ch 2. here

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"dream?" george weakly called out from where he was sitting. squinting as if he could see through the door.

"Yeah, it's dream. open the door pretty please?" he shouted from the other side of the door, making a terrible british accent at the end of his sentence. It has started to become a habit.
George blinked multiple times before stumbling to his feet. he set the beer he was about to chug on the floor and slowly walked to the door. he feels weird, george hates not having control over his body. This breakup has made him not himself, not to mention, the breakup was over text.
George drags his feet against the polished, cold, wood floor. His shoulders are slumped and he feels like the door is miles away from him. He's tripping over his own two feet but catching himself as he does.
"george hurry up" he hears dream call.

George finally gets to the door and opens the locks. He's met with a man 6 inches taller than him and with a warm smile. Freckles perfectly aligned with his face structure and not much clothes due to how cold it is outside. His hair had an implant where his headphones used to be, it made george smile at it. He hasn't seen dream in such a long time due to work schedules. As george smile fades his memories flood back to the breakup message. water begins to collect at the bottom of his eyes and his lips go trembling. Dream notices right away and grabs george's shoulders and pushes them into his chest, his arm wraps around george and he squeezes tightly. George sits still for a little before letting go again and cries into dreams chest. it's quiet except for a few of george's gasps, that are muffled in dreams chest, and sniffles. dream sighs and waddles into george's house while george is still balling his eyes out. He sniffs the air and smells george's hair, for some reason, it smells like beer.

"have you been drinking?" dream asks. The sad man snoting in his chest looks up at him, nodding aswell and staring into dreams eyes. Dreams eyes widen and pushes george away, he walks past him and enters the kitchen where the beer is at. He stares at the multiple cans of empty beer and scoffs. "I thought you hated drinking, why do you even have beer?"

"I don't..." he pauses, "I don't know"

"you don't know? how do you not know??" dream questions.

george joins him in the kitchen, "dont scream at me"

dream sighs and sits down at the table with beer cans in all different positions and spilt a little. He gets a good look at george's clothes. His eyes wonder around and go back up to george who was just staring at floor, wobbling and trying to keep his feet on the ground. "since when have you become so sensitive" dream faceplants himself in his head. George doesn't say anything and grabs another beer, he opens it and makes eye contact with dream.

"george you need to stop" dream says firmly.

no response.

Dream gets up and walks to george, he grabs the can and dumps it in the sink. He looks back at george who had no reaction. Dream sighs for like the fith time today. He pinches the brim of his nose in annoyance. Dream walks to the other side and rips out a piece of paper, not the best rip since it was in half. Dream walks back to george and wraps the paper around his finger, his goes closer to george. His hand comes towards his face and wipes the tear stains that remains from a few seconds ago. Dream gives george a comforting smile and throws the paper away.

"I promise you george, everything will be alright. I know it's tough but I PROMISE, everything will turn out to be amazing" dream reassured george, holding his hands and staring at him. He doesn't really know what to say since he hasn't been in such a heartbreaking break up. He had also never seen george this messy and broken before, he just wants to make everything better for him.

"it hurts" george finally spoke after minutes of silence, his voice was shakey.

"hurts?" dream thought out loud.

george finally makes eye contact with dream and gives a weak smile. The pain in his eyes hurts dream inside, he wants to hear him smile and laugh like a few hours ago. He kisses georges hand and smiles again.

george grabs dreams hand and squeezes it, "dream.. please distract me"

"what??" dream boomed.

"please, distract me. please hook up with me" george begged, squeezing dreams hand harder.

dreams heart started beating fast, did he hear right?

Did his bestfriend of many years just say that?

dreams eyes widened and he felt sweaty. his palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy, he feels like the world has stopped. he wouldn't have imagined george to say these words, nonetheless, they're  best friends. "youre just drunk talking" dream said firmly, pulling away from georges grasp.

"no" george blurted out, "dream, please. you'll help me out a ton"

dreams eyebrows furrowed, "you're drunk george, I don't want to take advantage of you. stop"

"dream, please" george begged once more. "i'm sober now, it'll make me feel better"

dream longed for george, but he didn't just want to take advantage of that. He trusts george. he feels a little uneasy about it but accepts anyways. 'it'll make him feel better' he thought, repeating it over and over again.

george grabs dreams hand and takes him upstairs into the cold bedroom that is soon to be heated. Dream gulps and closes the door behind them, he watches as george takes off the hoodie george loved wearing and watches him throw it like it was meaningless again. dreams cheeks feel hot and hes sweating even more. He wants this but not like this, he doesn't want to be a distraction. but for george, he'd do anything for him. heck, he'd even give the world to him if he could. Dream steps away from the door and head towards george.


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