Chapter 8

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Scott POV still

An hour passes without any news, the second hour comes and goes but still no updates haven't been heard about Stiles. Sheriff pops out and comes back in minutes later with a dejected look on his face.

"Still nothing, they said it's hard to judge when we will hear anything. They are still trying to stabilise him and fix his injuries." Sheriff advises as he sits down looking very dejected and more stressed then he was when he left the room.

Two hours later, I was broken out of my thoughts by a large argument coming from the hallway just outside the door. I was going to ignore it as I have more things to worry about but then I recognised the arguing voices.

"No way are you leaving here, go lie back down now!" Mum states firmly to someone using what I like to call her Mum tone that is normally reserved for me, Stiles or the pack.

"You can't just keep me here!" A familiar voice snaps back but I can't seem to place the voice but who ever it was sounds in distress.

"Yes I can, you have a bullet lodged in your shoulder that needs removing, also Dr Geyer advised that you need more tests and that's even before we consider allowing you to have any visitors." Mum tries again trying to calm the man down.

I hear footsteps and the sound of metal clinking before a mixture of gasps and grunts are heard.

"I need some help please! Page Dr Geyer now!!" Mum shouts as everyone in the room rises to there feet ready to help if needed.

A smaller clinking sound is heard followed by more gasps and whispers heard.

"There's your bullet, now can I leave? I am completely and totally fine." The unknown person said and I instantly recognise it as Stiles.

I jump out of my seat and exit the room with Dad, Sheriff and everyone else closely following behind me. As we enter the hallway I notice Mum blocking the exit with Stiles standing in front of her.

He was swaying slightly as blood poured down from his shoulder, on the table next to his was bloody tools and what looked like a bullet. Please let me be wrong in thinking that he just pul that out himself.

As he didn't have his shirt on, we could all see the bandages present on his ribs and arms along with nasty looking bruises and scars that seem to cover him. I know they are from his time away but he never speaks about that time.

"Stiles! You need to listen to me okay, you are not thinking straight at the moment. You have lost Thomas and you are hurt, so please let us help you so we don't lose you too." I say gently walking towards him grabbing some gauzes as he turns to face me.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY HIS NAME!!" Stiles shouts at me, tears coating his face  as the blood continues pouring out of his arm.

"Stiles, it's okay for you to miss him or for anyone to say his name. He gave his life so you could live, please don't throw your life away." Minho steps forward trying to calm him down.

"HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE HE LEAVE ME! How could he just die and leave me here all alone? Please come back, I need you!!" Stiles screams dropping to his knees and I run forward engulfing him in a hug while applying pressure to his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Stiles, I am so sorry." I say softly as I gently rock him back and forth as I notice Mum coming over to take over the pressure on his shoulder.

After a few minutes he finally falls asleep in my arms from a mixture of exhaustion and blood loss. I stand up with Mum, gently lifting him as we rise up off the ground before turning and placing him on the waiting bed.

As soon as Stiles is rushed away by Mum and Dr Geyer, Sheriff walks up to me and wraps his arms around me tightly. I finally let my own emotions pour out into his shoulder, I try and be the strongest Alpha I can be for the pack but  seeing him so hurt and broken, broke something within me.

We break apart after what felt like ages and I see everyone else showing the same emotions on their faces that I am currently feeling. A few hours later, Mum arrives back in the relatives room looking more calmer from when I had last seen her.

"He's going to be okay! We have stitched up the bullet hole, luckily he didn't caused any other damage when he pulled it out. We have also cleaned and bandaged up all his other wounds but you all do need to prepare yourselves." Mum advises before she stops talking as though trying to find the right words.

"Prepare ourselves for what?" Lydia asks first, her voice shaking as though scared to be asking this.

"With everything he has been through along with losing Thomas in such a way, you all need to be prepared that he may never fully recover from this." Mum advises and a somber feeling starts creeping into the room.

"What do you mean?!" Sheriff asks his voice croaking and shaking as he speaks.

"Yes physically he will recover with a few scars left behind but I am more concerned about what this has done to him mentally. Just look at what he did a few hours ago, he pulled a bullet out of his own shoulder and barely showed any signs that it hurt him. You just all need to be prepared that Stiles may not be Stiles anymore." Mum states before turning and leaving the room allowing us to digest what she has just said.

We all decide it's best to head home as it was pretty late and we have all been through a lot over these past few months. Sheriff and Lydia advise that they are going to stay but would update everyone if anything changes.

Once I get home, I hop straight in the shower as I have a mixture of sweat, Stiles blood and dirt covering me, soon as I am dressed after I collapse onto my bed and swiftly fall asleep.

Thank you for reading - would you like to see a glimpse off crazy Stiles in the next chapter or wait until book 3?? new chapter will be up soon!!!

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