Okay. The weapon part I understand...
I'd also be scared if some wierd non steve looking entity first imitated me and then threatened me with a God-sword. Huh.

Wait holy-
Of course they were scared. I must have looked so dangerous! Oh boy... I hope I haven't made myself look like some kind of villain.

Can't have that again. Man... I miss Rainbow Steve.
The Rainbow Steve I met in the Steve Saga Realm...
Hm... What would have happened if we never became friends but instead continued hunting each other down...?

He would probably have destroyed me at some point.
Heh, would I have started working together with dark and Nightmare Steve?

"Sabre, you good?" my yellow friend ended my train of thought. "you've just been looking at the ground since we started walking... Are you ok? You look a little down..." the green fella says while slowing down a bit so we all walk next to each other.

Green to my left, yellow to the right and I'm in the middle.

"uh... No... I sorry... I was just thinking about... Stuff." I say as I look back down at the ground. Yellow asks, "Stuff?". "uh... Yeah... I was just thinking... What would have happened if I wasn't on your side... How would this entire world have changed if I would have been on the darkness' side..." I say as I look at the resemblance of the Steve Saga Realm and the Rainbow Quest Realm...

"I... Um... W-What?" yellow stutters, looking at me dumbfounded. "Huh? Oh its fine-I don't wanna bother either of you with a thought like that. Let's just talk about something else and pace up our speed a Little. (we're goin a little slow)" I ramble when yellow interferes "we're walking this slow cause you were walking this pace." "okay. Let's just go. Do ya'll know what Ice cream is?" I change the subject.

————Timeskip to noon————

"okay... Maybe we should set up camp. It's getting late." I sigh and put down my bags. We should get started on a fire. "Are we doing it like always?" asked yellow already getting some wooden planks out of my bags. "well you're already starting with the normal routine so...yeah I guess. What do ya'll crave tonight?" I ask and look at the two Steves.

"Anything's fine, what do you want yellow?" the green entity asks the yellow one. "uh... Have we ever had any mutton? I don't recall eating any mutton this week." yellow says as he ignites a fire with his flint and steel.

"hmm... Let me see if I have... Any..." I mumble and look through the bag. "woah! Sabre what's that in your wierd bag??" green asks running over to me "huh? Oh my enderbag... Oh right... Uh... I got a... Glowing bottle." I say specifically leaving out the fact that this is a bomb. ':/

"oh...cool" he answers slowly.
Oh no. He's suspicious. Shoot. "ANYWAY... yes! I have mutton! Let's make uh... Mutton and my moms family sauce Recipe!" I blurt out while hastely grabbing some Mutton and holding it in the air above my head. I quickly jump to my feet and shove the meat into Greens hands. "here you cook the mutton and I'll make the sauce, should we make mashed potatoes with that?" I ask hesitantly.

"you do what now with potatoes? And sauce?? What's sauce???" yellow asks very confused.

"oh dear... Oh ok. I'll explain while we prepare the food." I say as I calm down a bit.

We spent the afternoon setting up camp, preparing the food and explaining what sauce is. They don't have sauce in this universe?? How?! That is... They have stew. They have soup. But they don't know what a sauce is?? Oh man. Come to think of it. Those poor souls didn't know what ice cream was. I had to explain the entire walk here what this delicious treat is.

After we were done eating, the dreaded question came back.

"Sabre, why did you go into that portal...?" green questioned.

Reincarnation [Rainbow Quest Adventure] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें