Chapter 10

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——a few hours earlier——

Kuroo's POV

When we walked into the house, all Kenma did was look around and head straight to the TV to see what kind of video games we have.

"If you're looking for the video games they're in my room" I told him.

"Show me"

"Well do you wanna maybe play some volleyball first"


"I have a net in the backyard"

"Sure why not"


"I mean- yeah"

"You're very compliant today."

"I know. It's scary"

"It's cute" I stopped in my tracks. I did NOT just say that. Why- okay composure Kuroo.
He got so flustered it was honestly adorable. Maybe I could see how flustered I could get him. And this, my genius plan to make him blush as much as possible, commenced.

"So do you know how to play volleyball?" He shook his head. I sighed. "Okay I'll try to teach you as much as possible. I think with your composure you'd be a good setter. That and I need someone to set for me so I can practice spiking" he looked at me, quirking an eyebrow. Poor thing was so confused. I sighed. "Okay come here" I dragged him down to sit of the grass with me. It was a little wet but I didn't care.

"So I'm gonna show you some YouTube videos of what you're supposed to do and just try to copy it okay?" He nodded.

After watching a few videos, he looked up to the net, an unreadable expression on his face. "What is it?" I asked.

"So that's volleyball" he laughed a little. I didn't really get what was funny but I decided to leave it. I tossed him a few balls to see how well he could set them and he was surprisingly good. Every time I told him something which he could improve on, he immediately fixed it and didn't make the same mistake again. I asked him to set me up one and, surely enough, the execution was amazing. Hard to believe he'd never played this before. I spiked it down and I felt it. The sensation you get in your hand when you hit an amazing spike and know you've done well. The slight burning. My hand was getting red but I just smiled at it and looked to him. He was pouting a little and looking at the ball. Then when he saw me, he shot me a small smile back. Now it was my turn to get flustered. Nope- he will be the one blushing like an idiot by the end of this.

We played for around an hour so now it was like 11pm and getting super cold. Kenma was only in a t-shirt so I decided to give him my hoodie. I took it off and handed it to him. He was confused at first but then he nodded a thank you and took it.

It was very big on him and made him look like he was drowning in it. He looked so adorable. To top it all off, he decided to pull the hood up which just made him even cuter. Every little action he did made my heart flutter and I soon realised that I didn't have a crush on him, no.

I was in love with him.

"You're staring" he commented and started bouncing the ball.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"Wanna go inside you look like you're pretty cold too" he commented.

"Sure" I replied and held the door for him once again. We decided to go up to my room and show him some of my video games. I sure hope he liked them.

"Wanna take the hoodie off? You'll get hot" I commented as we ran up the stairs.

"Nope. It's so cozy and it smells like you"

I choked on my own tounge. He said- what?

"You good?" He asked when he got to the top.

"I'm great" I grinned. He tilted his head to one side and smirked. "Anyway uh- my room is just through there" I pointed to my door. He skipped over and opened the door.

"Oh my god your room is so cool~" he squealed.

"Thank you" I laughed. He looked around for exactly 10 seconds before he saw my TV and the game dvds. He immediately ran to them.

"Wanna play something?" I asked. He nodded eagerly. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Oikawa's window open. Oh goodie. Gotta go shoo him away.


This ones a bit short I'm sorry but like😭✋🏻

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