ch. 1 heartbreak.

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(A/N) PLEASEE, this is my 'first' dnf fanfiction. don't criticize me🤨🤚 also my friends wanted me to write this but i'm not much of an author,, so yeahhh,,,, enjoy buttheads.


"SAPNAP STOP KILLING ME" george shouted at the bright skin which displayed a block character running away from another. A giggle followed back in response, feeling the irritation from george screaming. The clock beeped away, reading 4:30 am, the red beads changing every minute. "you're so annoying"

"sowwy gogy wogy" sapnap cooed in a baby voice, dragging the sorry to annoy george even more.

George rolled his eyes and leaned back into his chair, staring at the transparent red respawn screen that read 'george was slayed by sapnap'. He slumped into his red hoodie that seemed to make his fans go crazy and simp for him, although he can't really see why, besides not being able to see the color. It was his boyfriends, he adored it since it was the first hoodie he agreed to give him. George chews on the strings once in awhile, he himself doesn't know why, he feels the need to. He tries not to, but still catches himself chewing on them.

"you guys are so stupid, can we just beat the game?" dream laughs, "sapnap stop killing george", dream makes his voice a bit higher on some words to make it sound more interesting.

"well i'm trying to" he scoffed, placing his hands back into his black mouse and noisy keyboard.

"fine, here's some of your stuff. you've got nice things gogy" sapnap giggled again, his minecraft character dropping some things to george. Hitting him and crouching in his face while george is in his inventory organizing his things.

"ugh, alright. lets go, sapnap don't kill me this time moron."

"you guys are like kids." dream says again while fighting mobs and blocking his shield while george watches. Dream waits for his axe to fully be full and then crips the zombie that was nagging at his character. "why are you just staring and not helping, I was at half a heart"

"is this a 'HALF A HEART HELP' or a 'HALF A HEART BUT NOT REALLY' type of saying, dream?" sapnap questions his bestfriend who still has his shield up and no iron armor pants.

dream laughs it off and eats his bread. Walking off to create a portal that leads to the red and dangerous nether.

'why did I just start staring, what is wrong with me?' George thinks to himself, also telling himself off.

Not even a minute later, he gets a text. He checks and sees that it's from his boyfriend, his face lightens up and he quickly grabs his phone from besides his black water bottle that is now halfway empty. He opens his phone with his face id and swipes up to the contact named 'Albie :)'.
His heart drops. Everything that was making noise was now dead silence. Muffled conversations from his friends couldn't be heard anymore. He felt the tears forming, his throat clogged, like he had just swallowed too much water. George couldn't believe what he had just read. His heart was broken in half, he just couldn't do it.

"George? Are you okay? You haven't been talking." dream announced, with worry in his voice. He didn't get an answer, he asked once more, still nothing. Now both friends are filled worry as the silence grew louder. The both minecraft characters were now infront of george, crouching and pushing his character a few centimeters back.

The discord call picks up a few sniffles from georges mic.

"george, are you crying? what happened?" they both asked simultaneously, worried for their good friend.

"he .... broke..." george couldn't hold back the tears anymore, he let them run down, " he broke up with me" he sobbed, covering his mouth to not annoy his friends with his crying.

"shit george, i'm so sorry. he doesn't deserve you" dream assured him, with a softer tone in his voice.

"youre a bad bitch, ofc he doesn't deserve george. George is too good for that jackass" sapnap nodded in the game, agreeing with dream.

"i'm gonna go.." before any of them could answer, george already left the call.


George lay in his bed for hours after he ended the call, rereading his texts, begging for him to stay with him. Begging for him not to leave him. He tried all he could, but nothing worked. His eyes were all puffy and he felt tired and numb. Georges heart aches. He just couldn't believe it. He always thought everything was going so swell, he wouldn't let go of the thought that he wasn't enough.
Tears just kept coming back and staining his face with cold salty drops. He can't stop reading the break up message, he swipes his friends messages that appeared and disappears from the screen. He tightly grabs the middle of his chest and clenches the red hoodie that was once his ex boyfriends. The smell still remains of his scent, the one where george used to find comfort and love from. Where he would spend the late nights dreaming of him, oh how he misses it.

He wipes the snot from his nose with the loose hoodie sleeve and closes his phone. He turns on his back and stares at the dark ceiling and it  seems like time has sped up. Tears tickle the side of his face and blends in with his brunette soft hair, he doesn't mind it and keeps staring emotionless at the smooth ceiling. It felt like his world came crashing down, he feels numb. As the crickets chirp and the light fan plays with his hair, he hears a ding and quickly looks at it. Hoping it was him, hoping it was a prank.

'are you okay? do you want me to come over..?' he read on the phone screen, disappointed, it wasn't him.

It was dream.

'Yeah.' he replied, trying to trick dream into thinking he was okay. But he wasn't fooling anyone.

'oh come on now, I know you're not okay. I'm coming over'

'dream no, it's okay. i'm fine, really' george typed, his heart beating fast. he doesn't want to seem like a bothersome.

He was left on read.

George groans and finally gets out bed for the first time in hours. he sits at the side of his bed and wipes his eyes, getting up and walking to the door. He stumbles before turning the light on and heading downstairs to the fridge.

He opens the fridge and gets greeted by the bright light. he squints and curses under his breath. He scans the fridge and finds beer.

"I guess I do need a little distraction" he told himself, grabbing the whole six pack.

He whips around and heads for the lights. George closes his eyes before turning it on, doesn't wanna hurt his eyes like before. he blinks multiple times and takes a beer out of the package. with not hesitation he opens it and chugs it. He burps and a little 'ah' escapes his lips.

Before he knows it, another beer opens. And it just keep repeating. He doesn't want to stop, he doesn't want to think about him. He just wants distraction and he wants it now.

'knock knock knock'

George looks at the door from the hallway and just stares before weakly opening his mouth. "w-who's there" he keeps hoping.

"george, it's me. Dream" the muffled was quite hard to hear but it was enough for george to understand.



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