ch 8. not yet

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(A/N) OOPS- I'm sorry LMFAOOO, forgot about this 😀 pls accept this "wholesome" apology ; )


"Congrats you both" sapnap said while dipping his fries in the milkshake.

"what? what do you mean" George questioned him.

"arent you guys dating?"

"well, George hasn't called it official, even though we all know he likes me back" dream scoffed and leaned back into the chair with his arms on each chair.

George rolled his eyes and took a bite out of his burger so he didn't have to answer anything. He took too much of a big bite and sat there chewing for what seems like forever.

"What!! why not, gogy? didn't you and dream have yesterday??" sapnap raised an eyebrow at his older friends.

Dream and George's eyes went wide, they both looked at each other for a while. How did sapnap know? Dream spat out his sprite and choked on the fizzy soft drink. They both looked back at sapnap and just stare at him, almost communicating through eye contact.

"oh come on~, I see those hickeys George. You aren't very good at hiding them." sapnap pointed with his eyes.

"caught red-handed" dream chuckled and stole one of sapnaps fries, in which he received a glare in response.

Dream looked at George's neck and laughed, George did not cover up as well as he thought. The hickeys were very visible and stood out. Maybe he should've gone a little gentle. George looked at him laughing and was confused, this caused dream to let out a loud wheeze.

George found dreams laugh contagious and started smiling, "what?" he let out a small laugh, "what's so funny dream?"

"you-" he wheezed again. His wheeze turned into a tea kettle that had tea prepared for drinking, or it could be a high-frequency whistle that only dogs could hear, "you didn't cover shit at all George"

Sapnap joined in laughing at George. Sapnap scrunched up his nose and shook his head.

"you're such a silly goose George" sapnap imitated that one guy from TikTok perfectly. He laughed at himself and kept eating his fries.

"you guys are such idiots" George covered his neck his hands like it was gonna do anything.

Dream wiped a tear that was hanging on for dear life in the corner of his eyes from laughing so much. He made eye contact with George and they both smiled fondly at each other.

"get a room you two, you're practically having sex with your eyes right now" sapnap scoffed.

"What is wrong with you sapnap" George laughed, breaking eye contact to hit sapnap on his shoulder.

Dream didn't stop staring. He was caught in a trap by George's beauty. His lips were all soft pink and his pale skin that he could just mark all over. His flat hair wasn't very flattering but dream found it adorable. Dream pictured his future with George already, they would have 2 boys, and George and he would be cooking and fail and then they'd have to order pizza. He smiled fondly again at the thought of it.

"earth to dream" sapnap raised an eyebrow.

"huh? what? what did you say pandas?" dream widened his eyes as if he would remember what sapnap said.

Sapnap blushed in embarrassment and slouched, his eyebrows furrowing at the sound of pandas.

"don't call me that, that's so embarrassing" sapnap hissed.

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