when he sees us. He said it was his turn before I heard a single bang in the lift as the doors." I explain to Sheriff trying to listen to what is happening.

"Scott, how many heart beats are in the lift?" Sheriff asks his own tears forming in his eyes as I explain what I can hear.

"One! I can only hear one heart beat inside the lift." I advise as I hear Stiles start shouting at Thomas.

"No! Thomas what are you doing? What are you doing this is my job, my responsibility?." Stiles screams and I know now that Thomas must have pushed Stiles inside the lift saving him before closing the doors.

What did Stiles mean that this was his responsibility? Had this always been apart of there plan?

"Scott, who is in the lift? Why are they both not in the lift?" Sheriff shouts at me as I try and process what I have just heard.

"It's Stiles, he is the one inside the lift, Thomas pushed him in before closing the doors. Stiles is currently shouting at him for doing it, saying that this was his job, his responsibility." I explain tears battling down my face as I turn to the Sheriff noticing his own face with tear stains present.

"What was his job, his responsibility? What is happening to my Sons? The lift can easily take them both so why is Thomas not inside?" He asks me as though I would no the answers, I also notice how he said sons but all I could do is shrug my shoulders as I don't know anymore then what I have already told him.

"We need to step back, the lift is coming up now." I explain stepping to the side waiting for the doors to open as I can still hear Stiles screaming Thomas's name.

As the lift arrives, the doors open revealing Stiles face down in the lift crying and screaming for Thomas, I step forward with the Sheriff and help pick him up off the ground.

"Stiles!" I say as we lift him off the lift floor and start dragging him away knowing time was off the essence as he carries on screaming for Thomas.

We carry him straight back to the Berg and lie him down gently on the waiting bed, as he rapidly blinks his eyes as though trying to clear his vision as everyone gathers around him

"I have to go back, let me go back. We have to save him please." Stiles say trying to sit up from the bed, but I gently hold him down knowing he is no fit state to go anywhere.

Before anyone can could speak, a larger explosion rattles the ground, larger then the original one and I start fearing the worse for Thomas but trying to not say it as I know Thomas has survived a lot already.

A few minutes later, the final explosion happens, shaking the jet as Lydia starts screaming which echoes around the Berg as I have a feeling I know who that was for.

"Jorge, get us out of here now! I'm sorry but there is no need to wait for Thomas." I shout through to the cabin before I feel the Berg takes off quickly.

"Thank you Thomas." Stiles breathes out as I look towards him, noticing his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his falling to one side with the remaining colour draining from it.

"Stiles!" I shout rushing to his side with Dad, Deaton and Sheriff moving with me as I listen closely to his heart beat but I was only hearing faint slow beats, I quickly grab hold of his hand but I am overwhelmed by the amount of pain coming off him that I drop to the ground unable to hold on.

"What's happening to him?" Sheriff shouts at Deaton, who is currently frantically wrapping Stiles with bandages and starting a drip while he and Dad try to save Stiles or keep him alive enough to get to Hospital.

"Well seeing as I don't have x-ray vision I can't tell you that can I? Jorge, you need to get us to Beacon Hills Memorial right now otherwise we are going to lose both Stiles and Thomas tonight." Deaton snaps showing the worry on his face and in his voice as the heart rate monitor shows the unstable condition Stiles was in.

"Scott, call your Mum and ask her to prepare the Hospital for a police emergency arriving – injured FBI agent. Top priority." Dad says his voice shaking slightly as he speaks to me as I get my phone out.

We land at the Hospital thirty minutes later, I will gladly state it was the worst thirty minutes journey of my life so far. Stiles, in total had stopped breathing four times each time it took longer for Deaton, Dad and Sheriff to bring him back

As the doors opened, Mum was standing prepared with Dr Geyer, we wheeled Stiles straight to them before they quickly whisk him away with Deaton following explaining what has happened and what they needed to know about his condition.

We all head to same waiting room, the same as we had when he was first found all those months ago. I still have many questions running in my head about what I had heard between Stiles and Thomas as I wait for news.

The main thought I couldn't get out of my head, was whether this was always the way that Operation Newt was meant to end?


Condition improves again, subject most likely will wake soon, all hope may not be lost

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

Teen Wolf/Maze Runner Crossover Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें