His glee immediately turned to caution. “Do you want money?”

Tang Hao rolled his eyes. “Do you have money?”

“No!” The Taoist master shook his head like a rattle.

“So that settles it. Get in then!”

The Taoist master happily opened the car door and sat inside.

“Oh, you’re so kind, Little Brother! I’ll get the officials to award you with a silk pennant later,” the Taoist master spoke happily.

“Don’t! Please don’t!” Tang Hao said exasperatedly.

Then, he started the car and continued the journey.

They arrived at the highway exit toward Eight-Gate Village about ten minutes later.

A few vehicles formed a blockade at that exit.

He looked closely and noticed that they were military trucks. A few soldiers wielding rifles were standing there and blocked the exit. There was a huge biological hazard sign too.

“Stop here!” The Taoist master shouted as he pointed at the highway exit.

Tang Hao slowed down and parked near the exit.

The Taoist master got out of the car, then went to the soldiers and showed them his identification document.

The soldiers saluted him and lifted the blockade.

Tang Hao got out of the car and shouted, “Wait!”

The Taoist master was shocked. “Didn’t you say that you don’t need money?”

Tang Hao replied, “I’m actually supposed to be here too. Taoist Master Xuan Ling asked me to come here.”

The second part of the sentence was directed toward the soldiers.

Chapter 277

The Taoist master was shocked.

He looked at Tang Hao incredulously. “How… How do you know Xuan Ling? Are you a fellow cultivator too?”

He could not believe it. The boy in front of him was too young, and he did not expect him to be a cultivator too.

He narrowed his eyes and carefully regarded Tang Hao.

Then, he was utterly shocked.

He rubbed his eyes, as though he could not believe what he saw.

“What the f*ck, are you some kind of monster?” He blurted.

The young person in front of him hid his cultivation base very well. The kid was not as powerful as him, but it was shocking enough that he had such a high cultivation base at a young age.

Then, he seemed to have remembered something. “Ah! So you’re that freak?”

Tang Hao was utterly confused.

“So, you’re the guy!” The Taoist master came over and circled Tang Hao and regarded him carefully. “Tsk tsk! They’re not wrong. You are indeed a freak.

“I heard about you a few days ago. I didn’t believe it at first, but I didn’t expect that freaks like you exist!”

The veins on Tang Hao’s forehead were bulging.

The Taoist master sounded like praise, but he did not feel good when he heard them.

The Taoist looked at Tang Hao’s car and his eyes sparkled.

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