Chapter 25

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Scott POV

I stand waiting at the Alter with my head on a constant swivel trying to find where Stiles and Thomas are as Dad had made that promise to Lydia, he made it with such confidence it was like he knew they were going to make it in time.

My mind drifts to when I saw him earlier, I notice that the entire day he has been on and off his phone but the final phone call he had, made stress radiating off him more so then any other phone call, he seems to be looking around more then he had been before that phone call.

"Dad is everything okay, your stress levels have just shot up. Is it Stiles and Thomas?" I ask him concerned that something has happened to the pair of them. If so how was I going to tell Lydia, this is meant to be the happiest day of her entire life.

"Don't worry Scott, they are fine. It's nothing we need to worry about right now." Dad advises and I hear his heart skip a beat but decided to not mention it until later.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the sound of the violins playing signalling that Lydia was arriving down the Aisle with Brenda and Malia walking just ahead of her. Malia looks beautiful in the navy blue dress with silver belt that had been chosen by Lydia, she still amazes me everyday at how well she has managed to adapt to living as a Human.

As Lydia approaches me I can't help but notice her face dropping when she doesn't see Stiles or Thomas standing with me, before I can speak a helicopter arrives and lands not far from where we are all currently gathered. I notice Dad rising from his seat along with Sheriff as they come to stand near Lydia and me.

"I told you they would make it" Dad states to us both nodding towards the helicopter as two gentleman in suits exit the helicopter and causally walk towards us and I realised it is Stiles and Thomas arriving.

As I watch them walk over I am confused as to how they have their suits on but I then remember when I had brought them over I could only find Thomas's jacket, I hadn't mentioned it to Lydia as I hoped it meant that Stiles had already arrived secretly and had collected his suit.

When they finally reached us a cheer echoed around the Safe Haven causing them both to blush before waving a hand to the crowd. Once Stiles reaches Lydia, she smacks him firmly around the face before wrapping her arms around him.

"Your late!" Lydia states at Stiles who adjusts his suit jacket and finally does his bow tie up but seems to be moving gingerly while completing such easy and basic tasks.

"Well normally at weddings the bride always runs late so technically you are early and I am on time." Stiles states with a slight wink as they walk to the Alter.

I help Thomas to get his jacket on and notice him wincing as he moves his arm and I could see new bruises present on his collar area and wrists, when I look at him closely he appears to be wearing what looks like Make Up on his neck and face. I decided it would be best to wait until later to bring it up with them both.

Stiles POV

I am not going to lie I felt like a spy when me and Thomas arrived back at the Safe Haven, it looks like I judged our timing wrong as Lydia was already at the Alter with Vince, Scott, Malia, Brenda, Dad and Rafael. I had checked the mirror on the helicopter before stepping out to make sure the bruises are covered with the Make up, with my ribs wrapped tightly up so I am able to move and breathe a bit easier then I had been a few days ago.

As we reach everyone I notice the look of anger and concern plastered over Lydia's face as she approaches me and smacks me around the face before wrapping me into a tight hug. I try not to show any pain from the hug as I didn't want to ruin today for her.

"Your late!" Lydia states when she finally let me go and I carefully adjusted my suit jacket and do my bow tie up.

"Well normally at weddings the Bride always runs late so technically you are early and I am on time." I state with a slight wink as I walk to the Alter with her linked in my arm with Thomas and Scott following behind us.

After a quick welcome hug from Dad and Melissa, Rafael grabs my arm in welcome and I try to converge in one look that we need to talk later. He seems to get the message and nods before letting my arm go.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to the marriage of Stiles and Lydia, we are very honoured that they agreed to allow us to host this here for them. Now I may not have know them for long but just spending a short time with this couple you can tell they are meant to be together." Vince starts the ceremony and I can't not stop staring at Lydia, she is such vision of beauty, I don't know how I got so lucky.

"Now I have been made aware that Stiles and Lydia have decided to prepare their own vows, so Stiles if you can go first please." Vince advises as I feel everyone's eyes turn towards me and I am starting to feel nervous.

"Lydia, I have been in love with you since the third grade, even when you didn't even know I even existed. I could see the smart beautiful person you are even when you tried to shield it away from the rest of the world, I will always encourage you to show this part of yourself to the world as it is one of your best features." I start speaking from the heart ignoring the speech that I have in my jacket pocket.

"I wish I could promise you a smooth journey but we both know that our lives have never been straight forward, easy or smooth and I have a challenging job. The job that may make me disappear for days or weeks on end but please know that no matter how far apart I may travel from you across land, air or sea you are always in my thoughts and in my heart.

You have always been and will always be the light that shines through the dark guiding me home. You are my anchor and I will love you for the rest of my days on this earth." I finish off collecting the ring from Scott and slid it gently onto her finger grateful I had got the correct size.

Sirens start ringing through the Safe Haven before Lydia can start to say her vows as I look over to see several SUV's arrive with lights and sirens blaring. I look towards Thomas who just nods at me before I look in Rafael's direction as he rises to his feet and makes his way towards the officers from the SUV's, each of who have exited with their guns in hand ready to fire while slowly lifting them towards me.

"Stiles Stilinski! On your knees right now, you are under arrest!!"

Thank you for reading - what did you think of Stiles's vows?? How dare they interrupt STYDIA's wedding day!- new chapter will be up soon!!!

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