26. Not Again....

Start from the beginning

When he pulled away from the hug Rishi looked at him accusingly

"You promised me a kiss too "

Rishi said with a funny pout

Rudra laughed out loud

"You are really desperate.... Haan... "

Rishi crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at Rudra

"Are you backing away from your promise?? "

Rudra stood up from the sofa

" if you are really desperate then you have to take it, I won't give in easily "

and Rudra sprinted away
Rishi run after him too.

When Richa entered the room she was shocked.....

Rishi was chasing behind Rudra and Rudra was running around the room, jumping on sofa and center table, trying to dodge Rishi.

They were laughing happily and shouting loudly, looking like some school kids.

Richa couldn't stop her smile watching them running playfully after each other.

Suddenly Rudra saw Richa and ran to her, he stood behind her holding her shoulders, trying to make her stand between Rishi and himself

"Richa save me, please... "

Rudra said still trying to dodge Rishi's hand

"What is happening here  ?? Will anyone tell me  ??"

Richa said laughing at their child like behavior

"He is teasing me again and again,  now I will show him what I can do "

Rishi said trying to catch Rudra behind Richa

"What he is teasing you about  ??"

Richa asked trying to make Rishi stand still in front of her

"He said he will give me a kiss to make me happy "

Rishi said eyeing Rudra sternly

Richa turned towards Rudra

"You did what..??!! "

Rudra held his hand up and tried to make it clear

"He was upset because of his boss, I offered a hug but he said it's not enough so I said I will kiss him if it makes him happy. I was only trying to cheer him up, I didn't know he will take it seriously "

Rudra tried to clear his point

"He is just messing with me, I will show him what it means to mess with me, Richa you just step aside, it's between me and him"

Rishi said walking past her

Rudra ran to the garden and Rishi sprint behind him.

Richa watched them with a smile on her face.

She prayed to God for keeping their Friendship intact even after knowing the truth.

She wanted her Rudra back as soon as possible, but now she wants this Rudra to be happy too.

Was it possible ??

She doesn't know.

At the dinner table Rudra remember the phone call Richa received in the evening.

"Richa who called you in the evening?? "

Rudra asked nonchalantly

"My friend,  Rashmi "

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