ch 3. surprise shawty

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As the sun shone beyond the curtains George woke up and scrunched up his nose. The light blinded George as he lifted his torso and straightened his back to stretch. His room was quite cold despite the amount of sun in his room. George weakly lifted his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes to not be tired anymore. As he felt less tired he looked around at the floor and his eyes widened.

"what the.." he had faded the last word. "what the heck happened" George questioned himself,

Staring at the multiple clothes scattered around the spacious but small room. He whipped his head around to the messy-haired male next to him, sleeping sound asleep. He was drooling a little and his hands were under the pillow as more support for his head. Georges's memory of last night comes flooding in like the tides in the ocean. The blood rushes to his face and it turned bright red, almost the same color as a strawberry.


As dream heads towards George, the only thing on his mind was, 'distract George. Dream stopped once he was at the edge of the bed, he caressed Georges's inner clothed thigh and started leaving purple and pink hickeys on his neck. Dream was leaving kisses all everywhere on George's rosy neck, making George squirm underneath dreams large, masculine body.

"you're so pretty George" dream said in between kisses and hickeys.

"dream" George whined, moaning a whisper.

" don't say anything, my love, I'll distract you" it pained dream for him to only be a mere distraction, pained him, even more, to even say it. But at least now, he has Georges everything.

Dream pins George to the large bed and attacks his skin, even more, leaving large love bites like a dog with their chew toys. Dream slowly moves Georges' pants down and takes them off at his ankles, revealing a hard member to be played with. He smirks, grabs George's thighs instead, and starts leaving small pink hickeys, complementing his pale thighs. He hears George moan slightly and starts kissing him thigh in lines, teasing George with pleasure.

Smirking, dream moves up, kissing George with every move. He takes a peek at Georges's face, which was now very bright red. he's never seen George this red before, dream found it adorable.

"Dream, please. Stop teasing and just fuck me already" George whined once more, begging weakly.

"Okay, pretty boy, okay" dream sighed through his nose indicating a laugh.


George's face was even more bright red, he was practically glowing. He squirmed his legs and looked back at dream, feeling embarrassed at how he acted last night. Then it hit, the pain in his ass. George scoffed, "how fucking hard.."

"mmm," dream moaned, switching sides to be more comfortable. He's deep into wonderland, dreaming about who knows what.

George sighs, and bites his hand, trying not to scream his head off. He's mentally screaming at himself and hitting himself. He hooked up with his best friend of many years. It's not just like a hookup, where you can flee and never see them again. This is a person who you call every day and be chill with them, where you see them every single day. George finally gets up and picks up his part of his clothes. He takes fresh clothes and notices that he isn't dirty. He finds that weird and just goes to the bathroom anyway to think about what he has done, but before he enters he sees he left a singular hoodie. His heartaches.

"don't think, don't think.." he tries to distract himself from everything but the hook-up keeps popping up in his head. his heart starts to beat faster than ever, he falls to the floor with his face flushed. "why is this happening"

George blushes hard. He hates how this feeling reminds him so much of when he met his ex-boyfriend. He hates it so much. every time George closes his eyes, last night details show up. He's melting.

It goes quiet. His heart pounding in his ears and his loud breathing fills the quiet room to the brim.

He hears the sound of a squeak of a bed like some had just jumped on it. Then he hears footsteps that draw near the bathroom door.

"George? are you okay?" dream slightly yells beyond the door. He sounds concerned for his friend. He hadn't thought much of last night since he had just woken up and is pretty shaken up.

No answer.

Dream calling out again, still nothing.

George hears a soft scrape of the door and a thump. He assumed that dream sat on the other side of the door. It's silent. Only breathing could be heard from each side of the door. None of them were making a sound or saying anything. It's become awkward, this is exactly what dream didn't want it to become.

"what does this make us, george? dream question on the other side of the white, large door.

"friends." George firmly said.

"friends? after that?" dreams voice sounded hurt and bitter.

"you're just a mere distraction..." George quickly said, " it?

dream sighs, "do you even consider my feelings? After that.. why are you like this"

"Please, dream. give me time or something. Things happened so quickly" George breathed in the air, holding his breath and waiting for dream's response. But he never got one, instead, he heard the sound of dream getting up and walking out the door, leaving emotionless. George feels guilty, too much guilt.

He exits the bathroom and is welcomed with a cold breeze of emptiness. He looks at the empty floor where his clothes shared with dream were. George felt like he had lost two important people in his life.

His telephone rang and it had scared him. He looks at the caller id and sighs, he was surprised but not disappointed.

"sapnap, hey" George weakly said.

"What happened?" sapnap questions him, immediately getting to the point.

"what? what do you mean" George's heart starts to pound again.

sapnap scoffs, "you know what I mean."

George feels the bitterness in sapnaps voice, he feels hurt. It's like nobody gets his side of the story. He gulps and starts pacing around his room. George tried to come up with something to say but his mind has gotten completely blank. He has run out of things to say.

"sapnap, I can't do this right now" George weakly said.

Before sapnap got a chance to reply, george had already hung up and dove into his bed. The smell of dream was comforting and lovely. George already felt the tears coming and he was ready to just let it all out. Salty water came collection on his bottom lid of his eyes, hanging on for dear life, not wanting to fall. A short intakes of breath follows his lips. The tears now collecting in his eyelashes and creating bigger ones with each tear. George sniffs his sheets for comfort and begins to cry softly, gasping each second. His heart hurts again, he needs dream, he wants dream.

"why am I such an idiot" his voice heightens and cracks a few. Struggling to get the words out. He curls into a ball in the place dream slept, thinking dreams hugging him. Why is he even thinking about dream at this very moment here?

Don't tell me.. has he fallen in love?


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