Chapter 27

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Iwaizumi's POV

Oikawa had been acting odd these past few days- he'd been extra nit-picky with everything the team did and also took the mick more than usual. He was acting so odd around everyone, as if he wanted to say something but had never found the right time to say it. The whole Kenma situation in the bathroom was the last straw for me to decide I needed to sort him out. Besides, I owed him one.


"Huh? Did Iwa-chan just call me my real name? What is this- a marriage proposal?" this is what I meant. He'd been acting awfully weird, even for Oikawa, who's middle name is 'weird'

"No- I need to talk with you" we were now sitting on the green area behind the gym. Everyone was still inside practicing but since we didn't have to play, we decided to hang out here. Akaashi and Bokuto had gone off to do god knows what so we were bored.

"Okay, Iwa-chan. I'll listen" despite my protesting every time he called me that, the nickname always gave me butterflies in my stomach. I'd realised I liked Oikawa all the way back in second year but my internalised homophobia (and Yaki Soba buns) said no.

"Okay so um... is there something wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I could see his face instantly fall, though he tried to maintain his signature smile as best he could.

"Something is bothering you. I can tell."

"You sure do notice a lot
Iwa-chan. You're right. Something had been bothering me."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Okay, say you fell for someone you were close with. Like really close with. And you knew they'd never like you back but you'd try really hard no matter what. Would you spare the heartbreak and move on? Or would you shoot your shot" sounds like an awfully similar situation to what I'm in.

"I suppose I'd shoot my shot. If you're close with the person I don't see any reason for it to change the friendship if they don't feel the same. It might be awkward at first but you'll get past it"

"You're right... so how does one go about doing such a thing" I really didn't like the fact I was giving my crush relationship advice, probably to ask some fangirl out or something. I could at least have some fun with it though.

"I mean, for me? I'd just go for it. Kiss em right on the lips before they have a chance to-" I  was absolutely joking. A little. But I was stopped mid-sentence by Oikawa placing a hand on my cheek and pulling me in. He kissed me softly. I don't know if I was imagining it or not. What were the odds he'd do that especially when I'd been thinking about liking him only a few minutes prior. I decided to try my best to reciprocate the kiss. When I did, I felt him smile against my lips and pull away.

"Like that?"

"Yes like that."

"Okay well I'm off to do it to the person I like then" he got up and started walking away.
Had he really been joking the entire time? "You should have seen your face! Oh my god Iwa-chan I didn't know you could show so much emotion!"

"Shut up I thought you were being like- serious"

"Iwa~ I could never like anyone except you."

"Thanks Shittykawa"

"You ruined it"

"Did not!"

"Did too"

"Okay fine then- Hm... prettykawa."

"I like that one."

"And that's the only one I truly mean"

Here's your IwaOi chapter finally🥲
Also dudes this book has 800+ reads now wtf I'm dead😭😭😭

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