ch 6. nahh

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(A/N) this ones v short cause I didn't know what to write LMFAO🧍

The night has passed and the sun is out. The wind slaps itself on the windows of many homes, it slaps hard on dreams window to be exact. The sun glowing as bright as ever, blinding the white it comes across.

Patches meows and sits on dreams chest, purring at the warmth dream is emitting. Also suffocating dream with her fluffy tail.

"patches.." dream groans, removing patches tail from his face.

patches meows again and gets off his chest, jumping off the bed with a thump and exiting the room.

Dream sighed and stared at the ceiling for awhile. He had a dream about george. It was lovely, they were dating and it went very well. He was happy there, happy with george. He wanted to go back to sleep and stay in that dream forever. But he just had to wake up.

He misses george. He wants to feel george again. He feels empty without george.

'bzz bzz' his phone buzzed on his side table, it annoyed dream but he chose to ignore it. Not wanting to forget the wonderful dream he had just now.
He soon got angry since the phone kept ringing.

"hello?" he hissed.

"woah, sorry to wake you up dream." sapnap apologized with an awkward chuckle following behind.

"what do you want sapnap?"

"Aren't we going to the strip club? to get your mind off george?" sapnap sighed, sounding a little irritated since he had been waiting for years to invite dream to a strip club.

Dream rolled his eyes and turned to his side for a more comfortable position. He lay his phone next to him so he wouldn't have to hold it since he was still sleepy.

"Ive changed my mind, I don't want to go anymore.." dream finally said after a few seconds of silence. Then the silence came back, making the call become awkward. They both didn't say anything for awhile, only hearing a slight static from the phone.

"what is wrong with you" sapnap broke the silence first, "man, what made you change your mind?"

Dream didn't speak. He remembered last night apart from the dream he had. His heart started hurting again, like he had just been shot in the heart. He wants to get that out of his head quickly. His heart was still wrapped around George.


"I-I have to go" dream quickly responded. He hung up the phone and plopped back onto his bed and stared at the ceiling once again.


"What is his problem.." He sighed.

Sapnap looked at his computer and turned it off. He didn't have motivation to do anything with internet. Instead, he listened to music as his getaway from everything. Although he wanted attention, he left the drama as it is.

He felt bad. He wanted to do something to help them but he just couldn't think. His friends are falling apart. I mean, at least he has dream but all dream talks about is George, George this, George that. Sapnap only wanted a conversation where Dream didn't rant to him about George.

He felt the anger bubbling inside him. He just wants to hang out with his friends before all of this.

Sapnap felt drained. He just didn't want his friend group to break.


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